HyperDic: animat

Català > 9 sentits de la paraula animat:
ADJECTIUallanimat, alegrebeing full of or promoting cheer
allanimat, viuhaving life or vigor or spirit
allanimat, alegre, jocós, jocund, jovial, riallerfull of or showing high-spirited merriment
allanimat, viu, viventendowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life
allanimat, alegrecharacterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
allanimat, animós, dispostmade sprightly or cheerful
allanimatbelonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings
allanimat, alegrehaving a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
allanimat, vital, vivaçvigorous and animated
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 1
SentitFull of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits.
Qualitat dealegriaThe quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom
Específicagradable, alegre, jovial, radiantbright and pleasant
alegre, animatCharacterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
alegrecarefree and happy and lighthearted
alegre, animatHaving a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
somrientsmiling with happiness or optimism
somrientcheerful and bright
Tambéalegre, feliçenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure
Contraridepressiu, deprimentCausing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
Espanyolalegre, animado, divertido, jovial
NomsalegriaThe quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 2
SentitHaving life or vigor or spirit.
Específicenèrgic, vitalFull of spirit
reanimatGiven fresh life or vigor or spirit
Contrariinanimatnot animated or enlivened
Anglèsanimated, alive
Espanyolanimado, vivaz, vivo
NomsvitalitatThe property of being animated
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 3
SentitFull of or showing high-spirited merriment.
Sinònimsalegre, jocós, jocund, jovial, rialler
GeneraljoiósFull of or characterized by joy
Anglèsgay, jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful
Espanyolalegre, animado, divertido, feliz, jovial, risueño
Nomsalegria, jovialitatA jovial nature
alegria, gaubança, hilaritatGreat merriment
humor, jocositatThe trait of merry / merry joking
jocunditatA feeling facetious merriment
jovialitatFeeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor
Adverbisalegrement, feliçmentIn a joyous manner
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 4
Sentitendowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life.
Sinònimsviu, vivent
Qualitat devitalitatThe property of being animated
Contrariinanimatnot endowed with life
Espanyolanimado, viviente, vivo
NomsvitalitatThe property of being animated
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 5
SentitCharacterized by liveliness and lightheartedness.
Generalalegre, animatFull of or promoting cheer
Anglèsbuoyant, chirpy, perky
Espanyolalegre, animado
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 6
Sentitmade sprightly or cheerful.
Sinònimsanimós, dispost
Contrariapagat, grisnot made lively or brightened
Espanyolanimado, avivado
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 7
SentitBelonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings.
CategorialingüísticaThe scientific study of language
ContrariinanimatBelonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 8
SentitHaving a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air.
Generalalegre, animatFull of or promoting cheer
Anglèschipper, debonair, debonaire, jaunty
Espanyolalegre, animado, gallardo, garboso
Català > animat: 9 sentits > adjectiu 9
SentitVigorous and animated.
Sinònimsvital, vivaç
Anglèsvibrant, vivacious
Espanyolanimado, vibrante, vital, vivaz
NomsvivacitatCharacterized by high spirits and animation
AdverbisvivaçmentWith vivacity

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