HyperDic: alegre

Español > 16 sentidos de la palabra alegre:
ADJETIVOallalegre, animado, divertido, jovialbeing full of or promoting cheer
allalegre, contento, feliz, satisfechoenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure
allalegre, dichoso, gozoso, jubiloso, regocijadofull of or producing joy
allalegrefull of or characterized by joy
allalegre, chistoso, cómico, divertido, gracioso, ridículo, risiblearousing or provoking laughter
allalegre, animado, divertido, feliz, jovial, risueñofull of or showing high-spirited merriment
allalegre, bueno, contento, felizshowing or causing joy and pleasure
allalegre, animadocharacterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
allalegre, animadopleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic
allalegre, divertido, festivo, vívidooffering fun and gaiety
allalegre, animado, gallardo, garbosohaving a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
allalegrecarefree and happy and lighthearted
allalegre, agradable, asoleado, jovial, soleadobright and pleasant
allalegre, despreocupado, feliz, tranquilofree of trouble and worry and care
allalegre, vivazfull of or showing high spirits
allalegre, contento, felizmade joyful
Español > alegre: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoFull of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits.
Sinónimosanimado, divertido, jovial
Cualidad dealegría, vidaThe quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom
Específicoagradable, alegre, asoleado, jovial, soleadobright and pleasant
alegre, animadoCharacterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
alegre, animado, gallardo, garbosoHaving a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
alegrecarefree and happy and lighthearted
contento, feliz, risueño, sonrientecheerful and bright
risueño, sonrientesmiling with happiness or optimism
Tambiénalegre, contento, feliz, satisfechoenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure
alegre, bueno, contento, felizshowing or causing joy and pleasure
ContrariodeprimenteCausing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
Catalánalegre, animat
Nombresalegría, vidaThe quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom
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Sentidoenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure.
Sinónimoscontento, feliz, satisfecho
Cualidad dealegría, felicidademotions experienced when in a state of well-being
dicha, felicidadstate of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
EspecíficobenditoCharacterized by happiness and good fortune
bienaventuradoCompletely happy and contented
de oro, dorado, prósperomarked by peace and prosperity
Tambiénalegre, animado, divertido, jovialFull of or promoting cheer
alegre, dichoso, gozoso, jubiloso, regocijadoFull of or producing joy
alegreFull of or characterized by joy
alegre, bueno, contento, felizshowing or causing joy and pleasure
contento, satisfechosatisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are
contento, eufórico, felizexaggerated feeling of well-being or elation
eufórico, regocijadoexultantly proud and joyful
oportunoExhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style
Contrarioinfeliz, tristeExperiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent
Catalánalegre, feliç
Nombresalegría, felicidademotions experienced when in a state of well-being
dicha, felicidadstate of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
Adverbiosalegremente, dichosamente, felizmente, jubilosamenteIn a joyous manner
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SentidoFull of or producing joy.
Sinónimosdichoso, gozoso, jubiloso, regocijado
EspecíficobeatíficoExperiencing or bestowing celestial joy
encantado, entusiasmadoExtremely joyful
Tambiénalegre, contento, feliz, satisfechoenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure
alegreFull of or characterized by joy
Contrarioafligido, pesarosoExperiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss
Nombresalegría, gozo, ilusión, joya, júbilo, regocijoThe emotion of great happiness
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SentidoFull of or characterized by joy.
Específicoalegre, animado, divertido, feliz, jovial, risueñoFull of or showing high-spirited merriment
alegre, divertido, festivo, vívidooffering fun and gaiety
arrebatado, entusiasta, extasiado, extáticoFeeling great rapture or delight
jubiloso, regocijadoFull of high-spirited delight
Tambiénalegre, contento, feliz, satisfechoenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure
alegre, dichoso, gozoso, jubiloso, regocijadoFull of or producing joy
eufórico, regocijadoexultantly proud and joyful
Contrariodesdichado, sin alegría, tristenot experiencing or inspiring joy
Nombresalegría, gozo, ilusión, joya, júbilo, regocijoThe emotion of great happiness
Adverbiosalegremente, dichosamente, eufóricamente, jubilosamenteIn a joyous and gleeful manner
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SentidoArousing or provoking laughter.
