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English 18 senses of the word kill:
VERBcontactkillcause to die
socialkill, shoot down, defeat, vote down, vote outthwart the passage of
changekill, stamp outend or extinguish by forceful means
stativekillbe fatal
perceptionkillbe the source of great pain for
emotionkilloverwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration
contactkillhit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games / games
contactkillhit with great force
contactkilldeprive of life
contactkillcause the death of, without intention
consumptionkill, toss off, pop, bolt down, belt down, pour down, down, drink downdrink down entirely
changekill, obliterate, wipe outmark for deletion, rub off, or erase
changekilltire out completely
changekillcause to cease operating
changekilldestroy a vitally essential quality of or in
NOUNactkill, killing, putting to deaththe act of terminating a life
actkillthe destruction of an enemy / enemy plane or ship or tank or missile
animalkillthe body of an animal, or bodies of animals, killed by a person or another animal
kill pronunciation
RhymesAdvil ... zill: 103 rhymes with ihl...
Englishkill: 18 senses noun 1, act
MeaningThe act of terminating a life.
Synonymskilling, putting to death
NarrowerdeathThe act of killing
deathblow, coup de graceThe blow that kills (usually mercifully)
decapitation, beheadingkilling by cutting off the head
dispatch, despatchkilling a person or animal
electrocutionkilling by electric shock
euthanasia, mercy killingThe act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness)
fellThe act of felling something (as a tree)
genocide, race murder, racial exterminationSystematic killing of a racial or cultural group
homicideThe killing of a human being by another human being
poisoningThe act of giving poison to a person or animal with the intent to kill
sacrifice, ritual killingThe act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity
slaughterThe killing of animals (as for food)
suffocation, asphyxiationkilling by depriving of oxygen
suicide, self-destruction, self-annihilationThe act of killing yourself
Broadertermination, ending, conclusionThe act of ending something
Spanishasesinato, homicidio, matanza, muerte
Catalanassassinat, homicidi, matança, mort
Verbskillcause to die
killcause the death of, without intention
killdeprive of life
killbe fatal
Englishkill: 18 senses noun 2, act
MeaningThe destruction of an enemy / enemy plane or ship or tank or missile.
Example"the pilot reported two kills during the mission"
Broaderdestruction, devastationThe termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
Verbskillcause to cease operating
Englishkill: 18 senses noun 3, animal
MeaningThe body of an animal, or bodies of animals, killed by a person or another animal.
Broaderbody, dead bodyA natural object consisting of a dead animal or person
Verbskillcause to die
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 1, contact
MeaningCause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
ModelThey want to kill the prisoners
  • "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"
  • "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
Cause todie, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff itPass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life
Entailed bydress, dress outkill and prepare for market or consumption
brainkill by smashing / smashing / smashing someone's skull
butcher, slaughterkill (animals) usually for food consumption
commit suicidekill oneself
decapitate, behead, decollatecut the head of
decimatekill one in every ten, as of mutineers in Roman armies
destroy, put downput (an animal) to death
dismemberseparate the limbs from the body
dispatchkill without delay
draw, quarter, draw and quarterPull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him
drownkill by submerging in water
electrocute, frykill by electrocution, as in the electric chair
eliminate, annihilate, extinguish, eradicate, wipe out, decimate, carry offkill / kill / kill in large numbers
erase, wipe outRemove from memory or existence
execute, put to deathkill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment
exterminate, kill offkill en masse
impale, stakekill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole
lynchkill without legal sanction
martyrkill as a martyr
massacre, slaughter, mow downkill a large number of people indiscriminately
murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off, off, polish off, removekill intentionally and with premeditation
neutralize, neutralise, liquidate, waste, knock off, do inGet rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing
overlie, overlaykill / kill by lying on
poisonkill with poison
poisonkill / kill by its poison
put away, put to sleepkill gently, as with an injection
saber, sabrekill with a saber
sacrificekill or destroy
shed bloodKill violently
shoot, pipkill by firing a missile
smother, asphyxiate, suffocatedeprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing
stone, lapidatekill by throwing stones / stones at
strangle, strangulate, throttlekill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air
take offprove fatal
tomahawkkill with a tomahawk
zap, vaporizekill with or as if with a burst of gunfire or electric current or as if by shooting
See alsokill offkill en masse
Similar tokillCause the death of, without intention
Spanishabatir, acabar, asesinar, matar
Catalanassassinar, matar
Adjectiveskillablefit to kill, especially for food
Nounskillthe body of an animal, or bodies of animals, killed by a person or another animal
killersomeone who causes the death of a person or animal
killerthe causal agent resulting in death
killing, killthe act of terminating a life
killingan event that causes someone to die
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 2, social
Meaningthwart the passage of.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"kill a motion"
Synonymsshoot down, defeat, vote down, vote out
Broaderveto, blackball, negativeVote against
Spanishechar abajo, echar a perder, frustrar, vencer, votar en contra
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 3, change
Meaningend or extinguish by forceful means.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Synonymstamp out
Broaderend, terminateBring to an end or halt
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 4, stative
MeaningBe fatal.
PatternSomething ----s
  • "cigarettes kill"
  • "drunken driving kills"
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Nounskillthe act of terminating a life
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 5, perception
MeaningBe the source of great pain for.
PatternSomething ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example"These new shoes are killing me!"
Broaderhurt, ache, sufferFeel physical pain
Nounskillera difficulty that is hard to deal with
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 6, emotion
Meaningoverwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
Example"The comedian was so funny, he was killing me!"
Broaderoverwhelm, overpower, sweep over, whelm, overcome, overtakeOvercome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 7, contact
Meaninghit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games / games.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"She killed the ball"
Categorysport, athleticsAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
BroaderhitCause to move by striking
Similar tokillhit with great force
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 8, contact
Meaninghit with great force.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"He killed the ball"
Categorysport, athleticsAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
BroaderhitCause to move by striking
Similar tokillhit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games / games
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 9, contact
Meaningdeprive of life.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s somebody
Example"AIDS has killed thousands in Africa"
Narrowerstrike downCause to die, especially suddenly
Similar tokillCause the death of, without intention
Nounskillthe act of terminating a life
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 10, contact
MeaningCause the death of, without intention.
PatternSomething ----s somebody
Example"She was killed in the collision of three cars"
Narrowerelectrocutekill by electric shock
Similar tokillCause to die
killdeprive of life
Nounskillthe act of terminating a life
killerthe causal agent resulting in death
killingan event that causes someone to die
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 11, consumption
Meaningdrink down entirely.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"
Synonymstoss off, pop, bolt down, belt down, pour down, down, drink down
Broaderdrink, imbibetake in liquids / liquids
Spanishacabarse, beberse, meterse, servirse, terminarse
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 12, change
Meaningmark for deletion, rub off, or erase.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"kill these lines in the President's speech"
Synonymsobliterate, wipe out
Broadertake away, take outtake out or remove
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 13, change
Meaningtire out completely.
PatternSomething ----s somebody
Example"The daily stress of her work is killing her"
Broaderexhaust, wash up, beat, tucker, tucker outwear out completely
Similar tokillCause to cease operating
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 14, change
MeaningCause to cease operating.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"kill the engine"
Broaderswitch off, cut, turn off, turn outCause to stop operating by disengaging a switch
Similar tokillDestroy a vitally essential quality of or in
killtire out completely
Nounskillthe destruction of an enemy / enemy plane or ship or tank or missile
Englishkill: 18 senses verb 15, change
MeaningDestroy a vitally essential quality of or in.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"Eating artichokes kills the taste of all other foods"
Broaderdestroy, destructDo away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
Similar tokillCause to cease operating

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