Sentido | Arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement. | |
Sinónimos | insípido, soso | |
Cualidad de | interés | The power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.) |
Específico | absorbente | (of a book) poorly written and not entertaining |
aburrido, agobiante, cargante, gris, latoso, monótono, pesado, tedioso | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness | |
insípido, insustancial | lacking interest or significance or impact | |
narcótico, soporífero | inducing mental lethargy | |
pedestre | lacking wit or imagination | |
pesado, ponderado | labored and dull / dull | |
También | poco estimulante, poco excitante | not stimulating |
poco excitante, tranquilizante | not exciting | |
Contrario | interesante | Arousing or holding the attention |
Inglés | uninteresting | |
Nombres | desinterés | inability to capture or hold one's interest |
Adverbios | desinteresadamente | In an uninteresting manner |
Sentido | Of comparatively great physical weight or density / density. | |
Cualidad de | peso | The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity |
Específico | abultado | Of considerable weight and size |
denso | Having high relative density or specific gravity | |
macizo, recio, sólido | Consisting of great mass | |
pastoso | Having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking | |
Contrario | ligero, liviano | Of comparatively little physical weight or density / density |
Inglés | heavy | |
Nombres | pesadez | The property of being comparatively great in weight |
Sentido | Characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort. | |
Sinónimos | agotador, arduo, duro, fatigoso, laborioso, penoso | |
Inglés | arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome | |
Catalán | ardu, dur, esgotador, fatigant, fatigós, feixuc, laboriós, penós, pesat | |
Nombres | agobio, molestia, opresión, pesadez | unwelcome burdensome difficulty |
arduidad | extreme / extreme effortfulness | |
dureza | The quality of being difficult to do | |
faena, labor, trabajo | Productive work (especially physical work done for wages) | |
laboriosidad | The quality of requiring extended effort | |
Adverbios | agotadoramente, arduamente, duramente, fatigosamente, laboriosamente, penosamente, pesadamente, rigurosamente | In a laborious manner |
agotadoramente, arduamente, duramente, fatigosamente, laboriosamente, penosamente, pesadamente, rigurosamente | With effort or force or vigor | |
arduamente | In an arduous manner |
Sentido | usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it. | |
Sinónimos | gordo, obeso | |
General | carnoso | Having an (over)abundance of flesh |
Inglés | fleshy, heavy, overweight | |
Nombres | adiposidad, adiposis, carnosidad, corpulencia, crasitud, obesidad, sobrepeso | More than average fatness |
adiposis, carnosidad, corpulencia, obesidad, sobrepeso | The property of excessive fatness | |
pesadez | The property of being comparatively great in weight |
Sentido | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. | |
Sinónimos | aburrido, agobiante, cargante, gris, latoso, monótono, tedioso | |
General | insípido, pesado, soso | Arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement |
Inglés | boring, deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome | |
Catalán | avorrit, carregós, empipador, gris, molest, monòton, pesat, tediós | |
Nombres | aburrimiento, insipidez, monotonía | extreme / extreme dullness |
aburrimiento, desgana, desinterés, hastío, pesadez, prolijidad, tedio | dullness owing to length or slowness | |
aburrimiento, apatía, hastío, tedio | The feeling of being bored by something tedious | |
inactividad, paro, quietud | The quality of lacking interestingness |
Sentido | Of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment. | |
Contrario | ligero | Of the military or industry |
Inglés | heavy |
Sentido | not easily borne; wearing. | |
Sinónimos | exigente, gravoso, oneroso | |
General | fuerte | marked by great psychological weight |
Inglés | burdensome, onerous, taxing | |
Catalán | onerós | |
Nombres | agobio, molestia, opresión, pesadez | unwelcome burdensome difficulty |
Adverbios | agotadoramente, arduamente, onerosamente, penosamente, pesadamente | In an onerous manner |
Sentido | Difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight. | |
Sinónimo | voluminoso | |
General | farragoso | Difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape |
Inglés | cumbersome, cumbrous |
Sentido | Causing irritation or annoyance. | |
Sinónimos | cargante, enfadoso, enojoso, fastidioso, irritante, molesto, vejatorio | |
General | desagradable, fastidioso, malévolo, molesto | not to your liking |
Inglés | annoying, bothersome, galling, irritating, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguy, plaguey, teasing, vexatious, vexing | |
Catalán | empipador, emprenyador, enfadós, enutjós, irritant, molest, ofenós, pesat, vexador, vexant, vexatori | |
Nombres | plaga | An annoyance |
Sentido | requiring or showing effort. | |
Sinónimo | fatigoso | |
Inglés | heavy, labored, laboured |
Sentido | Of great size and bulk. | |
Sinónimo | grueso | |
General | gran, grande | Above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent |
Inglés | hulking, hulky | |
Nombres | gigante, peso pesado | A very large person |
Sentido | made heavy or weighted down with weariness. | |
General | fuerte | marked by great psychological weight |
Inglés | leaden, weighted |
Sentido | darkened with overcast. | |
Sinónimos | gris, plomizo, taciturno | |
General | nublado | Full of or covered with clouds |
Inglés | dull, leaden | |
Catalán | gris, pesat, plomís, taciturn |
Sentido | (used of speech) uttered slowly with prolonged vowels. | |
General | lento | not moving quickly |
Inglés | drawn-out |
Sentido | labored and dull / dull. | |
Sinónimo | ponderado | |
General | insípido, pesado, soso | Arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement |
Inglés | ponderous | |
Adverbios | groseramente, laboriosamente, pesadamente, torpemente | In an uninterestingly ponderous manner |
Sentido | large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work. | |
Inglés | heavy |
Sentido | Slow and laborious because of weight. | |
Sinónimos | grave, torpe | |
Inglés | heavy, lumbering, ponderous | |
Nombres | ponderosidad | The property of being large in mass |
Sentido | (of movement) slow and laborious. | |
Inglés | leaden, plodding |
Sentido | A person who evokes boredom. | |
Sinónimos | pelma, pelmazo | |
Específico | bachiller, charlatán, cotorra, loro, palabrero | A boring person who talks a great deal about uninteresting topics |
estirado, persona estirada, pureta, virote | A bore who is extremely formal, pompous, and old-fashioned | |
General | antipático, desagradable | A person who is not pleasant or agreeable |
Inglés | bore, dullard | |
Catalán | corcó, pesat, plepa | |
Verbos | aburrir, aguantar, cansar, fatigar, hastiar | Cause to be bored |
Sentido | A persistently annoying person. | |
Sinónimos | lapa, machacón, moscardón, moscón, pelma, pesada, peste, plaga, quiltro | |
General | atormentador, atosigador, torturador | someone who torments |
Inglés | pest, blighter, cuss, pesterer, gadfly | |
Catalán | borinot, corcó, pesta, plaga | |
Verbos | acosar, atormentar, burlar, hostigar, importunar, joder, jorobar, molestar | annoy persistently |
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