HyperDic: síntoma

Español > 3 sentidos de la palabra síntoma:
NOMBREstatesíntoma(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
statesíntoma, señal, signo(medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease
communicationsíntoma, sintomaanything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of X's existence
Español > síntoma: 3 sentidos > nombre 1, state
Sentido(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease.
Categoríaespecialidad médica, medicinaThe branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques
Part deafección, dolencia, enfermedades, enfermedad, mal, patologíaAn impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
Específicoabsceso, apostema, flemón, postemasymptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
acedía, acidez de estómago, acidez, ardentía, ardor de estómago, ardores, pirosis, rescolderaA painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux (backflow from the stomach irritating / irritating the esophagus)
acetonemia, cetosisAn abnormal increase / increase / increase of ketone bodies in the blood as in diabetes mellitus
acetonuria, cetonuria, ketoaciduriaexcessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine as in diabetes mellitus or starvation
acufeno, acúfenoA ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears
ahíto, dispepsia, empacho, indigestiónA disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea
albuminuria, proteinuriaThe presence of excessive protein (chiefly albumin but also globulin) in the urine
alforza, cicatriz, descalabradura, lacraA mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue
almorranas, hemorroide, hemorroidespain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal sphincter
amenia, amenorreaabsence or suppression of normal menstrual flow
aminoaciduriaAbnormal presence of amino acids in the urine
amoniuriaexcessive ammonia in the urine
anemiaA lack of vitality
ansia, arcada, asco, basca, mareo, náusea, naúseaThe state that precedes vomiting
apneatransient cessation of respiration
arreflexiaabsence of a reflex
atrofiaA decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse
auraA sensation (as of a cold breeze or bright light) that precedes the onset of certain disorders such as a migraine attack or epileptic seizure
bubónA lymph node that is inflamed and swollen because of plague / plague or gonorrhea or tuberculosis
bulto, habón, hinchazón, roncha, tumefacciónAn abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement
calambrazo, calambre, espasmo muscular, espasmo, punzadaA painful and involuntary muscular contraction
caliuresis, kaliuresis, kaluresisThe presence of excess potassium in the urine
cardiomegalia, megacardia, megalocardiaAn abnormal enlargement of the heart
chiribita, miodesopsias, muscae volitantes, musca volitansSpots before the eyes caused by opaque cell fragments in the vitreous humor and lens
cianosisA bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes
cloasma, melasmaA tan discoloration of a woman's face that is associated with pregnancy or with the use of oral contraceptives
colitis, descomposición, diarreafrequent and watery bowel movements
congestiónexcessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part
constipación, estreñimientoIrregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels
desvanecimiento, mareo, vahído, vértigoA reeling sensation
dipsnea, disnea, dispneaDifficult or labored respiration
diuresisincreased secretion of urine
dolorA symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
durezaAbnormal hardening or thickening of tissue
entumecimiento, parálisispartial or total lack of sensation in a part of the body
eosinofiliaA symptom of allergic states
eosinopeniaA decrease in the number of eosinophils in the blood
erupción, grano, sarpullidosymptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visible
estornudoA symptom consisting of the involuntary expulsion of air from the nose
exoftalmia, exoftalmosprotrusion of the eyeball from the socket
febricity, fiebre, pirexia, temperaturaA rise in the temperature of the body
glucosuriaThe presence of abnormally high levels of sugar in the urine
haemoglobinemia, hemoglobinemiapresence of excessive hemoglobin in the blood plasma
hematuriaThe presence of blood in the urine
hemoglobinuriapresence of hemoglobin in the urine
hemoptisiscoughing up blood from the respiratory tract
hemosiderosisAbnormal deposit of hemosiderin
hidrofobiaA symptom of rabies in humans consisting of an aversion to swallowing liquids / liquids
hipercalcemiaThe presence of abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood
hipercalciuria, hypercalcinuriaThe presence of abnormally high levels of calcium in the urine
hipercolesterolemiaThe presence of an abnormal amount of cholesterol in the cells and plasma of the blood
hiperesplenismoenlarged spleen and a decrease in one or more types of blood cells
hiperglicemia, hiperglucemiaabnormally high blood sugar usually associated with diabetes
hiperlipemia, hiperlipidemia, hiperlipidosis, hyperlipoidaemia, hyperlipoidemia, lipemia, lipidaemia, lipidemia, lipoidaemia, lipoidemiapresence of excess lipids in the blood
hipernatremiaexcessive amounts of sodium in the blood
hiperpotasemiahigher than normal levels of potassium in the circulating blood
hipo(usually plural) the state of having reflex spasms of the diaphragm accompanied by a rapid closure of the glottis producing an audible sound
hipocalcemiaabnormally low level of calcium in the blood
hipoglicemia, hipoglucemiaabnormally low blood sugar usually resulting from excessive insulin or a poor diet
hiponatremiaabnormally low level of sodium in the blood
hipopotasemiaabnormally low level of potassium in the circulating blood leading to weakness and heart abnormalities
ictericiayellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood
inflamación, ruborA response of body tissues to injury or irritation
linfuriaThe presence of lymph in the urine
listónA furlike coating of matter as on the tongue
meningismo, síndrome meníngeosymptoms that mimic those of meningitis but without inflammation of the meninges
menorragia, metrorragiaabnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation
mioglobinuriaThe presence of myoglobin in the urine
mono, síndrome de abstinenciaAny physical or psychological disturbance (as sweating or depression) experienced by a drug addict when deprived of the drug
natriuresisThe presence of abnormally large amounts of sodium in the urine
oliguriaabnormally small production of urine
palpitación, pálpitoA rapid and irregular heart beat
parestesiaAbnormal skin sensations (as tingling or tickling / tickling or itching or burning) usually associated with peripheral nerve damage
perlesíaA condition marked by uncontrollable tremor
período prodrómico, prodroma, pródromoAn early symptom that a disease is developing or that an attack is about to occur
piuriapresence of white blood cells in the urine
purulenciasymptom of being purulent (containing or forming pus)
rinorreapersistent watery mucus discharge from the nose (as in the common cold)
secresión mucosa postnasalchronic secretion of mucus from the rear of the nasal cavity into the nasopharynx
sofocónsudden brief sensation of heat (associated with menopause and some mental disorders)
soploAn abnormal sound of the heart
síndromeA pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
tiritera, tiritonaA sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a fever
tosA sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs that clears the air passages
trombocitosisincrease / increase / increase in the number of platelets in the blood which tends to cause clots to form
Generalbase, evidencia, fundamentoYour basis for belief or disbelief
Adjetivodiagnóstico, sintomáticocharacteristic or indicative of a disease
sintomáticorelating to or according to or affecting a symptom or symptoms
Español > síntoma: 3 sentidos > nombre 2, state
Sentido(medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease.
Sinónimosseñal, signo
Categoríaespecialidad médica, medicinaThe branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques
Part deafección, dolencia, enfermedades, enfermedad, mal, patologíaAn impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
Generalbase, evidencia, fundamentoYour basis for belief or disbelief
Español > síntoma: 3 sentidos > nombre 3, communication
SentidoAnything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of X's existence.
Generalindicación, indicant, índice, indicioSomething that serves to indicate or suggest
Adjetivodiagnóstico, sintomáticocharacteristic or indicative of a disease

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