Sentido | Quality of being active or spirited / spirited / spirited or alive and vigorous / vigorous. | |
Sinónimo | brio | |
Cualidades | animado | Displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness |
exánime | lacking ardor or vigor or energy | |
Específico | alegría | cheerful and lively |
lozanía, vida, vivacidad, viveza | animation and energy in action or expression / expression | |
General | actividad | The trait of being active |
Inglés | animation, spiritedness, invigoration, brio, vivification | |
Catalán | animació | |
Adjetivo | animado | Displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness |
enérgico, vigoroso, vital | marked by lively action | |
Verbos | animar, avivar, reanimar, vigorizar, vivificar | make lively / lively |
estimular, revigorizar, tonificar, vigorizar | Impart vigor, strength, or vitality to |
Sentido | The condition of living or the state of being alive. | |
Sinónimo | vida | |
Cualidades | muerto | no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life |
vivo | possessing life | |
Específico | aguante, resistencia, supervivencia | A state of surviving |
vida eterna | Life without beginning or end | |
General | existencia, ser | The state or fact of existing |
Inglés | animation, life, living, aliveness | |
Catalán | animació | |
Adjetivo | activo | In operation |
despierto | mentally perceptive and responsive | |
Verbos | durar, existir, morar, vivir | Have life, be alive |
Sentido | The property of being able to survive and grow. | |
Sinónimo | vivacidad | |
Cualidades | muerto | no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life |
vivo | possessing life | |
General | vitalidad | The property of being animated |
Inglés | animation, vitality | |
Adjetivo | enérgico, vital | Full of spirit |
vital | manifesting or characteristic of life |
Sentido | Any exciting and complex play intended to confuse (dazzle / dazzle) the opponent. | |
Sinónimos | alboroto, bullicio, jaleo, juerga, revuelo | |
General | jugada | A preset plan of action in team sports |
Inglés | razzle-dazzle, razzle, razzmatazz, razmataz | |
Catalán | aldarull, bullici, tumult |
Sentido | liveliness and eagerness. | |
Sinónimos | alacridad, alegría, brusquedad, presteza, vigor | |
General | lozanía, vida, vivacidad, viveza | animation and energy in action or expression / expression |
Inglés | alacrity, briskness, smartness | |
Catalán | alacritat | |
Adjetivo | alto, elegante | Quick and brisk |
enérgico, vigoroso, vivaz | Quick and energetic |
Sentido | overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval. | |
Sinónimos | alborozo, efusión, entusiasmo, euforia, exaltación, exhuberancia | |
Específico | extravagancia, insensatez, locura | unrestrained / unrestrained excitement / excitement or enthusiasm |
lirismo | unrestrained / unrestrained and exaggerated enthusiasm | |
General | lozanía, vida, vivacidad, viveza | animation and energy in action or expression / expression |
Inglés | exuberance, enthusiasm, ebullience | |
Catalán | entusiasme, eufòria, exaltació | |
Adjetivo | efusivo, eufórico, exuberante, exultante, jubiloso | joyously unrestrained |
Verbos | exultar | To express great joy |
Sentido | general activity and motion. | |
General | actividad | Any specific behavior |
Inglés | liveliness, animation | |
Catalán | animació | |
Adjetivo | ajetreado, animado | Filled with events or activity |
animado, vivo | full of life and energy |
Sentido | The making of animated cartoons. | |
General | cinematografía, cine, filmación, rodaje | The act of making a film |
Inglés | animation | |
Catalán | animació |
Sentido | irrepressible liveliness and good spirit. | |
Sinónimos | irreprimibilidad, irreprimible | |
General | lozanía, vida, vivacidad, viveza | animation and energy in action or expression / expression |
Inglés | irrepressibility, buoyancy | |
Adjetivo | alegre, animado | Characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness |
incontenible, incontrolable, irreprimible | impossible to repress / repress or control |
Sentido | The activeness of an energetic / energetic personality. | |
Sinónimos | actividad, dinamismo, energía, marcha, pizzaz | |
General | actividad | The trait of being active |
Inglés | dynamism, pizzazz, pizzaz, oomph, zing | |
Catalán | dinamisme, energia, marxa, pizzaz | |
Adjetivo | dinámico | Characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality |
Sentido | lively high-spirited playfulness. | |
Sinónimos | deportividad, vivacidad | |
General | carácter juguetón | A disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement |
Inglés | friskiness, frolicsomeness, sportiveness | |
Adjetivo | enérgico, entusiasta, juguetón, retozón | playful like a lively kitten |
festivo, jaranero, jocoso, juerguista | given to merry frolicking |
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