Català > moure: 8 sentits > verb 1, motionSentit | change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically. |
Sinònims | acudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, viatjar |
Causat per | viatjar | make a trip for pleasure |
Implicat per | arribar a, arribar, assolir, contactar, pegar | Reach a destination / destination, either real or abstract |
Específic | abalançar-se, llançar-se, precipitar-se | Move with or as if with a rushing / rushing sound |
accelerar, afanyar-se, apressar, cuitar, donar-se pressa | Move very fast |
acompanyar | go or travel along with |
acostar-se, apropar-se, arribar, derivar, provenir, resultar, venir | Move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody |
afanyar-se, apressar, cuitar, llençar-se, precipitar-se, precipitar | Move fast |
aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar-se, alçar, ascendir, elevar-se, elevar, pujar | Move upward |
allunyar-se, apartar-se, jubilar, retirar-se, retirar, retrocedir, suprimir | pull back or move away or backward |
anar a quatre grapes, arrossegar-se, gatejar, reptar | Move slowly |
anar en ferri | travel by ferry |
anticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, internar-se | Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense |
apropar-se, aproximar-se, arribar, venir | Cover a certain distance |
arremolinar, serpejar, serpentejar, vagar | To move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course |
arrossegar-se, caminar sense ganes | Move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly |
avançar, continuar, procedir, prosseguir, seguir | Move ahead |
botar, rebotar, saltar | Move up and down repeatedly |
caminar | Use one's feet to advance |
caminar, deambular, girar, rondar, vagabundejar, vagarejar, vagar | Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment |
canviar, fer transbord | change from one vehicle or transportation line to another |
caure | descend in free fall under the influence of gravity |
circular, difondre's, escampar-se, espargir-se | Become widely known and passed on |
circular | Move in circles |
conduir, impulsar | travel or be transported in a vehicle |
congregar-se | Move as a crowd or in a group |
davallar, descendir | Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way |
descarrilar | Run off or leave the rails |
donar voltes, fer voltes, rodar | Move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle |
empaitar, perseguir, seguir | Follow in or as if in pursuit |
empaitar, perseguir, seguir | To travel behind, go after, come after |
esquiar | Move along on skis |
flotar, nedar, surar | Be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom |
flotar, nedar, surar | Be in motion due to some air or water current |
girar | Pass to the other side of |
llenegar, lliscar, relliscar, rossolar | To pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly |
lliscar, planar | Move smoothly and effortlessly |
muntar | Sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions |
navegar | Travel at a moderate speed |
nedar | Travel through water |
passar | Move past |
pisar, trepitjar | put down or press the foot, place the foot |
precedir | Move ahead / ahead (of others) in time or space |
propagar-se | Travel through the air |
regressar, reincorporar, retornar, tornar | Go or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before |
secundar | Travel backward |
seguir | travel along a certain course |
sortir a corre cuita | To move hurriedly |
tallar el vent | Move with a whishing sound |
titubar, trontollar, vacil·lar | Move slowly and unsteadily |
transportar en transbordador, travessar en transbordador | travel back and forth between two points |
viatjar | Travel upon or across |
viatjar | Undergo transportation as in a vehicle |
volar | Travel through the air |
zigzaguejar | travel along a zigzag path |
També | acabar, passar, transcórrer | pass by |
aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar-se, alçar, ascendir, elevar-se, elevar, pujar | Move upward |
allunyar-se, apartar-se, jubilar, retirar-se, retirar, retrocedir, suprimir | pull back or move away or backward |
anticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, internar-se | Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense |
circular, difondre's, escampar-se, espargir-se | Become widely known and passed on |
continuar, prosseguir, seguir | Continue talking / talking / talking |
davallar, descendir | Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way |
elevar-se, enfilar-se, escalar, grimpar, muntar, pujar | go upward with gradual or continuous progress |
enfonsar-se, esfondrar, naufragar, submergir-se, sumir-se | go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned" |
fugir | run away |
passar | Move past |
pondre's | disappear beyond the horizon |
Contrari | quedar-se | Be stationary |
Similar | desplaçar, moure | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
Anglès | travel, go, move, locomote |
Espanyol | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar |
Noms | desplaçament, moviment, trasllat | The act of changing location from one place to another |
desplaçament | A movement through space that changes the location of something |
força motriu, locomoció, motricitat | The power or ability to move |
locomoció | self-propelled movement |
