HyperDic: dureza

Español > 9 sentidos de la palabra dureza:
NOMBREattributedurezathe property of being rigid and resistant to pressure
attributedureza, adustez, austeridad, inclemencia, rigidez, rigor, rigurosidad, severidadexcessive sternness
attributedureza, crueldad, falta de amabilidadlack of sympathy / sympathy
attributedureza, insensibilidaddevoid of passion or feeling
statedurezaabnormal hardening or thickening of tissue
attributedureza, aspereza, bronquedadthe quality of being unpleasant (harsh or rough or grating) to the senses
attributedureza, enormidadimpressive difficulty
attributedurezathe quality of being difficult to do
attributedurezathe property of being big and strong
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 1, attribute
SentidoThe property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale.
CualidadesblandoYielding readily to pressure or weight
duroResisting weight or pressure
Generalconsistencia, eubstanceThe property of holding together and retaining its shape
ContrarioblanduraThe property of giving little resistance to pressure and being easily cut or molded
AdjetivoduroResisting weight or pressure
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 2, attribute
Sentidoexcessive sternness.
Sinónimosadustez, austeridad, inclemencia, rigidez, rigor, rigurosidad, severidad
Generalausteridad, reciedumbre, rigurosidad, severidaduncompromising resolution
Inglésseverity, severeness, harshness, rigor, rigour, rigorousness, rigourousness, inclemency, hardness, stiffness
Cataláninclemència, rigor
Adjetivodurounfortunate / unfortunate or hard to bear
espartano, estricto, riguroso, severounsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment
estricta, estricto, riguroso, severodemanding strict / strict attention to rules and procedures
estricto, rigoroso, rigurosorigidly accurate
inclementeUsed of persons or behavior
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 3, attribute
Sentidolack of sympathy / sympathy.
Sinónimoscrueldad, falta de amabilidad
Específicodesconsideración, falta de consideración, inconsideraciónThe quality of failing to be considerate of others
inutilidadAn inability to be helpful
Generalindiferencia, insensibilidadThe inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
ContrarioamabilidadThe quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic
Cataláncrueltat, duresa, manca d'amabilitat
Adjetivocruel, despiadadolacking kindness
despiadadoDeficient in humane and kindly feelings
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 4, attribute
SentidoDevoid of passion or feeling; hardheartedness.
Generalindiferencia, insensibilidadThe inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
Inglésunfeelingness, callousness, callosity, hardness, insensibility
duro, insensibleemotionally hardened
insensibleDevoid of feeling for others
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 5, state
SentidoAbnormal hardening or thickening of tissue.
Específicocalcificacióntissue hardened by deposition of lime salts
callo, callosidadAn area of skin that is thick or hard from continual pressure or friction (as the sole of the foot)
Generalsíntoma(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 6, attribute
SentidoThe quality of being unpleasant (harsh or rough or grating) to the senses.
Sinónimosaspereza, bronquedad
Específicoafonía, carraspera, enronquecimiento, ronquedad, ronquera, tajadaA throaty harshness
Generalcarácter desagradableThe quality of giving displeasure
Inglésharshness, roughness
Adjetivodeslumbrante, fuerteDisagreeable to the senses
áspero, austero, rugosounpleasantly harsh or grating in sound
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 7, attribute
Sentidoimpressive difficulty.
GeneraldificultadThe quality of being difficult
Inglésformidability, toughness
Adjetivodesconcertante, espinoso, problemáticomaking great mental demands
duro, resistenteresistant to cutting or chewing
formidableExtremely impressive in strength or excellence
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 8, attribute
SentidoThe quality of being difficult to do.
GeneraldificultadThe quality of being difficult
Ingléshardness, ruggedness
Adjetivoagotador, arduo, duro, fatigoso, laborioso, penoso, pesadoCharacterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
difícil, dura, duronot easy
Español > dureza: 9 sentidos > nombre 9, attribute
SentidoThe property of being big and strong.
GeneralfortalezaThe property of being physically or mentally strong
Ingléshuskiness, ruggedness, toughness
Adjetivocárnico, carnoso, carnudo, corpulento, fornida, fornido, fuerte, musculoso, robustomuscular / muscular and heavily built
escabrososturdy / sturdy and strong in constitution or construction

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