Sinónimoschistoso, cómico, divertido, gracioso, ridículo, risible
Generalchistoso, cómica, cómico, divertido, graciosa, gracioso, humorística, humorísticoFull of or characterized by humor
Inglésamusing, comic, comical, funny, laughable, mirthful, risible
Cataláncòmic, divertit
Nombresalegría, diversión, divertimento, holgorio, jolgorioActivities that are enjoyable or amusing
alegría, felicidad, hilaridad, júbilo, regocijoGreat merriment
anécdotaA comic incident or series of incidents
comedialight and humorous drama with a happy ending
comediante, cómic, cómico, humoristaA professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts
risibilidadA disposition to laugh
Adverbioscómicamente, ridículamente, risiblementeSo as to arouse or deserve laughter
Verbosreírproduce laughter
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SentidoFull of or showing high-spirited merriment.
Sinónimosanimado, divertido, feliz, jovial, risueño
GeneralalegreFull of or characterized by joy
Inglésgay, jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful
Catalánalegre, animat, jocós, jocund, jovial, rialler
Nombresalegría, humorismo, humor, jocosidadThe trait of merry / merry joking
alegría, felicidad, hilaridad, júbilo, regocijoGreat merriment
jocundidadA feeling facetious merriment
jovialidadA jovial nature
jovialidadFeeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor
Adverbiosalegremente, dichosamente, felizmente, jubilosamenteIn a joyous manner
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Sentidoshowing or causing joy and pleasure; especially made happy.
Sinónimosbueno, contento, feliz
Tambiénalegre, animado, divertido, jovialFull of or promoting cheer
alegre, contento, feliz, satisfechoenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure
ContrariotristeExperiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness
Nombresalegría, ilusión, joyaExperiencing joy and pleasure
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SentidoCharacterized by liveliness and lightheartedness.
Generalalegre, animado, divertido, jovialFull of or promoting cheer
Inglésbuoyant, chirpy, perky
Catalánalegre, animat
Nombresalegríacheerful and lively
animación, irreprimibilidad, irreprimibleirrepressible liveliness and good spirit
despejo, frescura, optimismocheerfulness that bubbles to the surface
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Sentidopleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic.
Generaloptimista, optimísticoExpecting the best in this best of all possible worlds
Ingléscheerful, pollyannaish, upbeat
Nombresbuen humorA feeling of spontaneous good spirits
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Sentidooffering fun and gaiety.
Sinónimosdivertido, festivo, vívido
GeneralalegreFull of or characterized by joy
Inglésgay, festal, festive, merry
Catalánalegre, divertit, festiu
Nombresalegría, humorismo, humor, jocosidadThe trait of merry / merry joking
celebración, edición, festejo, festividadAny joyous diversion
Adverbiosalegremente, dichosamente, felizmente, jubilosamenteIn a joyous manner
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SentidoHaving a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air.
Sinónimosanimado, gallardo, garboso
Generalalegre, animado, divertido, jovialFull of or promoting cheer
Ingléschipper, debonair, debonaire, jaunty
Catalánalegre, animat
Nombresalegría, garboA breezy liveliness
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Sentidocarefree and happy and lighthearted.
Generalalegre, animado, divertido, jovialFull of or promoting cheer
Inglésblithe, blithesome, lighthearted, lightsome, light-hearted
Nombresbuen humorA feeling of spontaneous good spirits
despreocupaciónThe cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you
Adverbiosalegremente, dichosamente, felizmente, jubilosamenteIn a joyous manner
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Sentidobright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer.
Sinónimosagradable, asoleado, jovial, soleado
Generalalegre, animado, divertido, jovialFull of or promoting cheer
Ingléscheery, gay, sunny
Catalánagradable, alegre, jovial, radiant
Nombresalegría, vidaThe quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom
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SentidoFree of trouble and worry and care.
Sinónimosdespreocupado, feliz, tranquilo
Ingléscarefree, unworried
Catalánalegre, despreocupat, feliç, tranquil
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SentidoFull of or showing high spirits.
Generalanimado, vivofull of life and energy
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Sentidomade joyful.
Sinónimoscontento, feliz
Generaleufórico, regocijadoexultantly proud and joyful
Inglésgladdened, exhilarated
Catalánalegre, content, feliç

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