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Español 31 sentidos de la palabra mal:
ADJETIVOallmal, malohaving undesirable or negative qualities
allmal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicialmorally bad or wrong
allmal, hostil, malo, malvado, perjudicialcharacterized by enmity / enmity or ill ... / ill will
allmal, arriesgado, inseguro, malonot financially safe or secure
allmalfeeling physical discomfort or pain ('tough' is occasionally used colloquially for 'bad')
allmal, malo(of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition
allmal, malophysically unsound or diseased
allmal, malonot working properly
allmal, malo, malvado, perjudicialcapable of harming
allmal, averiado, estropeadonot functioning properly
allmal, malobelow average in quality or performance
allmal, malocharacterized by wickedness or immorality
allmal, malobelow a satisfactory level
NOMBREstatemal, afección, dolencia, enfermedades, enfermedad, patologíaan impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
statemal, afección, enfermedad, patologíaimpairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
statemal, contusión, daño, herida, lesión, trauma, traumatismoany physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
actmal, daño, destrozo, perjuiciothe act of damaging something or someone
attributemal, maldadthe quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice
feelingmal, agonía, martirio, sufrimiento, suplicio, tormento, torturafeelings of mental or physical pain
attributemal, maldadthat which causes harm or destruction or misfortune
ADVERBIOallmal, desafortunadamente, desdichadamente, desgraciadamente, lamentablemente, lastimeramente, lastimosamente, miserablemente, patéticamente, pobremente('ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner
allmal, imperfectamentein an imperfect or faulty way
allmal, desaventajadamente, malamentein a disadvantageous way
allmalunfavorably or with disapproval
allmalwith pain or distress or bitterness
allmalaway from the correct or expected course / course
allmalwithout skill or in a displeasing manner
allmal, malamente, malvadamenteevilly or wickedly
allmal, grandemente, malamentewith great intensity ('bad' is a nonstandard variant for 'badly')
allmalin an improper or mistaken / mistaken or unfortunate manner
allmalwith difficulty or inconvenience
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 1
SentidoHaving undesirable or negative qualities.
Cualidad decalidad, cualidadAn essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone
Específicoabominable, atroz, espantoso, horrendo, horrible, horripilante, horroroso, terrible, tremendoexceptionally bad or displeasing
apestoso, asqueroso, podridoVery bad
buen, majo(used ironically) unexpectedly bad
deplorable, desolador, lamentable, lamentoso, penoso, tristebad
durounfortunate / unfortunate or hard to bear
grave, penoso, severoVery bad in degree or extent
horrible, horrorosoExceedingly bad
inapropiadonot conducive to good moral development
incompetente, ineptenot doing a good job
mediocrePoor to middling in quality
negativoHaving the quality of something harmful or unpleasant
revoltoso, traviesoBadly behaved
Tambiéndesfavorablenot encouraging or approving or pleasing
desobedientenot obeying or complying with commands of those in authority
mal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicialmorally bad or wrong
peor(comparative of 'bad') inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability
peor(superlative of 'bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition
ContrariobuenoHaving desirable / desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
Catalándolent, mal
NombresmaldadThat which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
Adverbiosmalunfavorably or with disapproval
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 2
Sentidomorally bad or wrong.
Sinónimosmaléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicial
Cualidad demaldad, malThe quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice
Específicoatroz, monstruoso, nefandoShockingly brutal or cruel
bajo, desdeñable, despreciable, ruin, vilmorally reprehensible
corrupto, negro, obscuro, oscuro, perverso, siniestrostemming from evil characteristics / characteristics or forces
demoníaco, diabólico, infernal, satánicoextremely evil or cruel
diabólico, mefistofélicoshowing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil
mal, maloCharacterized by wickedness or immorality
Tambiéndesagradable, ofensivounpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
infernalOf the underworld
inicuo, malvado, perversomorally bad in principle / principle or practice
inicuo, injustonot righteous
injustocontrary to conscience or morality or law
inmoraldeliberately violating / violating accepted principles of right and wrong
mal, maloHaving undesirable or negative qualities
Contrariobuenomorally admirable
Catalándolent, mal, malvat, perjudicial
Nombresmaldad, malThe quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice
AdverbiosmalvadamenteIn a wicked evil manner
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 3
SentidoCharacterized by enmity / enmity or ill ... / ill will.
