HyperDic: crude

English > 7 senses of the word crude:
ADJECTIVEallcrude, roughnot carefully or expertly made
allcrude, earthy, gross, vulgarconspicuously and tastelessly indecent
allcrude, unrefined, unprocessednot refined or processed
allcrude, primitive, rudebelonging to an early stage / stage of technical development
allcrude, blunt, starkdevoid of any qualifications / qualifications or disguise or adornment
allcrude, rawnot processed or subjected to analysis
NOUNsubstancecrude, petroleum, crude oil, rock oil, fossil oil, oila dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons
crude > pronunciation
Rhymesaccrued ... vicissitude: 66 rhymes with uwd...
English > crude: 7 senses > adjective 1
Meaningnot carefully or expertly made.
  • "managed to make a crude splint"
  • "a crude cabin of logs with bark still on them"
Broaderunskillednot having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency / proficiency
Spanishrudo, tosco
Nounscrudenessan unpolished unrefined quality
Adverbscrudelyin a crude and unskilled manner
English > crude: 7 senses > adjective 2
Meaningconspicuously and tastelessly indecent.
  • "a crude joke"
  • "crude behavior"
Synonymsearthy, gross, vulgar
BroaderindecentOffensive to good taste especially in sexual matters
Spanishbasto, ordinario, vulgar
Catalanbaix, ordinari, vulgar
Nounscrudeness, crudityan impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement
English > crude: 7 senses > adjective 3
Meaningnot refined or processed.
Example "crude oil"
Synonymsunrefined, unprocessed
Oppositerefined, processedFreed from impurities by processing
Nounscrudenessan unpolished unrefined quality
cruditya wild or unrefined state
Adverbscrudelyin a crude or unrefined manner
English > crude: 7 senses > adjective 4
MeaningBelonging to an early stage / stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness.
Example"the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man"
Synonymsprimitive, rude
BroaderearlyBeing or occurring at an early stage / stage of development
Spanishprimitivo, rudimentario, tosco
Nounscrudeness, cruditya wild or unrefined state
English > crude: 7 senses > adjective 5
MeaningDevoid of any qualifications / qualifications or disguise or adornment.
Example "the crude facts"
Synonymsblunt, stark
Broaderunconditional, unconditionednot conditional
English > crude: 7 senses > adjective 6
Meaningnot processed or subjected to analysis.
Example "only the crude vital statistics"
Broaderunanalyzednot analyzed or broken down for detailed examination
Nounscruditya wild or unrefined state
English > crude: 7 senses > noun 1, substance
MeaningA dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons.
Synonymspetroleum, crude oil, rock oil, fossil oil, oil
Narrowerresidual oil, residoil products that remain after petroleum has been distilled
Broaderfossil fuelfuel consisting of the remains of organisms preserved in rocks in the earth's crust with high carbon and hydrogen content
oilA slippery or viscous liquid / liquid or liquefiable substance not miscible with water
Substancescarbon, C, atomic number 6An abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms
Spanishcrudo, keroseno, petróleo
Catalanbenzina, cru, petroli

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