Español > ofensivo: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 1Sentido | Disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings. |
Sinónimos | antipático, desagradable, desapacible, grosero, insultante |
Cualidad de | carácter agradable | The quality of giving pleasure |
Específico | abrasador, ácido, acre, amargo, áspero, cáustico, mordaz, virulento, vitriólico | harsh or corrosive in tone |
adusto, austero, duro, severo | harshly uninviting / uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance |
avergonzante, embarazoso | Causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation |
desagradable, desagradecido, ingrato | Disagreeable |
deslumbrante, fuerte | Disagreeable to the senses |
dolorido, doloroso, incómodo, lamentable, penoso, triste | Causing misery or pain or distress / distress |
doloroso, triste | Causing discomfort |
endiablado, infernal | Very unpleasant |
repelente | Serving or tending to repel |
También | antiestético | violating aesthetic / aesthetic canons or requirements |
desagradable, ofensivo | unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses |
desagradable, incomible | not pleasant or acceptable to the taste or mind |
desagradable, disgustoso | Causing displeasure or lacking pleasing qualities |
desagradable, fastidioso, malévolo, molesto | not to your liking |
horrible, repugnante | Offensive or even (of persons) malicious |
Contrario | agradable, grato, placentero, simpático | affording pleasure |
Inglés | unpleasant |
Catalán | antipàtic, desagradable |
Nombres | carácter desagradable | The quality of giving displeasure |
Adverbios | desagradablemente | In an unpleasant manner |
Español > ofensivo: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 4Sentido | unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses. |
Sinónimo | desagradable |
Cualidad de | odiosidad | The quality of being offensive |
Específico | aborrecible, asquerosa, asqueroso, detestable, intolerable, repugnante, repulsivo | Offensive to the mind |
aborrecible, desagradable, detestable, fastidioso, molesto, odiosa, odioso | Causing disapproval or protest |
asquerosa, asqueroso, desagradable, despreciable, repugnante, repulsivo | Highly offensive |
atroz, horroroso, monstruoso, terrible | grossly offensive to decency or morality |
fétido | Very offensive in smell or taste |
mórbido | Suggesting the horror of death and decay |
piojoso, verminoso | Of the nature of vermin |
sepulcral | gruesomely indicative of death or the dead |
También | antipático, desagradable, desapacible, grosero, insultante, ofensivo | Disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings |
desagradable, incomible | not pleasant or acceptable to the taste or mind |
despreciable, odioso, repugnante | Evoking or deserving hatred |
mal, maléfico, malévolo, malo, malvado, perjudicial | morally bad or wrong |
Contrario | inofensivo | Giving no offense |
Inglés | offensive |
Nombres | odiosidad | The quality of being offensive |
Verbos | chocar, consternar, deshonrar, escandalizar, horrorizar, impactar, indignar, insultar, ofender | strike with disgust or revulsion |
Español > ofensivo: 7 sentidos > adjetivo 5Sentido | Causing or able to cause nausea. |
Sinónimos | asqueroso, horrible, nauseabundo, nauseoso, nocivo |
General | insalubre, insano | detrimental to physical or moral well-being |
Inglés | nauseating, nauseous, noisome, queasy, loathsome, offensive, sickening, vile |
Catalán | fastigós, horrible, nauseabund, vomitiu |
Nombres | asco, nausea, náusea | disgust so strong it makes you feel sick |
asquerosidad | The quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions |
nocividad | The quality of being noxious |
odiosidad | The quality of being offensive |
Verbos | chocar, consternar, deshonrar, escandalizar, horrorizar, impactar, indignar, insultar, ofender | strike with disgust or revulsion |