Sinónimoshostil, malo, malvado, perjudicial
Específicoagresivo, belicoso, beligerantecharacteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
antagónico, antitético, contradictorio, contrario, opuestoCharacterized by antagonism or antipathy
antipática, hostilnot friendly
frontalCharacterized by direct opposition
perjudicialIndicating hostility or enmity / enmity
TambiénagresivoHaving or showing determination and energetic / energetic pursuit of your ends
antipáticonot disposed to friendship or friendliness
desfavorablenot encouraging or approving or pleasing
despreciable, odioso, repugnanteEvoking or deserving hatred
inquieto, poco pacífico, turbulentonot peaceful
ofensivoFor the purpose of attack / attack rather than defense
violentoActing with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity
Contrarioamigable, amistosa, amistosoCharacterized by friendship and good will
Catalándolent, hostil, mal, malvat, perjudicial
Nombresanimadversión, antipatía, aversión, enemistad, hostilidadThe feeling of a hostile person
AdverbioshostilmenteWith hostility
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 4
Sentidonot financially safe or secure.
Sinónimosarriesgado, inseguro, malo
Generaldefectuosonot sound financially
Inglésbad, risky, high-risk, speculative
Catalánarriscat, dolent, insegur, mal
Nombresamanaza, peligro, riesgoA venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury
carácter especulativo, especulaciónfinancial risk
escabrosidad, peligrosidadA state of danger involving risk
Verbosespecular, trabajarinvest at a risk
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 5
SentidoFeeling physical discomfort or pain ('tough' is occasionally used colloquially for 'bad').
GeneralincómodoProviding or experiencing physical discomfort
Uso decoloquialismo, expresión coloquial, vulgarismoA colloquial expression
Inglésbad, tough
Nombresagudeza, gravedad, seriedad, severidadUsed of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 6
Sentido(of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition.
Generalpasado, rancio, revenido, viciadoLacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age
Inglésbad, spoiled, spoilt
Catalándolent, mal
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 7
Sentidophysically unsound or diseased.
Generalenfermizo, insanonot in or exhibiting good health in body or mind
Inglésbad, unfit, unsound
Catalándolent, mal
Nombresfalta de salud, mala saludPoor physical condition
trastornonot mentally or physically healthy
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 8
Sentidonot working properly.
Generaldefectuosonot performing or able to perform its regular function
Inglésbad, defective
Catalándolent, mal
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 9
Sentidocapable of harming.
Sinónimosmalo, malvado, perjudicial
Generaldañino, dañoso, nocivo, perjudicialCausing or capable of causing harm
Catalándolent, mal, malvat, perjudicial
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 10
Sentidonot functioning properly.
Sinónimosaveriado, estropeado
Generaldefectuosonot performing or able to perform its regular function
Inglésamiss, awry, haywire, wrong
Catalánavariat, espatllat
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 11
SentidoBelow average in quality or performance.
GeneralinferiorOf low or inferior quality
Catalándolent, mal
NombresmaldadThat which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 12
SentidoCharacterized by wickedness or immorality.
Generalmal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicialmorally bad or wrong
Catalándolent, immoral, mal
NombresmaldadThat which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
Adverbiosmalamente, mal, malvadamenteevilly or wickedly
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adjetivo 13
SentidoBelow a satisfactory level.
Generalinsatisfactorionot giving satisfaction
Catalándolent, mal
Españolmal: 31 sentidos nombre 1, state
SentidoAn impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning.
