HyperDic: inmoral

Español > 4 sentidos de la palabra inmoral:
ADJETIVOallinmoraldeliberately violating / violating accepted principles of right and wrong
allinmoralnot conforming to approved standards / standards of social or professional behavior
allinmoral, deshonrosonot adhering to ethical or moral principles
allinmoral, depravado, perverso, pervertidodeviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good
Español > inmoral: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidodeliberately violating / violating accepted principles of right and wrong.
Cualidad demoralidadconcern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong
Específicodecadentemarked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay
degenerado, degradado, depravado, disoluto, libertino, viciosounrestrained by convention or morality
denigrante, deshonroso, escandaloso, infamante, infame, ultrajante, vergonzosoGiving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation
Tambiéncorruptolacking in integrity
impúdico, lascivonot chaste
inicuo, malvado, perversomorally bad in principle / principle or practice
inicuo, injustonot righteous
injustocontrary to conscience or morality or law
mal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicialmorally bad or wrong
Contrariomoralconcerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles
NombresinmoralidadThe quality of not being in accord / accord with standards of right or good conduct
Español > inmoral: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidonot conforming to approved standards / standards of social or professional behavior.
Tambiéninjustocontrary to conscience or morality or law
Contrarioéticoconforming to accepted standards / standards of social or professional behavior
Español > inmoral: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidonot adhering to ethical or moral principles.
Generalinjustocontrary to conscience or morality or law
Inglésbase, immoral
Nombresbajeza, bastardía, vileza, villaníaunworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values
inmoralidadThe quality of not being in accord / accord with standards of right or good conduct
AdverbiosinmoralmenteWithout regard for morality
Español > inmoral: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidodeviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good.
Sinónimosdepravado, perverso, pervertido
Generalcorruptolacking in integrity
Inglésdepraved, perverse, perverted, reprobate
Nombrescorrupción, degeneración, depravaciónMoral perversion
perversidaddeliberately deviating from what is good
réproboA person without moral scruples
Adverbiosperversamentedeliberately deviant

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