Català > instruir: 8 sentits > verb 1, communicationSentit | Impart skills or knowledge to. |
Sinònims | ensenyar, informar |
Causa de | adquirir, aprendre, instruir-se | gain knowledge or skills |
Específic | aclarir, il·lustrar | make understand |
adoctrinar | teach doctrines to |
capacitar, educar, ensinistrar, entrenar, formar, instruir | create by training and teaching |
conversar, dialogar, parlar, perorar, xerrar | deliver a lecture / lecture or talk |
donar classes, ensenyar, instruir | Be a tutor to someone |
entrenar | teach and supervise (someone) |
reforçar | strengthen and support with rewards |
General | avisar, comunicar, informar | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to |
Anglès | teach, learn, instruct |
Espanyol | adiestrar, aleccionar, aprender, educar, enseñar, instruir |
Adjectius | dòcil, educable | Ready and willing to be taught |
instructiu | Serving to instruct or enlighten or inform |
Noms | educació, ensenyament, ensenyança, instrucció | The activities of educating / educating or instructing |
ensenyant, instructor, mestre, monitor, professor | A person whose occupation is teaching |
Català > instruir: 8 sentits > verb 2, cognitionSentit | create by training and teaching. |
Sinònims | capacitar, educar, ensinistrar, entrenar, formar |
Específic | instruir | train in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons |
General | ensenyar, informar, instruir | Impart skills or knowledge to |
Similar | capacitar, educar, entrenar, preparar | Educate for a future role or function |
desenrotllar, desenvolupar | change the use of and make available or usable |
entrenar-se, preparar-se | Undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession |
Anglès | train, develop, prepare, educate |
Espanyol | adiestrar, amaestrar, capacitar, educar, entrenar, formar, industriar, preparar |
Adjectius | educatiu | Resulting in education |
preliminar, preparatori | preceding and preparing for something |
Noms | aprenent | someone who is being trained |
educació, ensenyament, ensenyança, instrucció | The activities of educating / educating or instructing |
educació | The profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university / university) |
educació, formació, instrucció | knowledge acquired by learning and instruction |
educació | The gradual process of acquiring knowledge |
entrenador, preparador | One who trains other persons or animals |
formació, preparació | Activity leading to skilled behavior |