Sinónimosafección, dolencia, enfermedades, enfermedad, patología
Partesseñal, signo, síntoma(medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease
síndromeA pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
síntoma(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
EspecíficoachaqueAn ill-defined bodily ailment
aguas negrasAny of several human or animal diseases characterized by dark urine resulting from rapid breakdown of red blood cells
aspergilosisdisease especially in agricultural workers caused by inhalation of Aspergillus spores causing lumps in skin and ears and respiratory organs
bocio, coto, papera, papoabnormally enlarged thyroid gland
complicaciónAny disease or disorder that occurs during the course of (or because of) another disease
dermatosis, enfermedad de la pielA disease affecting the skin
endemiaA disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
enfermedad contagiosa, enfermedad transmisibleA disease that can be communicated from one person to another
enfermedad de la vistaAny disease of the eye
enfermedad del hígado, hepatopatía, hepatosisA disease affecting the liver
enfermedad genéticaA disease or disorder that is inherited genetically
enfermedad inflamatoriaA disease characterized by inflammation
enfermedad intestinal, enteropatía, gastropatíaA disease of the intestinal tract
enfermedad profesionaldisease or disability resulting from conditions of employment / employment (usually from long exposure to a noxious substance or from continuous repetition of certain acts)
enfermedad respiratoriaA disease affecting the respiratory system
exantema súbito, pseudorubella, roseola infantilis, roseola infantum, rubéolaA viral disease of infants and young children
fiebre flebótoma, fiebre pappataci, flebótomo, virus de los flebótomosA mild viral disease transmitted by the bite of the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasii
filariasisA disease caused by nematodes in the blood or tissues of the body causing blockage of lymphatic vessels
incompetenciainability of a part or organ to function properly
malignidad(medicine) a malignant state
mimesisAny disease that shows symptoms characteristic of another disease
ocena, ozaenaA chronic disease of the nose characterized by a foul-smelling nasal discharge and atrophy of nasal structures
onicosis, onychosisAny disease or disorder of the nails
patología animalA disease that typically does not affect human beings
patología vegetalA disease that affects plants
periarteritis nodosaA progressive disease of connective tissue that is characterized by nodules along arteries
periodontitisA disease that attacks the gum and bone and around the teeth
picnosisA degenerative state of the cell nucleus
reúma, reuma, reumatismoAny painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues
Generalafección, enfermedad, mal, patologíaimpairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
Catalánafecció, malaltia, morbositat, patologia
Españolmal: 31 sentidos nombre 2, state
Sentidoimpairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism.
Sinónimosafección, enfermedad, patología
Específicoaeroembolismopain resulting from rapid change in pressure
afección, dolencia, enfermedades, enfermedad, mal, patologíaAn impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
amiloidosisA disorder characterized by deposit of amyloid in organs or tissues
anuresis, anuriainability to urinate
bulto, hinchazón(pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)
colapsoAn abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion
convulsión febrilA fit of shivering or shaking
desorden gastrointestinal, intoxicación alimentaria, intoxicación, toxicosisillness caused by poisonous or contaminated food
indisposiciónA slight illness
plumbemia, plumbismo, plumbosis, saturnismotoxic condition produced by the absorption of excessive lead into the system
toxemiaAn abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and edema and protein in the urine
Generalproblema de saludA state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain
Contrariosalud, sanidadA healthy state of wellbeing free from disease
Inglésillness, unwellness, malady, sickness
Catalánafecció, malaltia, patologia
Adjetivoachacoso, enfermizo, enfermo, maloSomewhat ill or prone to illness
enferma, enfermoAffected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function
Españolmal: 31 sentidos nombre 3, state
SentidoAny physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc..
Sinónimoscontusión, daño, herida, lesión, trauma, traumatismo
Específicocardenal, contusión, golpe, hematoma, magulladura, morado, moratón, moretónAn injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration
chichón, tolondro, tolondrónA lump on the body caused by a blow / blow
congelamiento, criopatíaDestruction of tissue by freezing / freezing and characterized by tingling, blistering and possibly gangrene
desnucamiento, latigazoAn injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)
dislocaciónA displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position (as in the shoulder or the vertebral column)
fractura, roturabreaking of hard tissue such as bone
hemorragiaThe flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel
herida, lesiónAn injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin)
lesión penetranteInjury incurred when an object (as a knife or bullet or shrapnel) penetrates into the body
picada, picadura, picotada, picotazo, piquetazoA painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's stinger into skin
pápula, roncha, verdugónA raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow / blow of a whip)
quemada, quemaduraAn injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
roturastate of being torn or burst open
torceduraA sharp strain on muscles or ligaments
Generalproblema de saludA state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain
Inglésinjury, hurt, harm, trauma
Cataláncontusió, dany, ferida, lesió, mal, trauma, traumatisme
Adjetivodeletereo, deletéreo, mortífero, nocivo, perjudicial, pernicioso, venenosoharmful to living things
traumáticoOf or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body
Verboscausar un trauma, traumatizarinflict a trauma upon
doler, lesionar, padecer, sufrirFeel pain or be in pain
doler, lastimar, sufrirFeel physical pain
herir, lastimar, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
Españolmal: 31 sentidos nombre 4, act
SentidoThe act of damaging something or someone.
