Català > coincidir: 6 sentits > verb 1, stativeSentit | satisfy a condition or restriction. |
Sinònims | acordar, convenir, correspondre, pactar, parèixer, semblar, ser igual a |
Específic | adir-se, concordar, escaure, harmonitzar | Go together |
aguantar, aprovar, recolzar, secundar, sostenir, sustentar | support / support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm |
assemblar-se, semblar | Appear like |
correlacionar | To bear a reciprocal or mutual relation |
rimar | Be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable |
General | equivaler, ser equivalent | Be identical or equivalent to |
Contrari | discrepar | Be different from one another |
Similar | adir-se, concordar, escaure, harmonitzar | Go together |
comprovar, inspeccionar | Be verified or confirmed |
Anglès | match, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree |
Espanyol | acordar, coincidir, convenir, corresponder, igualar, pactar, parecer, ser igual a |
Adjectius | anàleg, corresponent | Similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar / dissimilar |
conforme | In keeping |
Noms | coincidència | An exact duplicate |
conformitat, correspondència | compatibility of observations |
Català > coincidir: 6 sentits > verb 2, communicationSentit | Be in accord / accord; be in agreement. |
Sinònims | acordar, convenir, estar d'acord, pactar |
Implicat per | pactar | Settle by concession |
Específic | adjudicar, atorgar, cedir, concedir, conferir, sucumbir | Be willing to concede |
decidir | Come to terms |
donar suport, subscriure | Adopt as a belief |
Contrari | diferir, discrepar, dissentir | Be of different opinions |
Similar | avenir-se, concordar, convenir, estar d'acord, posar-se d'acord | achieve harmony / harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose |
Anglès | agree, hold, concur, concord |
Espanyol | acordar, aprobar, asentir, coincidir, concordar, convenir, estar de acuerdo, pactar |
Adjectius | agradable, tractable | Prepared to agree / agree or consent |
Noms | concert, concordança, concòrdia, harmonia | agreement of opinions |
Català > coincidir: 6 sentits > verb 3, socialSentit | Collect in one place. |
Sinònims | agrupar-se, amuntegar-se, armar, citar, concentrar, congregar-se, congregar, juntar-se, reunir-se, reunir |
Causat per | agrupar-se, ajuntar-se, ajuntar, amuntegar-se, amuntegar, concentrar, congregar-se, congregar, juntar-se, reunir-se, reunir | get people together |
Específic | agrupar-se, agrupar | form a group or group together |
agrupar-se, agrupar, apilotar-se, apinyar-se, arraïmar-se, congregar-se | Come together as in a cluster or flock |
ajuntar-se, confluir, convergir, dirigir-se tots a, reunir-se | Move or draw together at a certain location |
amuntegar-se, apilotar-se, apinyar, encabir, entaforar, ficar | To gather together in large numbers |
aplegar, concentrar, congregar | Come together, usually for a purpose |
convocar, reunir-se | meet formally |
General | interaccionar, interactuar, relacionar-se | Act together or towards others or with others |
Similar | conèixer, reunir-se, trobar-se, trobar | Come together |
Anglès | meet, gather, assemble, forgather, foregather |
Espanyol | amontonarse, armar, citar, coincidir, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, reunirse, reunir |
Noms | acte carnal, acte sexual, coit, concúbit, copulació, còpula, relació sexual, trobada | The social act of assembling for some common purpose |
assemblea | The social act of assembling |
col·lectivitat | A group of persons together in one place |
encontre | A small informal social gathering |