Español > hinchazón: 5 sentidos > nombre 1, stateSentido | An abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement. |
Sinónimos | bulto, habón, roncha, tumefacción |
Específico | edema, hidropesía | swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities |
espermatocele | A swelling on the epididymis or the testis |
haematocoele, hematocele, hematocoele | swelling caused by blood collecting in a body cavity (especially a swelling of the membrane covering the testis) |
hallux valgus, juanete | A painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe |
intumescencia | swelling up with blood or other fluids (as with congestion) |
linfogranuloma | swelling of a lymph node |
osqueocele | swelling of the scrotum |
tumescencia | Slight swelling of an organ or part |
General | síntoma | (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease |
Inglés | swelling, puffiness, lump |
Catalán | bony, fava, inflor |
Adjetivo | distendido, hinchado, inflado, tumescente, túmido | abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas |
Verbos | agrandarse, dilatarse, expandirse, hincharse, inflamarse, inflarse | Expand abnormally |
Español > hinchazón: 5 sentidos > nombre 3, attributeSentido | overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors. |
Sinónimos | altanería, altiveza, altivez, arrogancia, copete, descuello, desvanecimiento, elación, encumbramiento, endiosamiento, entono, envalentonamiento, fuero, inmodestia, lozanía, orgullo, penacho, pescuezo, prepotencia, pretensión, soberbia, suficiencia, toldo, ufanía, ventolera |
Específico | altanería, condescendencia, desdén, suficiencia | The trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior |
autoritarismo, despotismo, tiranía | The trait of being imperious and overbearing |
desconsideración, desprecio | The manifestation of scorn and contempt / contempt |
esnobismo, snobismo | The trait of condescending to those of lower social status |
hibris, hybris | overbearing pride or presumption |
superioridad | Displaying a sense of being better than others |
General | soberbia, superbia | Unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins) |
Inglés | arrogance, haughtiness, hauteur, high-handedness, lordliness |
Catalán | altivesa, altivitat, arrogància, elació, enfaristolament, estuf, fatuïtat, fums, inflor, ínfules, orgull, protèrvia, supèrbia, urc, vanitat |
Adjetivo | altanero, altivo, arrogante, orgulloso, prepotente, soberbio, ufano | Having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride |
altivo, arrogante, desdeñoso, despectivo, imperioso, orgulloso, soberbio | Having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy |
arrogante | given to haughty disregard of others |