HyperDic: caure

Català > 14 sentits de la paraula caure:
VERBmotioncauredescend in free fall under the influence of gravity
motioncaurelose an upright position suddenly
weathercaurefall from clouds
changecaurepass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
contactcaurefall or flow in a certain way
changecaureoccur at a specified time or place
motioncaure, baixarto fall vertically
changecaure, enfonsar-sefall heavily or suddenly
changecauresuffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat
changecaure, baixar, davallar, descendirgo down in value
changecaure, trontollarfall suddenly and sharply
changecaure, baixarfall sharply
changecaure, davallargo down momentarily
bodycaure, entrebancar-sefall forward and down
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 1, motion
Sentitdescend in free fall under the influence of gravity.
Generalacudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjarchange location
Similarcaurefall from clouds
Espanyolcaerse, caer
NomscaigudaA sudden drop from an upright position
caigudaA free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 2, motion
SentitLose an upright position suddenly.
Anglèsfall, fall down
NomscaigudaA sudden drop from an upright position
caigudaA free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 3, weather
Sentitfall from clouds.
Implicacondensar-se, condensarUndergo condensation
Específicborrufar, borrufejar, caure aiguaneuprecipitate as a mixture of rain and snow
calamarsejar, granissar, pedregarprecipitate as small ice particles
nevarfall as snow
ploure, plujaprecipitate as rain
Similarcauredescend in free fall under the influence of gravity
Anglèsprecipitate, come down, fall
Espanyolbajar, caer, precipitar
NomsprecipitacióThe falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 4, change
SentitPass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind.
Específicenamorar-seBegin to experience feelings of love / love towards
Generalconvertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-seUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Tambébaixar, declinar, empitjorarget worse
derruir-se, enfonsar-se, engrunar, ensorrar-se, ensulsiar-se, esbocinar, esfondrar-se, esgrunar, esmicar, esmicolar, esmollarbreak or fall apart into fragments
partir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 5, contact
Sentitfall or flow in a certain way.
Anglèshang, fall, flow
NomscaigudaThe way a garment hangs
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 6, change
Sentitoccur at a specified time or place.
Generalesdevenir-se, ocórrer, passar, sobrevenir, succeir, tenir llocCome to pass
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 7, motion
SentitTo fall vertically.
Específicprecipitar-sefall abruptly
Generaldavallar, descendirMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
Espanyolbajar, caer
NomscaigudaA free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 8, change
Sentitfall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly.
Generalbaixar, caure, davallar, descendirgo down in value
Similarcaure's, enfonsar-se, enfonsar, ensorrar-se, esfondrar, sumir-sefall or descend to a lower place or level
Anglèsslump, fall off, sink
Nomscaiguda, davalladaA noticeable deterioration in performance or quality
crisi econòmica, depressióA long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices / prices and low levels of trade and investment
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 9, change
SentitSuffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat.
Generaldecaure, declinar, empitjorarGrow worse
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 10, change
Sentitgo down in value.
Sinònimsbaixar, davallar, descendir
Específiccaure, enfonsar-sefall heavily or suddenly
caure, trontollarfall suddenly and sharply
Generaldeclinar, disminuir, minvarGrow smaller
Espanyolbajar, caer, descender
Nomsbaixada, baixa, caiguda, descendiment, descensA sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 11, change
Sentitfall suddenly and sharply.
Generalbaixar, caure, davallar, descendirgo down in value
Espanyolcaerse, tambalearse
NomscaigudaA sudden drop from an upright position
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 12, change
Sentitfall sharply.
Generalatenuar, disminuir, esmorteir, minorar, mitigar, rebaixar, reduir, remetredecrease in size, extent, or range
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 13, change
Sentitgo down momentarily.
Generaldeclinar, disminuir, minvarGrow smaller
Espanyolcaer, descender, hundirse
NomsdepressióA depression in an otherwise level surface
Català > caure: 14 sentits > verb 14, body
Sentitfall forward and down.
Anglèsfall over, go over

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