Sentido | Productive work (especially physical work done for wages). |
Sinónimos | labor, trabajo |
Específico | afán, dedicación, desvelo, esfuerzo | Use of physical or mental energy |
ajetreo, donkeywork, hueso, trabajo duro, tráfago, yugo | Hard monotonous routine work |
cacería, caza, montería | The work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts / pelts |
esclavitud | Work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay |
labor manual, trabajo manual | labor done with the hands |
recolección del heno | cutting grass and curing it to make hay |
trabajo de rutina | professional work done according to formula |
trabajo excesivo | The act of working too much or too long |
General | trabajo | Activity directed toward making or doing something |
Inglés | labor, labour, toil |
Catalán | feina, labor, treball |
Adjetivo | agotador, arduo, duro, fatigoso, laborioso, penoso, pesado | Characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion |
Verbos | afanarse, fatigarse, trabajar duro | Work hard |
hacer trabajar mucho, laborar, matarse trabajando, presionar, trabajar duro | strive and make an effort to reach / reach a goal / goal |