moviment | A natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something |
viatgera, viatger | A person who changes location |
Català > moure: 8 sentits > verb 2, motionSentit | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense. |
Sinònim | desplaçar |
Causa de | moure's, moure | Move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion |
Implicat per | transferir | Cause to change ownership |
xutar | Drive or propel with the foot |
Específic | abaixar-se, abaixar, arriar, baixar, calar | Move something or somebody to a lower position |
abocar, arrosar, brufar, escampar-se, escampar, esquitxar, vessar-se, vessar | Cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container |
abocar, escampar, vessar-se, vessar | Cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run ... / run out or over |
abocar, emetre, fluir, llançar, tirar, vessar | Cause to run |
acuitar, apressar | Cause to move furtively and hurriedly |
agitar, excitar, molestar, remoure | change the arrangement or position of |
agitar, aletejar, batre, espolsar | Move with a thrashing motion |
aixecar, alçar, elevar, enlairar, pujar | Raise from a lower to a higher position |
amuntegar-se, apilotar-se, apinyar, encabir, entaforar, ficar | Cause to herd, drive, or crowd together |
apostar, col·locar, situar | Assign to a station / station |
arrossegar, estirar, tirar | Cause to move by pulling |
arrossegar, remolcar | Move by pulling hard |
avançar-se | Cause to move forward |
balancejar, bressar, gronxar, gronxolar | Move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting |
bolcar, invertir, regirar, remoure, tombar | Cause to overturn from an upright or normal position |
brandar, brandejar, prosperar | Move or swing back and forth |
canalitzar, transferir, transportar | Send from one person or place to another |
canalitzar, colar | Move or pour through a funnel |
carregar, efectuar, portar, transportar | Move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body |
circular, mobilitzar | Cause to move around |
circumdar, embolicar, encerclar, enrotllar, envoltar, girar, voltar | Arrange or or coil around |
comprimir, encaixar, esprémer, estrènyer, falcar, premsar, tasconar | squeeze like a wedge into a tight space |
conduir, impulsar | Cause someone or something to move by driving |
depositar, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicar | Put into a certain place or abstract location |
desarranjar, desarreglar, descompondre | Destroy the arrangement / arrangement or order of |
desarrelar, extirpar, extraure, extreure, treure | pull up by or as if by the roots |
despatxar, enviar, expedir, llançar, remetre, trametre | Cause to go somewhere |
dislocar | Move out of position |
distribuir, repartir | Cause be distributed |
dividir, separar | Force, take, or pull apart |
donar la volta, fer girar, girar, rotar | Cause to move around or rotate |
elevar | take hold of something and move it to a different location |
elevar | Move upwards |
embarcar, enviar, expedir, trametre, transportar | transport commercially |
empentar, empènyer, prémer | Move with force, "He pushed the table into a corner" |
encaixar, engranar | Keep engaged |
endinsar, enfonsar, submergir | Cause to sink |
escanejar | Move a light beam over |
esmunyir-se, fer lliscar, fer relliscar, lliscar | Move smoothly along a surface |
expulsar | Force to leave or move out |
extraure, extreure | bring outside the body for surgery, of organs |
fer córrer | Cause an animal to move fast |
fluctuar | Cause to fluctuate or move in a wavelike pattern |
girar, rotar | Cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis |
girar, rotar, tombar | Cause to move around a center so as to show another side of |
girar, rotar | Cause to move along an axis or into a new direction |
impel·lir, impulsar, propulsar | Cause to move forward with force |
mudar, transbordar, transferir, transportar, traslladar, traspassar | Move around |
precipitar | Cause to move fast or to rush / rush or race |
remenar | Move an implement through |
traduir | change the position of (figures or bodies) in space without rotation |
transbordar, transferir, transmetre | Move from one place to another |
transportar | Move something or somebody around |
Similar | acudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjar | change location |
Anglès | move, displace |
Espanyol | desplazar, mover, trasladar |
Adjectius | movible | (of personal property as opposed to real estate) can be moved from place to place (especially carried by hand) |
movible, transferible, transportable | capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another |
Noms | desplaçament, moviment, trasllat | The act of changing location from one place to another |
Català > moure: 8 sentits > verb 3, motionSentit | Move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion. |
Sinònim | moure's |
Causat per | apartar, eliminar, extirpar, retirar, suprimir, treure | Cause to leave |
circular, mobilitzar | Cause to move around |
desplaçar, moure | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
Implicat per | empeltar, fer eixarts, transplantar, trasplantar | place the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient |
empentar, empènyer, prémer | Move with force, "He pushed the table into a corner" |
entrenar, exercitar, treballar | Do physical exercise |
