HyperDic: vicioso

Español > 3 sentidos de la palabra vicioso:
ADJETIVOallvicioso, degenerado, degradado, depravado, disoluto, libertinounrestrained by convention or morality
allvicioso, grosero, lascivo, libidinoso, luxurioso, obsceno, verdecharacterized by obscenity
allvicioso, depravadohaving the nature of vice
Español > vicioso: 3 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidounrestrained by convention or morality.
Sinónimosdegenerado, degradado, depravado, disoluto, libertino
Generalinmoraldeliberately violating / violating accepted principles of right and wrong
Inglésdebauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, libertine, profligate, riotous, fast
Catalándegenerat, degradat, dissolut, llicenciós, viciós
Nombresauto-gratificación, descontrol, disipación, incontinenciaindiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures
bacanal, borrasca, libertinaje, orgíaA wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
degenerado, depravado, pervertidoA person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
disoluto, libertino, licenciosoA dissolute man in fashionable society
libertinismo, libertinoA dissolute person
AdverbiosdisolutamenteIn a dissolute way
Español > vicioso: 3 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoCharacterized by obscenity.
Sinónimosgrosero, lascivo, libidinoso, luxurioso, obsceno, verde
Generalsucio(of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency
Ingléscruddy, filthy, foul, nasty, smutty
Catalángroller, lasciu, libidinós, luxuriós, obscè, verd, viciós
Nombreserotismo, pornografía, porno, sicalipsiscreative activity (writing or pictures / pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate / stimulate sexual desire
obscenidadobscenity in speech or writing
obscenidad, vulgaridad, vulgarismoAn offensive or indecent word or phrase
putería, rencor, resentimientomalevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty
Español > vicioso: 3 sentidos > adjetivo 3
SentidoHaving the nature of vice.
Generalinicuo, malvado, perversomorally bad in principle / principle or practice
Inglésevil, vicious
Nombresbarbarie, brutalidad, ferocidad, salvajismo, sañaThe trait of extreme / extreme cruelty
maldad, malThe quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice
vicioA specific form of evildoing

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