Español > lozanía: 4 sentidos > nombre 1, attributeSentido | animation and energy in action or expression / expression. |
Sinónimos | vida, vivacidad, viveza |
Cualidades | animado, vivo | full of life and energy |
Específico | alacridad, alegría, animación, brusquedad, presteza, vigor | liveliness and eagerness |
alborozo, animación, efusión, entusiasmo, euforia, exaltación, exhuberancia | overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval |
alegría, garbo | A breezy liveliness |
alma, empuje, energía, ímpetu | liveliness and energy |
animación, irreprimibilidad, irreprimible | irrepressible liveliness and good spirit |
animosidad, efervescencia, efusividad | exuberant liveliness |
energía, nervio, vigor | An imaginative lively style (especially style of writing) |
ímpetu | enthusiastic and assured vigor and liveliness |
General | animación, brio | Quality of being active or spirited / spirited / spirited or alive and vigorous / vigorous |
Inglés | liveliness, life, spirit, sprightliness |
Catalán | vida, vivesa, vivor |
Adjetivo | animado, vivaz | Full of spirit and vitality |
dúctil, elástico, flexible | elastic |
enérgico, vital | Full of spirit |
enérgico, vigoroso, vivaz | Quick and energetic |
Verbos | animar, inspirar | infuse with spirit |
espiritualizar | imbue with a spirit / spirit / spirit / spirit |
Español > lozanía: 4 sentidos > nombre 2, attributeSentido | overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors. |
Sinónimos | altanería, altiveza, altivez, arrogancia, copete, descuello, desvanecimiento, elación, encumbramiento, endiosamiento, entono, envalentonamiento, fuero, hinchazón, inmodestia, orgullo, penacho, pescuezo, prepotencia, pretensión, soberbia, suficiencia, toldo, ufanía, ventolera |
Específico | altanería, condescendencia, desdén, suficiencia | The trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior |
autoritarismo, despotismo, tiranía | The trait of being imperious and overbearing |
desconsideración, desprecio | The manifestation of scorn and contempt / contempt |
esnobismo, snobismo | The trait of condescending to those of lower social status |
hibris, hybris | overbearing pride or presumption |
superioridad | Displaying a sense of being better than others |
General | soberbia, superbia | Unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins) |
Inglés | arrogance, haughtiness, hauteur, high-handedness, lordliness |
Catalán | altivesa, altivitat, arrogància, elació, enfaristolament, estuf, fatuïtat, fums, inflor, ínfules, orgull, protèrvia, supèrbia, urc, vanitat |
Adjetivo | altanero, altivo, arrogante, orgulloso, prepotente, soberbio, ufano | Having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride |
altivo, arrogante, desdeñoso, despectivo, imperioso, orgulloso, soberbio | Having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy |
arrogante | given to haughty disregard of others |
Español > lozanía: 4 sentidos > nombre 3, attributeSentido | The property of being lush and abundant and a pleasure to the senses. |
Sinónimos | exuberancia, frondosidad, voluptuosidad |
General | abundamiento, abundancia, caudal, copiosidad, nubada, plétora | The property of a more than adequate quantity or supply |
Inglés | luxuriance, lushness, voluptuousness |
Catalán | esponera, exuberància, ufana, ufanor |
Adjetivo | abundante, abundoso, copioso, exuberante, nombroso, profuso | produced or growing in extreme / extreme abundance |
complicado, intrincado | marked by complexity and richness of detail |
epicúreo, lujoso, lujurioso, sensual, sibarítico, voluptuoso | Displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses |
exuberante, lujoso, opulento, suntuoso | Rich and superior in quality |