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English 21 senses of the word fire:
NOUNeventfirethe event of something burning (often destructive)
actfire, firingthe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
processfire, flame, flamingthe process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
artifactfirea fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
substancefireonce thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
feelingfire, ardor, ardour, fervor, fervour, fervency, fervidnessfeelings of great warmth and intensity
substancefirefuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking
eventfirea severe trial
communicationfire, attack, flak, flack, blastintense adverse criticism
VERBcompetitionfire, open firestart firing a weapon
competitionfire, dischargecause to go off
changefirebake in a kiln so as to harden
socialfire, displace, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminateterminate the employment of
competitionfire, discharge, go offgo off or discharge
motionfiredrive out or away by or as if by fire
emotionfire, arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, raise, provokecall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
changefire, burn, burn downdestroy by fire
possessionfire, fuelprovide with fuel
creationfiregenerate an electrical impulse
changefire, flame upbecome ignited
changefire, light, ignitestart or maintain a fire in
fire pronunciation
Soundsfay'er; fay'r
Rhymesacquire ... wire: 63 rhymes with ayer...
admire ... wire: 34 rhymes with ayr...
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 1, event
MeaningThe event of something burning (often destructive).
Example"they lost everything in the fire"
NarrowerbackfireA fire that is set intentionally in order to slow an approaching forest fire or grassfire by clearing a burned area in its path
bonfire, balefireA large outdoor fire that is lighted as a signal or in celebration
brush fireAn uncontrolled fire that consumes brush and shrubs and bushes
campfireA small outdoor fire for warmth or cooking (as at a camp / camp / camp)
conflagration, infernoA very intense and uncontrolled fire
forest fireAn uncontrolled fire in a wooded area
grassfire, prairie fireAn uncontrolled fire in a grassy area
smoulder, smolderA fire that burns with thick smoke but no flame
smudgeA smoky fire to drive away insects
Broaderhappening, occurrence, occurrent, natural eventAn event that happens
Spanishfuego, incendio
Catalanfoc, incendi
Verbsfiredestroy by fire
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 2, act
MeaningThe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy.
  • "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"
  • "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
Narrowerantiaircraft firefiring at enemy / enemy aircraft
artillery fire, cannon firefire delivered by artillery
barrage, barrage fire, battery, bombardment, shellingThe heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area / area rather than hit a specific target
broadsideThe simultaneous firing of all the armament on one side of a warship
call firefire delivered on a specific target in response to a request from the supported unit
concentrated fire, massed firefire from two or more weapons directed at a single target or area / area (as fire by batteries of two or more warships)
counterfirefire intended to neutralize or destroy enemy / enemy weapons
counterpreparation fireintensive prearranged fire delivered when the immanence of enemy / enemy attack is discovered
cover, covering firefire that makes it difficult for the enemy / enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations
crossfirefire from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross
destruction firefire delivered for the sole purpose of destroying material objects
direct firefire delivered on a target that is visible to the person aiming it
distributed firefire dispersed so as to engage effectively an area / area target
friendly fire, fratricidefire that injures or kills an ally
fusillade, salvo, volley, burstrapid simultaneous discharge of firearms
grazing firefire approximately parallel to the ground
harassing firefire designed to disturb the rest of enemy / enemy troops and to curtail movement and to lower enemy / enemy morale
hostile firefire that injures or kills an enemy / enemy
indirect firefire delivered on a target that is not itself used as the point of aim for the weapons
interdiction firefire directed to an area to prevent the enemy / enemy from using that area
neutralization firefire that is delivered in order to render the target ineffective or unusable
observed firefire for which the point of impact (the burst) can be seen by an observer
preparation firefire delivered on a target in preparation for an assault
radar firegunfire aimed a target that is being tracked by radar
registration firefire delivered to obtain accurate data for subsequent effective engagement of targets
scheduled fireprearranged fire delivered at a predetermined time
searching firefire distributed in depth by successive changes in the elevation of the gun
supporting firefire delivered by supporting units to protect or assist a unit in combat
suppressive firefire on or about a weapon system to degrade its performance below what is needed to fulfill its mission objectives
unobserved firefire for which the point of impact (the bursts) cannot be observed
Broaderattack, onslaught, onset, onrush(military) an offensive against an enemy / enemy (using weapons)
Verbsfirecause to go off
firestart firing a weapon
firego off or discharge
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 3, process
MeaningThe process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke.
Example"fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries"
Synonymsflame, flaming
Narrowerblaze, blazingA strong flame that burns brightly
flareA sudden burst of flame
ignitionThe process of initiating combustion or catching fire
Broadercombustion, burningA process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light
Spanishflama, fuego, incendio, llama, lumbre
Catalanflama, foc
Adjectivesfierylike or suggestive of fire
Verbsfirebake in a kiln so as to harden
firedestroy by fire
fireprovide with fuel
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 4, artifact
MeaningA fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning.
Example"they sat by the fire and talked"
NarrowercookfireA fire for cooking
Broaderfireplace, hearth, open fireplaceAn open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built
Spanishfuego, hogar, hoguera, lar
Catalanfoc, fogar, foguera, llar de foc, llar
Verbsfiredestroy by fire
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 5, substance
MeaningOnce thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles).
BroaderelementOne of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe
Usage ofarchaism, archaicismThe use of an archaic expression
Spanishfuego, incendio
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 6, feeling
MeaningFeelings of great warmth and intensity.
