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English 11 senses of the word bright:
ADJECTIVEallbrightemitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts
allbright, brilliant, vividhaving striking color
allbright, smartcharacterized by quickness and ease in learning
allbrighthaving lots of light either natural or artificial
allbright, burnished, lustrous, shining, shinymade smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing
allbright, undimmednot made dim or less bright
allbright, brilliantclear and sharp and ringing
allbrightcharacterized by happiness or gladness
allbright, hopeful, promisingfull or promise
ADVERBallbright, brilliantly, brightlywith brightness
bright pronunciation
Rhymesacolyte ... write: 181 rhymes with ayt...
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 1
Meaningemitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts.
  • "the sun was bright and hot"
  • "a bright sunlit room"
Attribute ofluminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousness, lightThe quality of being luminous
Narroweragleam, gleaming, nitidbright with a steady but subdued shining
aglitter, coruscant, fulgid, glinting, glistering, glittering, glittery, scintillant, scintillating, sparklyHaving brief brilliant points or flashes of light
aglow, lambent, lucent, luminoussoftly bright or radiant
ardentglowing or shining like fire
beady, beadlike, buttony, buttonlikesmall and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button
beaming, beamy, effulgent, radiant, refulgentradiating or as if radiating light
blazing, blinding, dazzling, fulgent, glaring, glaryshining intensely
bright as a new penny(metaphor) shining brightly
brilliantFull of light
glimmeryShining softly and intermittently
glistening, glossy, lustrous, sheeny, shiny, shiningReflecting light
iridescent, nacreous, opalescent, opaline, pearlescentHaving a play of lustrous rainbow colors
luridshining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke
noctilucentshining or glowing by night
satiny, sleek, silken, silky, silklike, slickHaving a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light
self-luminousHaving in itself the property of emitting light
shimmeryglistening tremulously
silver, silvern, silveryHaving the white lustrous sheen of silver
twinklingshining intermittently with a sparkling light
See alsopolishedperfected or made shiny and smooth
Oppositedullemitting or reflecting very little light
Spanishbrillante, claro, luminoso
Catalanbrillant, lluminós
Nounsbrightnessthe location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white
Adverbsbrightlywith brightness
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 2
MeaningHaving striking color.
Example"bright dress"
Synonymsbrilliant, vivid
Broadercolorful, colourfulHaving striking color
Spanishbrillante, vivo
Catalanbrillant, viu
Nounsbrightnessthe location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 3
MeaningCharacterized by quickness and ease in learning.
Example"some children are brighter in one subject than another"
BroaderintelligentHaving the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
Spanishdespavilado, despierto, desvelado, espavilado, listo, sagaz, vivo
Catalanbrillant, despert, desvetllat, espavilat, viu
Nounsbrightnessintelligence as manifested in being quick and witty
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 4
MeaningHaving lots of light either natural or artificial.
  • "the room was bright and airy"
  • "a stage bright with spotlights"
BroaderlightCharacterized by or emitting light
Nounsbrightnessthe quality of being luminous
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 5
Meaningmade smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow.
Example"bright silver candlesticks"
Synonymsburnished, lustrous, shining, shiny
Broaderpolishedperfected or made shiny and smooth
Spanishbrillante, bruñido, luminoso, lustroso, reluciente
Catalanbrillant, lluent, llustrós
Nounsbrightness, luminousnessthe quality of being luminous
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 6
  • "the bright stars of stage and screen"
  • "a bright moment in history"
  • "the bright pageantry of court"
BroadergloriousHaving or deserving or conferring glory
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 7
Meaningnot made dim or less bright.
Oppositedimmed, dimmade dim or less bright
Nounsbrightnessthe quality of being luminous
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 8
MeaningClear and sharp and ringing.
Example"the bright sound of the trumpet section"
BroaderreverberantHaving a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 9
MeaningCharacterized by happiness or gladness.
  • "bright faces"
  • "all the world seems bright and gay"
Broaderhappyenjoying / enjoying / enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure
Englishbright: 11 senses adjective 10
MeaningFull or promise.
Example"had a bright future in publishing"
Synonymshopeful, promising
BroaderauspiciousAuguring favorable circumstances and good luck
Spanishesperanzador, prometedor
Nounsbrightnessintelligence as manifested in being quick and witty
Englishbright: 11 senses adverb 1
MeaningWith brightness.
Example "the windows glowed jewel bright"
Synonymsbrilliantly, brightly

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