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English 21 senses of the word dead:
ADJECTIVEalldeadno longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
alldeadnot showing characteristics / characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life
alldead, all in, beat, bushedvery tired
alldeadunerringly accurate
alldeadphysically inactive
alldead, numb(followed by 'to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity
alldead, deadeneddevoid of physical sensation
alldeadlacking acoustic resonance
alldead, idlenot yielding a return
alldead, stagnantnot circulating or flowing
alldeadnot surviving in active use
alldeadlacking resilience or bounce
alldeadout of use or operation because of a fault / fault or breakdown
alldeadno longer having force or relevance
alldeadthe complete stoppage of an action
alldead, draineddrained of electric charge
alldeaddevoid of activity
NOUNgroupdeadpeople who are no longer living
timedeada time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense
ADVERBalldead, abruptly, suddenly, shortquickly and without warning
alldead, absolutely, perfectly, utterlycompletely and without qualification / qualification
dead pronunciation
Rhymesabed ... zed: 93 rhymes with ehd...
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 1
Meaningno longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life.
  • "the nerve is dead"
  • "a dead pallor"
  • "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin"
Attribute ofanimation, vitalityThe property of being able to survive and grow
animation, life, living, alivenessThe condition of living or the state of being alive
Narrowerasleep, at peace, at rest, deceased, departed, gonedead
assassinatedmurdered by surprise attack for political reasons
bloodless, exsanguine, exsanguinousDestitute of blood or apparently so
brain deadHaving irreversible loss of brain function as indicated by a persistent flat electroencephalogram
breathless, inanimate, pulselessAppearing dead
coldlacking the warmth of life
d.o.a.abbreviation for 'dead on arrival' at the emergency room
deathlike, deathlyHaving the physical appearance of death
defunctHaving ceased to exist or live
doomedmarked for certain death
executedput to death as punishment
fallenkilled / killed in battle
lateHaving died recently
lifeless, exanimatedeprived of life
murderedkilled unlawfully
nonviablenot capable of living or developing successfully
stillborn(of newborn infant) showing no signs of life at birth
stone-deadAs lifeless as a stone / stone
Oppositealive, livepossessing life
Nounsdeadnessthe inanimate property of something that has died
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 2
Meaningnot showing characteristics / characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat.
  • "Mars is a dead planet"
  • "dead soil"
  • "dead coals"
  • "the fire is dead"
Narrowerextinct, outOut or having grown cold
lifelessnot having the capacity to support life
out of play(of a ball) "a ball that is out of play is dead"
See alsoextinct(of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive
OppositeliveExerting force or containing energy
Nounsdeadnessthe inanimate property of something that has died
Adverbsdeadlyas if dead
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 3
MeaningVery tired.
Example "I'm dead after that long trip"
Synonymsall in, beat, bushed
BroadertiredDepleted of strength or energy
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Spanishagotado, derrotado, hecho polvo
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 4
Meaningunerringly accurate.
  • "a dead shot"
  • "took dead aim"
Broaderprecisesharply exact or accurate or delimited
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 5
Meaningphysically inactive.
Example"Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range"
Broaderextinct(of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive
Nounsdeadnessthe inanimate property of something that has died
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 6
Meaning(followed by 'to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive.
Example"passersby were dead to our plea for help"
BroaderinsensitiveDeficient in human sensibility
Nounsdeadnessthe quality of being unresponsive
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 7
MeaningDevoid of physical sensation; numb.
  • "his gums were dead from the novocain"
  • "she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth"
Broaderinsensitivenot responsive to physical stimuli
Spanishaliviado, amortiguado
Nounsdeadnessthe quality of being unresponsive
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 8
Meaninglacking acoustic resonance.
  • "dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs"
  • "the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio"
Broaderunreverberant, nonresonantnot reverberant
Spanishmuerto, sordo
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 9
Meaningnot yielding a return.
Example"dead capital"
Broaderunprofitableproducing little or no profit or gain
Spanishdesocupado, muerto
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 10
Meaningnot circulating or flowing.
  • "dead air"
  • "dead water"
Broaderstanding(of fluids) not moving or flowing
Spanishestancado, parado
Nounsdeadnessthe inanimate property of something that has died
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 11
Meaningnot surviving in active use.
Example"Latin is a dead language"
Broaderextinct, nonextantno longer in existence
Nounsdeadnessthe inanimate property of something that has died
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 12
Meaninglacking resilience or bounce.
Example"a dead tennis ball"
Broaderinelasticnot elastic
Nounsdeadnessthe physical property of something that has lost its elasticity
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 13
MeaningOut of use or operation because of a fault / fault or breakdown.
  • "a dead telephone line"
  • "the motor is dead"
Broaderinoperativenot working or taking effect
Nounsdeadnessthe inanimate property of something that has died
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 14
Meaningno longer having force or relevance.
Example"a dead issue"
Broadernoncurrentnot current or belonging to the present time
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 15
MeaningThe complete stoppage of an action.
Example"came to a dead stop"
BroadercompleteHaving every necessary or normal part or component or step
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 16
Meaningdrained of electric charge; discharged.
Example"a dead battery"
BroaderunchargedOf a particle or body or system
Nounsdeadnessthe inanimate property of something that has died
Englishdead: 21 senses adjective 17
MeaningDevoid of activity.
Example"this is a dead town
Broaderinactivelacking activity
Englishdead: 21 senses noun 1, group
MeaningPeople who are no longer living.
Example"they buried the dead"
Membersdead person, dead soul, deceased person, deceased, decedent, departedsomeone who is no longer alive
NarrowerslainPeople who have been slain (as in battle)
Broaderpeople(plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively
OppositelivingPeople who are still living
Spanishdifunta, difunto, extinta, extinto, fallecida, fallecido, muerta, muerto
Catalandifunta, difunt, finada, finat, morta, mort
Englishdead: 21 senses noun 2, time
MeaningA time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense.
Example"the dead of winter"
BroadertimeAn indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities)
Englishdead: 21 senses adverb 1
Meaningquickly and without warning.
Synonymsabruptly, suddenly, short
Spanishabruptamente, bruscamente, de repente, en seco, precipitadamente, repentinamente, súbitamente
Catalanabruptament, precipitadament, sobtadament
Englishdead: 21 senses adverb 2
MeaningCompletely and without qualification / qualification; used informally as intensifiers.
  • "you can be dead sure of my innocence"
  • "was dead tired"
  • "dead right"
Synonymsabsolutely, perfectly, utterly
Spanishabsolutamente, totalmente
Catalanabsolutament, completament, totalment

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