Català > decidir: 8 sentits > verb 2, cognitionSentit | reach, make, or come to a decision about something. |
Sinònims | determinar, prendre una decisió |
Implica | debatre, deliberar, discutir | discuss the pros and cons of an issue |
Causat per | decidir | Cause to decide |
Específic | decantar, elegir, escollir, optar, seleccionar, triar | pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives |
decretar, dictaminar | decide with authority |
instruir, jutjar | put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of |
medir, mesurar | Determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of |
normar, ordenar, regir, regularitzar, regular | Bring into conformity with rules or principles / principles or usage |
orientar | Determine one's position with reference to another point |
resoldre | reach a decision |
Anglès | decide, make up one's mind, determine |
Espanyol | concluir, decidirse, decidir, determinar, resolver |
Adjectius | decisiu, determinant, influent | Having the power or quality of deciding |
Noms | decisió, determinació, resolució | The act of making up your mind about something |
presa de decisions | The cognitive process of reaching a decision |
Català > decidir: 8 sentits > verb 3, cognitionSentit | decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion. |
Sinònims | concloure, raonar |
Específic | considerar, creure, sentir, trobar | Come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds |
deduir, desgravar, inferir, provenir | reason by deduction |
deduir | conclude by reasoning |
extrapolar | Draw from specific cases for more general cases |
induir | reason or establish by induction |
General | discórrer, pensar | Use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments |
Anglès | reason, reason out, conclude |
Espanyol | concluir, inferir, razonar |
Adjectius | concloent | forming an end or termination |
Noms | decisió, determinació, resolució | The act of making up your mind about something |
enteniment, intel·lecte, intel·ligència, raó | The capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination |
racionalitat, sensatesa | The state of having good sense and sound judgment |
raonador, ratiocinator | someone who reasons logically |
raó | A rational motive for a belief or action |
Català > decidir: 8 sentits > verb 4, communicationSentit | Establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment / experiment, survey, or study. |
Sinònims | descobrir, determinar, trobar |
Específic | comptar | Determine the number or amount of |
enclavar, localitzar, situar, ubicar | Determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey |
Similar | aprendre, decidir, determinar, esbrinar, mirar, trobar, veure | Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort |
descobrir, trobar | make a discovery, make a new finding |
Anglès | determine, find, find out, ascertain |
Espanyol | decidir, descubrir, determinar, encontrar |
Adjectius | comprovable, esbrinadís | capable of being ascertained or found out |
Noms | decisió, determinació, resolució | The act of making up your mind about something |
troballa | The act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation |
troballa | A productive insight |
Català > decidir: 8 sentits > verb 5, communicationSentit | Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort. |
Sinònims | aprendre, determinar, esbrinar, mirar, trobar, veure |
Similar | assegurar | Be careful or certain to do something |
decidir, descobrir, determinar, trobar | Establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment / experiment, survey, or study |
Anglès | determine, check, find out, see, ascertain, watch, learn |
Espanyol | aprender, averiguar, decidir, determinar, establecer, mirar, ver |
Adjectius | comprovable, esbrinadís | capable of being ascertained or found out |
Noms | repàs, revisió | The act of inspecting or verifying |
troballa | The act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation |