HyperDic: squeeze

English > 17 senses of the word squeeze:
VERBcontactsqueeze, squash, crush, squelch, mashto compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition
contactsqueezepress firmly
contactsqueeze, wedge, forcesqueeze like a wedge into a tight space
socialsqueeze, coerce, hale, pressure, forceto cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means
possessionsqueeze, extort, rack, gouge, wringobtain by coercion or intimidation
motionsqueeze, thrust, stuff, shovepress or force
contactsqueeze, pinch, twinge, tweet, nip, twitchsqueeze tightly between the fingers
contactsqueeze, embrace, hug, bosomsqueeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness
contactsqueeze, compress, constrict, compact, contract, presssqueeze or press together
NOUNactsqueeze, squeezingthe act of gripping and pressing firmly
statesqueeze, credit crunch, liquidity crisisa state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high
possessionsqueezea situation in which increased costs cannot be passed on to the customer
person squeeze(slang) a person's girlfriend or boyfriend
eventsqueeze, wringa twisting squeeze
actsqueeze, power play, squeeze playan aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power
actsqueeze, hug, clincha tight or amorous embrace
actsqueezethe act of forcing yourself (or being forced) into or through a restricted space
squeeze > pronunciation
RhymesAchilles ... Yerkes: 115 rhymes with iyz...
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 1, act
MeaningThe act of gripping and pressing firmly.
Example"he gave her cheek a playful squeeze"
NarrowerexpressionThe act of forcing something out by squeezing / squeezing or pressing
extrusion, expulsionsqueezing out by applying pressure
pinch, tweakA squeeze with the fingers
Broadercompression, compressingapplying pressure
Spanishestrujamiento, estrujón
Verbssqueezepress firmly
squeezesqueeze tightly between the fingers
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 2, state
MeaningA state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high.
Synonymscredit crunch, liquidity crisis
Broaderfinancial conditionThe condition of (corporate or personal) finances
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 3, possession
MeaningA situation in which increased costs cannot be passed on to the customer.
Example"increased expenses put a squeeze on profits"
Broaderloss, red ink, redThe amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 4, person
Meaning(slang) a person's girlfriend or boyfriend.
Example"she was his main squeeze"
BroaderloverA person who loves someone or is loved by someone
Usage ofslang, cant, jargon, lingo, argot, patois, vernacularA characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 5, event
MeaningA twisting squeeze.
Broadermovement, motionA natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
Spanishestrujadura, estrujón
Verbssqueezesqueeze tightly between the fingers
squeezeto compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 6, act
MeaningAn aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power.
Synonymspower play, squeeze play
Broaderattempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, tryearnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish / accomplish something
Verbssqueezeobtain by coercion or intimidation
squeezeto cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 7, act
MeaningA tight or amorous embrace.
Synonymshug, clinch
Broaderembrace, embracing, embracementThe act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)
Spanishabrazo apasionado, abrazo, achuchón, apretón
Catalanabraçada, masegada
English > squeeze: 17 senses > noun 8, act
MeaningThe act of forcing yourself (or being forced) into or through a restricted space.
