Español > homicidio: 5 sentidos > nombre 1, actSentido | unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being. |
Sinónimo | asesinato |
Específico | asesinato, asesinato público, atentado, magnicidio | murder of a public figure by surprise attack |
asesinato mafioso, asesinato, golpe, homicidio | A murder carried out by an underworld syndicate |
asesinato por contrato | A murder carried out on agreement with a hired killer |
carnaje, carnicería, masacre, matanza, mortandad | The savage and excessive killing of many people |
derramamiento de sangre, masacre, sangre | The shedding of blood resulting in murder |
eliminación, liquidación | The murder of a competitor |
estranguladores, thuggee | murder and robbery by thugs |
filicidio | The murder of your own son or daughter |
fratricidio | The murder of your sibling |
infanticida, infanticidio | murdering an infant |
linchamiento | putting a person to death by mob action without due process of law |
mariticide, parricidio | The murder of a husband by his wife |
matar a tiros | murder by shooting someone down in cold blood |
parricidio | The murder of your own father or mother |
regicidio | The act of killing a king |
tiranicidio | killing a tyrant |
uxoricidio | The murder of a wife by her husband |
General | asesinato, homicidio | The killing of a human being by another human being |
Inglés | murder, slaying, execution |
Catalán | assassinat, homicidi |
Adjetivo | asesino | characteristic of or capable / capable of or having a tendency toward killing another human being |
Verbos | ajusticiar, ejecutar | murder in a planned fashion |
asesinar, borrar, cargarse, despachar, echarse, eliminar, matar, matar violentamente, quitar de enmedio | kill intentionally and with premeditation |
Español > homicidio: 5 sentidos > nombre 2, actSentido | The act of terminating a life. |
Sinónimos | asesinato, matanza, muerte |
Específico | ahogo, asfixia, sofocación | killing by depriving of oxygen |
asesinato, homicidio | The killing of a human being by another human being |
asesinato ritual, oblación, sacrificio | The act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity |
autodestrucción, suicidio | The act of killing yourself |
caída | The act of felling something (as a tree) |
decapitación | killing by cutting off the head |
electrocución | killing by electric shock |
envenenamiento | The act of giving poison to a person or animal with the intent to kill |
eutanasia | The act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness) |
faena, matanza, matar, sacrificar, sacrificio | The killing of animals (as for food) |
genocidio | Systematic killing of a racial or cultural group |
golpe de gracia, golpe mortal | The blow that kills (usually mercifully) |
General | conclusión, finalización, terminación | The act of ending something |
Inglés | killing, kill, putting to death |
Catalán | assassinat, homicidi, matança, mort |
Verbos | abatir, acabar, asesinar, matar | Cause to die |
matar | deprive of life |
matar | Cause the death of, without intention |
matar | Be fatal |