HyperDic: pesado

Español > 20 sentidos de la palabra pesado:
ADJETIVOallpesado, insípido, sosoarousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement
allpesadoof comparatively great physical weight or density / density
allpesado, agotador, arduo, duro, fatigoso, laborioso, penosocharacterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
allpesado, gordo, obesousually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it
allpesado, aburrido, agobiante, cargante, gris, latoso, monótono, tediososo lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
allpesadoof the military or industry
allpesado, exigente, gravoso, onerosonot easily borne
allpesado, voluminosodifficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
allpesado, cargante, enfadoso, enojoso, fastidioso, irritante, molesto, vejatoriocausing irritation or annoyance
allpesado, fatigosorequiring or showing effort
allpesado, gruesoof great size and bulk
allpesadomade heavy or weighted down with weariness
allpesado, gris, plomizo, taciturnodarkened with overcast
allpesado(used of speech) uttered slowly with prolonged vowels
allpesado, ponderadolabored and dull / dull
allpesadolarge and powerful
allpesado, grave, torpeslow and laborious because of weight
allpesado(of movement) slow and laborious
NOMBREperson pesado, pelma, pelmazoa person who evokes boredom
person pesado, lapa, machacón, moscardón, moscón, pelma, pesada, peste, plaga, quiltroa persistently annoying person
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoArousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement.
Sinónimosinsípido, soso
Cualidad deinterésThe power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.)
Específicoabsorbente(of a book) poorly written and not entertaining
aburrido, agobiante, cargante, gris, latoso, monótono, pesado, tediosoSo lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
insípido, insustanciallacking interest or significance or impact
narcótico, soporíferoinducing mental lethargy
pedestrelacking wit or imagination
pesado, ponderadolabored and dull / dull
Tambiénpoco estimulante, poco excitantenot stimulating
poco excitante, tranquilizantenot exciting
ContrariointeresanteArousing or holding the attention
Nombresdesinterésinability to capture or hold one's interest
AdverbiosdesinteresadamenteIn an uninteresting manner
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoOf comparatively great physical weight or density / density.
Cualidad depesoThe vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
EspecíficoabultadoOf considerable weight and size
densoHaving high relative density or specific gravity
macizo, recio, sólidoConsisting of great mass
pastosoHaving the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking
Contrarioligero, livianoOf comparatively little physical weight or density / density
NombrespesadezThe property of being comparatively great in weight
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 3
SentidoCharacterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort.
Sinónimosagotador, arduo, duro, fatigoso, laborioso, penoso
Inglésarduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome
Catalánardu, dur, esgotador, fatigant, fatigós, feixuc, laboriós, penós, pesat
Nombresagobio, molestia, opresión, pesadezunwelcome burdensome difficulty
arduidadextreme / extreme effortfulness
durezaThe quality of being difficult to do
faena, labor, trabajoProductive work (especially physical work done for wages)
laboriosidadThe quality of requiring extended effort
Adverbiosagotadoramente, arduamente, duramente, fatigosamente, laboriosamente, penosamente, pesadamente, rigurosamenteIn a laborious manner
agotadoramente, arduamente, duramente, fatigosamente, laboriosamente, penosamente, pesadamente, rigurosamenteWith effort or force or vigor
arduamenteIn an arduous manner
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidousually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it.
Sinónimosgordo, obeso
GeneralcarnosoHaving an (over)abundance of flesh
Inglésfleshy, heavy, overweight
Nombresadiposidad, adiposis, carnosidad, corpulencia, crasitud, obesidad, sobrepesoMore than average fatness
adiposis, carnosidad, corpulencia, obesidad, sobrepesoThe property of excessive fatness
pesadezThe property of being comparatively great in weight
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoSo lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.
Sinónimosaburrido, agobiante, cargante, gris, latoso, monótono, tedioso
Generalinsípido, pesado, sosoArousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement
Inglésboring, deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome
Catalánavorrit, carregós, empipador, gris, molest, monòton, pesat, tediós
Nombresaburrimiento, insipidez, monotoníaextreme / extreme dullness
aburrimiento, desgana, desinterés, hastío, pesadez, prolijidad, tediodullness owing to length or slowness
aburrimiento, apatía, hastío, tedioThe feeling of being bored by something tedious
inactividad, paro, quietudThe quality of lacking interestingness
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoOf the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment.
ContrarioligeroOf the military or industry
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Sentidonot easily borne; wearing.
Sinónimosexigente, gravoso, oneroso
Generalfuertemarked by great psychological weight
Inglésburdensome, onerous, taxing
Nombresagobio, molestia, opresión, pesadezunwelcome burdensome difficulty
Adverbiosagotadoramente, arduamente, onerosamente, penosamente, pesadamenteIn an onerous manner
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 8
SentidoDifficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight.
GeneralfarragosoDifficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape
Ingléscumbersome, cumbrous
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 9
SentidoCausing irritation or annoyance.
Sinónimoscargante, enfadoso, enojoso, fastidioso, irritante, molesto, vejatorio
Generaldesagradable, fastidioso, malévolo, molestonot to your liking
Inglésannoying, bothersome, galling, irritating, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguy, plaguey, teasing, vexatious, vexing
Catalánempipador, emprenyador, enfadós, enutjós, irritant, molest, ofenós, pesat, vexador, vexant, vexatori
NombresplagaAn annoyance
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Sentidorequiring or showing effort.
Inglésheavy, labored, laboured
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SentidoOf great size and bulk.
Generalgran, grandeAbove average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Ingléshulking, hulky
Nombresgigante, peso pesadoA very large person
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 12
Sentidomade heavy or weighted down with weariness.
Generalfuertemarked by great psychological weight
Inglésleaden, weighted
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Sentidodarkened with overcast.
Sinónimosgris, plomizo, taciturno
GeneralnubladoFull of or covered with clouds
Inglésdull, leaden
Catalángris, pesat, plomís, taciturn
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 14
Sentido(used of speech) uttered slowly with prolonged vowels.
Generallentonot moving quickly
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > adjetivo 15
Sentidolabored and dull / dull.
Generalinsípido, pesado, sosoArousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement
Adverbiosgroseramente, laboriosamente, pesadamente, torpementeIn an uninterestingly ponderous manner
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Sentidolarge and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work.
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SentidoSlow and laborious because of weight.
Sinónimosgrave, torpe
Inglésheavy, lumbering, ponderous
NombresponderosidadThe property of being large in mass
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Sentido(of movement) slow and laborious.
Inglésleaden, plodding
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > nombre 1, person
SentidoA person who evokes boredom.
Sinónimospelma, pelmazo
Específicobachiller, charlatán, cotorra, loro, palabreroA boring person who talks a great deal about uninteresting topics
estirado, persona estirada, pureta, viroteA bore who is extremely formal, pompous, and old-fashioned
Generalantipático, desagradableA person who is not pleasant or agreeable
Inglésbore, dullard
Cataláncorcó, pesat, plepa
Verbosaburrir, aguantar, cansar, fatigar, hastiarCause to be bored
Español > pesado: 20 sentidos > nombre 2, person
SentidoA persistently annoying person.
Sinónimoslapa, machacón, moscardón, moscón, pelma, pesada, peste, plaga, quiltro
Generalatormentador, atosigador, torturadorsomeone who torments
Ingléspest, blighter, cuss, pesterer, gadfly
Catalánborinot, corcó, pesta, plaga
Verbosacosar, atormentar, burlar, hostigar, importunar, joder, jorobar, molestarannoy persistently

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