Example"getting through that small opening was a tight squeeze"
BroaderconstrictionThe action or process of compressing
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 1, contact
MeaningTo compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example "squeeze a lemon"
Synonymssquash, crush, squelch, mash
Narrowerstampcrush or grind with a heavy instrument
steamrollercrush with a steamroller as if to level
telescopecrush together or collapse
treadcrush as if by treading on
wringTwist, squeeze, or compress in order to extract liquid
BroaderpressExert pressure or force to or upon
Spanishaplastar, chafar, chapotear, estrujar, machacar, majar, moler
Catalanaclaparar, aixafar, esclafar, esprémer, moldre, xafar
Nounssqueezea twisting squeeze
squeezera kitchen utensil for squeezing juice from fruit
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 2, contact
MeaningPress firmly.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
ModelSam cannot squeeze Sue
Example"He squeezed my hand"
Narrowerclenchsqueeze together tightly
BroaderpressExert pressure or force to or upon
See alsosqueeze outextract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing
squeeze outcause to come out in a squirt
squeeze outform or shape by forcing through an opening
Spanishestrujar, exprimir
Catalanesprémer, prémer, premsar
Nounssqueeze, squeezingthe act of gripping and pressing firmly
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 3, contact
Meaningsqueeze like a wedge into a tight space.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP
Example"I squeezed myself into the corner"
Synonymswedge, force
Entailed bybulldozeflatten with or as if with a bulldozer
Narrowercompress, compact, pack togethermake more compact by or as if by pressing
impactPress or wedge together
Broadermove, displaceCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Catalancomprimir, encaixar, esprémer, estrènyer, falcar, premsar, tasconar
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 4, social
MeaningTo cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means : "She forced him to take a job in the city".
PatternSomebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE; Somebody ----s somebody into V-ing something
Example"He squeezed her for information"
Synonymscoerce, hale, pressure, force
Cause toact, movePerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
NarrowerbludgeonOvercome or coerce as if by using a heavy club
bring oneselfCause to undertake a certain action, usually used in the negative
dragoon, sandbag, railroadcompel by coercion, threats / threats, or crude means
driveTo compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly
squeeze forsqueeze someone for money, information, etc.
steamroller, steamrollBring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure
terrorize, terrorisecoerce by violence or with threats / threats
turn up the heat, turn up the pressureapply great or increased pressure
Broadercompel, oblige, obligateForce somebody to do something
Spanishcoaccionar, coercer, forzar, obligar, presionar
Catalancoaccionar, forçar, obligar
Nounssqueezean aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 5, possession
MeaningObtain by coercion or intimidation.
PatternSomebody ----s something from somebody
Example "They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him"
Synonymsextort, rack, gouge, wring
NarrowerbleedGet or extort (money or other possessions) from someone
Broaderovercharge, soak, surcharge, gazump, fleece, plume, pluck, rob, hookrip off
Spanishatormentar, exprimir, extorsionar
Catalanarrabassar, arruïnar, extorquir, extorsionar
Nounssqueezean aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 6, motion
MeaningPress or force.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP
ModelThey squeeze the books into the box
Synonymsthrust, stuff, shove
Broaderpush, forceMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
Spanishembutir, llenar, meter
Catalanembotir, emplenar, encabir, entaforar, farcir, ficar, omplir
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 7, contact
Meaningsqueeze tightly between the fingers.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example "She squeezed the bottle"
Synonymspinch, twinge, tweet, nip, twitch
Narrowergoosepinch in the buttocks
tweakpinch or squeeze sharply
Broadergriphold fast or firmly
Catalanapretar lleugerament, pessigar
Nounssqueezethe act of gripping and pressing firmly
squeezea twisting squeeze
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 8, contact
MeaningSqueeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Synonymsembrace, hug, bosom
Narrowerclinchembrace amorously
cuddlehold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth
interlock, lockBecome engaged or intermeshed with one another
Broaderclasphold firmly and tightly
Spanishabrazar, estrujar, seno
English > squeeze: 17 senses > verb 9, contact
Meaningsqueeze or press together.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymscompress, constrict, compact, contract, press
Entailed bystrangle, strangulate, throttlekill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air
wring out, squeeze outextract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing
Narrowerastringeconstrict or bind or draw together
bear down, overbearcontract the abdominal muscles during childbirth to ease delivery
choke, strangleconstrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing
choke, gag, fretBe too tight
choke, scragWring the neck of
convulsecontract involuntarily, as in a spasm
convulseCause to contract
primcontract one's lips
strangulateconstrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air
BroadertightenBecome tight / tight / tight / tight / tight or tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter
Spanishapretar, comprimir
Catalanatapeir, compactar, comprimir, estretir, prémer, premsar

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