Específic | abalançar-se, botar, precipitar-se, saltar | Move forward by leaps and bounds |
abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, partir, retirar-se, sortir | Move out of or depart from |
accelerar, moure's | show signs of life |
acovardir-se, contreure's, encongir-se, recular, retrocedir | draw back, as with fear or pain |
adquirir, assumir | Occupy or take on |
agitar, remenar, sacsejar, tremolar | Move or cause to move back and forth |
agitar, aletejar, copejar, esbategar | Move with a flapping motion |
agitar, sacsejar | Move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion |
agitar, batre | Be agitated |
agitar-se, agitar, girar, ondejar, ondular, onejar, oscil·lar, volar | Move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion |
agitar-se | Move up and down repeatedly |
agitar-se, bellugar-se, moure, remenar | Move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion |
alimentar, brollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajar | Move along, of liquids / liquids |
anar a poc a poc, demorar-se, demorar, persistir, retardar, trigar | Take one's time |
arremolinar-se, fer girar, fer voltar, girar | fly around |
balancejar, trontollar, trontollejar | Move unsteadily |
balancejar, balandrejar, oscil·lar, titubejar, trontollar, trontollejar | Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion |
ballar, dansar | Move in a pattern |
ballar, dansar | Move in a graceful and rhythmical way |
bascular, desplomar-se, inclinar-se, inclinar, obliquar | heel over |
bategar, batre | Move rhythmically |
botar, fer un bot, saltar, sobresaltar, sobtar-se | Move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm |
botar, coixejar, saltar | Move quickly from one place to another |
brollar, córrer, fluir, manar, rajar | Move or progress freely as if in a stream |
cabotejar, decantar-se, inclinar-se, oscil·lar | sway gently back and forth, as in a nodding motion |
cargolar-se, retorçar, retòrcer, serpejar, serpentejar, torçar, tòrcer, trenar | To move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling / struggling / struggling) |
cedir | Move in order to make room for someone for something |
clausurar | change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact |
dislocar, esmunyir, fer lliscar | Move stealthily |
divergir | Move or draw apart / apart |
eludir, escapolir-se, esquitllar-se, esquivar, evitar, fintar, regatejar | make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid |
empentar, empènyer, envestir, impel·lir, propel·lir, propulsar | make a thrusting forward movement |
escalar | Move with difficulty, by grasping |
esclafir, espetegar, fer petar | Move or strike with a noise |
esclafir, espetegar | Move with a snapping sound |
escombrar, estendre's | sweep across or over |
estavellar-se, rompre's, topar, xocar | Move with, or as if with, a crashing noise |
estirar | Extend one's body or limbs |
fer giravolts, girar-se, girar, rotar, tombar-se, tombar, virar, voltejar | Move around an axis or a center |
fer petar | Cause to make a snapping sound |
girar, rotar | change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense |
girar, moure's | Move very slightly |
grapejar, toquejar | Move restlessly |
oscil·lar, vacil·lar | Move hesitatingly, as if about to give way |
propagar | Become distributed or widespread |
rugir, tronar | Move fast, noisily, and heavily |
separar | Go one's own way / way |
tirar | Move violently, energetically, or carelessly |
vibrar | shake, quiver, or throb |
volar | Move quickly or suddenly |
També | cedir | Move in order to make room for someone for something |
Anglès | move |
Espanyol | moverse, mover, trasladar |
Noms | motilitat, moviment | A change of position that does not entail a change of location |
Català > moure: 8 sentits > verb 4, emotionSentit | Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses). |
Sinònims | causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, suscitar |
Específic | aclaparar, desbordar, superar | Overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli |
aficionar, interessar-se, interessar | excite the curiosity of |
agitar, commoure, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar | Stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of |
amoïnar, confondre, desconcertar, molestar, pertorbar, preocupar, torbar | Cause to lose one's composure |
animar, emocionar, entusiasmar, excitar | Arouse or elicit a feeling |
avergonyir-se, avergonyir, sufocar | Cause to be ashamed |
buscar-se, buscar, convidar, demanar, invitar | increase the likelihood of |
danyar, ferir, fer mal, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendre | hurt the feelings of |
encolerir, enfadar-se, enfadar, enfurir, enutjar | make angry |
infatuar | Arouse unreasoning love / love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way |
General | causar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzar | make or cause to be or to become |
Anglès | arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, raise, provoke |
Espanyol | causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitar |
Adjectius | evocador, evocatiu, reminiscent | Serving to bring to mind |
provocador, provocatiu | Serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate |
Noms | deixondiment, estimulació | The act of arousing |
incitació, provocació | Something that incites or provokes |