ADJETIVO | all | perverso, inicuo, malvado | morally bad in principle / principle or practice |
all | perverso, aberrante, anómala, anómalo, anormal, desviada, desviado, excepcional | markedly different from an accepted norm | |
all | perverso, malicioso, malvado, pecador, pecaminoso | having committed unrighteous acts | |
all | perverso, depravado, inmoral, pervertido | deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good | |
all | perverso, corrupto, negro, obscuro, oscuro, siniestro | stemming from evil characteristics / characteristics or forces | |
all | perverso, infame, malvado, nefario, vil | extremely wicked |
Sentido | morally bad in principle / principle or practice. | |
Sinónimos | inicuo, malvado | |
Específico | atroz | Extremely wicked, deeply criminal |
depravado, vicioso | Having the nature of vice | |
impío, inicuo, pecador, pecaminoso | Characterized by iniquity | |
infame, malvado, nefario, perverso, vil | Extremely wicked | |
irredimible | insusceptible of reform | |
pecable | liable to sin | |
También | impío | lacking piety or reverence for a god |
inicuo, injusto | not righteous | |
injusto | contrary to conscience or morality or law | |
inmoral | deliberately violating / violating accepted principles of right and wrong | |
mal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicial | morally bad or wrong | |
Contrario | virtuoso | morally excellent |
Inglés | wicked | |
Nombres | iniquidad, inmoralidad | morally objectionable behavior |
iniquidad, maldad | absence of moral or spiritual values | |
maldad, vileza | The quality of being wicked | |
Adverbios | malvadamente | In a wicked evil manner |
Sentido | markedly different from an accepted norm. | |
Sinónimos | aberrante, anómala, anómalo, anormal, desviada, desviado, excepcional | |
General | anormal | not normal |
Inglés | aberrant, deviant, deviate | |
Catalán | aberrant | |
Nombres | aberración, anomalía, desviación | A state or condition markedly different from the norm |
aberrante | One whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group | |
degenerado, depravado, pervertido | A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior | |
desviación | deviate behavior | |
Verbos | desviar, divergir, variar | Be at variance with |
Sentido | Having committed unrighteous acts. | |
Sinónimos | malicioso, malvado, pecador, pecaminoso | |
General | inicuo, injusto | not righteous |
Inglés | sinful, unholy, wicked | |
Catalán | dolent, maliciós, malvat, pecador, pecaminós, pervers | |
Nombres | impiedad | The quality of being unholy |
maldad, pecado, perversidad | estrangement from god |
Sentido | deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good. | |
Sinónimos | depravado, inmoral, pervertido | |
General | corrupto | lacking in integrity |
Inglés | depraved, perverse, perverted, reprobate | |
Nombres | corrupción, degeneración, depravación | Moral perversion |
perversidad | deliberately deviating from what is good | |
réprobo | A person without moral scruples | |
Adverbios | perversamente | deliberately deviant |
Sentido | stemming from evil characteristics / characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable. | |
Sinónimos | corrupto, negro, obscuro, oscuro, siniestro | |
General | mal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicial | morally bad or wrong |
Inglés | black, dark, sinister | |
Catalán | negre, obscur | |
Nombres | iniquidad, maldad | absence of moral or spiritual values |
Sentido | Extremely wicked. | |
Sinónimos | infame, malvado, nefario, vil | |
General | inicuo, malvado, perverso | morally bad in principle / principle or practice |
Inglés | nefarious, villainous | |
Catalán | infame, malvat, nefand, pervers | |
Nombres | bellaco, bribón, canalla, sinvergüenza, villano | A wicked or evil person |
maldad, vileza | The quality of being wicked | |
villanía | The quality of evil by virtue of villainous behavior |
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