Synonymsardor, ardour, fervor, fervour, fervency, fervidness
Narrowerzealexcessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end
Broaderpassion, passionatenessA strong feeling or emotion
Spanishardor, fervor, fogosidad
Catalanardor, fervor, foc, fogositat
Adjectivesfierycharacterized by intense emotion
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 7, substance
MeaningFuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking.
  • "put the kettle on the fire"
  • "barbecue over an open fire"
BroaderfuelA substance that can be consumed to produce energy
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 8, event
MeaningA severe trial.
Example"he went through fire and damnation"
Broadertrial, tribulation, visitationAn annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
Englishfire: 21 senses noun 9, communication
MeaningIntense adverse criticism.
Example"Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"
Synonymsattack, flak, flack, blast
Broadercriticism, unfavorable judgmentdisapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings
Spanishataque, explosión
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 1, competition
Meaningstart firing a weapon.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Synonymopen fire
Broaderblast, shootFire a shot
Spanishabrir fuego, disparar
Catalandisparar, fer foc
Nounsfire, firingthe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 2, competition
MeaningCause to go off.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "fire a gun"
  • "fire a bullet"
Cause tofire, discharge, go offgo off or discharge
Entailed bytriggerRelease or pull the trigger on
Narrowerblast, shootFire a shot
fusilladeattack with fusillade
loose off, let fly, let drivefire as from a gun
popfire a weapon with a loud explosive noise
Spanishdescargar, despedir, disparar, echar
Catalandescarregar, disparar, fer foc, fer fora
Nounsfirethe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
firingthe act of discharging a gun
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 3, change
Meaningbake in a kiln so as to harden.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"fire pottery"
Categorycooking, cookery, preparationThe act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat
Entailed byenamelcoat, inlay, or surface with enamel
Broaderbakecook and make edible by putting in a hot oven
Nounsfirethe process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 4, social
MeaningTerminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
Example"The boss fired his secretary today"
Synonymsdisplace, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminate
Narrowerclean outForce out
dismiss, send packing, send away, dropstop associating with
furlough, lay offdismiss, usually for economic reasons
pension offlet go from employment with an attractive pension
retiremake (someone) retire
squeeze outForce out
BroaderremoveRemove from a position or an office
Oppositehire, engage, employEngage or hire for work
Spanishdar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, echar, exonerar, finiquitar, poder
Catalanacomiadar, despedir, destituir, fer fora
Nounsfiringthe termination of someone's employment / employment (leaving them free to depart)
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 5, competition
Meaninggo off or discharge.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"The gun fired"
Synonymsdischarge, go off
Caused byfire, dischargeCause to go off
Spanishdescargar, disparar
Catalandescarregar, disparar, fer foc
Nounsfirethe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 6, motion
Meaningdrive out or away by or as if by fire.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
  • "The soldiers were fired"
  • "Surrender fires the cold skepticism"
Broaderchase away, drive out, turn back, drive away, dispel, drive off, run offForce to go away
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 7, emotion
MeaningCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses).
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsarouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, raise, provoke
Narrowerangermake angry
drawelicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.
exciteArouse or elicit a feeling
hurt, wound, injure, bruise, offend, spitehurt the feelings of
infatuateArouse unreasoning love / love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way
inflame, stir up, wake, ignite, heat, fire upArouse or excite feelings and passions
interestexcite the curiosity of
invite, ask forincrease the likelihood of
overwhelm, overpower, sweep over, whelm, overcome, overtakeOvercome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
prickTo cause a sharp emotional pain
rekindleArouse again
shameCause to be ashamed
stimulate, shake, shake up, excite, stirStir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
strike a chord, touch a chordEvoke a reaction, response, or emotion
upset, discompose, untune, disconcert, discomfitCause to lose one's composure
Broadermake, createmake or cause to be or to become
Spanishcausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitar
Catalancausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitar
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 8, change
MeaningDestroy by fire.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
ModelThey fire the trees
Synonymsburn, burn down
Entailed byburnBurn at the stake
NarrowerbackfireSet a controlled fire to halt an advancing forest / forest to prairie fire
cremateReduce to ashes
scorchDestroy completely by or as if by fire
torchBurn maliciously, as by arson
Broaderdestroy, ruinDestroy completely
Similar toburn, combustUndergo combustion
burn, incinerateCause to undergo combustion
Spanisharder, incendiar, quemarse, quemar
Catalanbrusar, cremar-se, cremar, incendiar
Nounsfirea fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
firethe event of something burning (often destructive)
firethe process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 9, possession
MeaningProvide with fuel.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"Oil fires the furnace"
Broadersupply, provide, render, furnishGive something useful or necessary to
Spanishalimentar, aprovisionar de combustible, encender
Catalanproveir de combustible
Nounsfirethe process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 10, creation
MeaningGenerate an electrical impulse.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"the neurons fired fast"
CategoryphysiologyProcesses and functions of an organism
Broadergenerateproduce (energy)
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 11, change
MeaningBecome ignited.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"The furnace wouldn't fire"
Synonymflame up
Cause tofire, light, igniteStart or maintain a fire in
Englishfire: 21 senses verb 12, change
MeaningStart or maintain a fire in.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"fire the furnace"
Synonymslight, ignite
Caused byfire, flame upBecome ignited

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