Sentit | Come to pass. |
Sinònims | esdevenir-se, ocórrer, passar, sobrevenir, succeir |
Causat per | accionar, activar | put in motion or move to act |
causar, efectuar, ocasionar, produir, provocar | produce |
Específic | anar | Follow a certain course |
anticipar | Be a forerunner of or occur earlier than |
brillar | touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly |
caure | occur at a specified time or place |
coincidir | happen simultaneously |
derivar, provenir, resultar, venir | Come to pass |
desenvolupar-se | Be gradually disclosed or unfolded |
donar-se, succeir | happen / happen |
esdevenir-se, materialitzar-se, materialitzar, ocórrer, passar, succeir | come into being |
esdevenir-se, ocórrer, passar, succeir | happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance |
esdevenir-se, ocórrer, passar, succeir | Become of |
presentar-se, produir-se | Result or issue / issue |
recalcar, reiterar, repetir-se, repetir, reproduir-se | happen or occur again |
resultar, sortir | happen in a particular manner |
resultar | prove to be in the result or end |
sobrevenir | take place as an additional or unexpected development |
Anglès | happen, hap, go on, pass off, occur, pass, fall out, come about, take place |
Espanyol | acaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugar |
Noms | esdeveniment, fet, succés | An event that happens |