Sinónimosdaño, destrozo, perjuicio
EspecíficodesfiguraciónThe act of damaging the appearance or surface / surface of something
deteriorodamage that results in a reduction of strength or quality
heridaThe act of inflicting a wound
quemaduradamage inflicted by fire
Inglésdamage, harm, hurt, scathe
Catalándany, destrossa, mal, perjudici
Verbosdañar, estropear, romperinflict damage / damage upon
lastimar, perjudicarCause or do harm to
Españolmal: 31 sentidos nombre 5, attribute
SentidoThe quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice.
Cualidadesmal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicialmorally bad or wrong
Específicoflaqueza, vicioMoral weakness
maldad, vilezaThe quality of being wicked
maleficenciaThe quality or nature of being harmful or evil
malevolencia, maliciaThe quality of threatening evil
malignidadQuality of being disposed to evil
perversidaddeliberately deviating from what is good
villaníaThe quality of evil by virtue of villainous behavior
GeneralinmoralidadThe quality of not being in accord / accord with standards of right or good conduct
Contrariobondadmoral excellence or admirableness
Inglésevil, evilness
Catalánmaldat, malesa, mal
Adjetivodepravado, viciosoHaving the nature of vice
mal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicialmorally bad or wrong
Españolmal: 31 sentidos nombre 6, feeling
SentidoFeelings of mental or physical pain.
Sinónimosagonía, martirio, sufrimiento, suplicio, tormento, tortura
Específicoagonía, tormentoIntense feelings of suffering
agoníaViolent pangs of suffering
Generalaflicción, angustia, dolor, pesadumbre, pesaremotional distress
Ingléssuffering, hurt
Catalánmal, martiri, sofriment, suplici, tortura, turment
Verbosafligir, angustiar, atormentar, dolerCause emotional anguish / anguish or make miserable
dañar, hacer daño, lesionarGive trouble or pain to
doler, lesionar, padecer, sufrirFeel pain or be in pain
doler, lastimar, sufrirFeel physical pain
Españolmal: 31 sentidos nombre 7, attribute
SentidoThat which causes harm or destruction or misfortune.
EspecíficoJinetes del Apocalipsis(New Testament) the four evils that will come at the end of the world
GeneralmaldadThat which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
Catalánmaldat, mal
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 1
Sentido('ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well.
Sinónimosdesafortunadamente, desdichadamente, desgraciadamente, lamentablemente, lastimeramente, lastimosamente, miserablemente, patéticamente, pobremente
Inglésill, badly, poorly
Catalánmalament, mal
Adjetivocuitado, desafortunado, desdichado, desgraciado, desventurado, infeliz, infortunado, lastimoso, miserable, mísero, pobre, tristedeserving or inciting pity
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 2
SentidoIn an imperfect or faulty way.
ContrarioperfectamenteIn a perfect or faultless way
Inglésimperfectly, amiss
Adjetivodefectuoso, imperfectonot perfect
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 3
SentidoIn a disadvantageous way; to someone's disadvantage.
Sinónimosdesaventajadamente, malamente
Contrarioprovechosamente, ventajosamenteIn a manner affording benefit or advantage
Inglésbadly, disadvantageously
Adjetivodesaventajado, desfavorable, desventajoso, perjudicialconstituting a disadvantage
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 4
Sentidounfavorably or with disapproval.
Inglésill, badly
Adjetivomal, maloHaving undesirable or negative qualities
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 5
SentidoWith pain or distress or bitterness.
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 6
SentidoAway from the correct or expected course / course.
Inglésawry, amiss
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 7
SentidoWithout skill or in a displeasing manner.
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 8
Sentidoevilly or wickedly.
Sinónimosmalamente, malvadamente
Adjetivomal, maloCharacterized by wickedness or immorality
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 9
SentidoWith great intensity ('bad' is a nonstandard variant for 'badly').
Sinónimosgrandemente, malamente
Inglésbadly, bad
Adjetivofuerte, gran, grande, terribleVery intense
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 10
SentidoIn an improper or mistaken / mistaken or unfortunate manner.
Españolmal: 31 sentidos adverbio 11
SentidoWith difficulty or inconvenience; scarcely or hardly.

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