Català > informar: 11 sentits > verb 1, communicationSentit | Impart skills or knowledge to. |
Sinònims | ensenyar, instruir |
Causa de | adquirir, aprendre, instruir-se | gain knowledge or skills |
Específic | aclarir, il·lustrar | make understand |
adoctrinar | teach doctrines to |
capacitar, educar, ensinistrar, entrenar, formar, instruir | create by training and teaching |
conversar, dialogar, parlar, perorar, xerrar | deliver a lecture / lecture or talk |
donar classes, ensenyar, instruir | Be a tutor to someone |
entrenar | teach and supervise (someone) |
reforçar | strengthen and support with rewards |
General | avisar, comunicar, informar | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to |
Anglès | teach, learn, instruct |
Espanyol | adiestrar, aleccionar, aprender, educar, enseñar, instruir |
Adjectius | dòcil, educable | Ready and willing to be taught |
instructiu | Serving to instruct or enlighten or inform |
Noms | educació, ensenyament, ensenyança, instrucció | The activities of educating / educating or instructing |
ensenyant, instructor, mestre, monitor, professor | A person whose occupation is teaching |
Català > informar: 11 sentits > verb 3, communicationSentit | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to. |
Sinònims | avisar, comunicar |
Específic | advertir, avisar, notificar | notify of danger / danger, potential harm, or risk |
advertir, avisar | notify, usually in advance |
advertir, avisar, informar, notificar | Inform (somebody) of something |
anunciar, proclamar | make known |
apuntar, assenyalar, demostrar, designar, ensenyar, indicar, mostrar, presentar, provar, revelar | Indicate a place, direction, person, or thing |
apuntar, recordar | assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned |
apuntar, demostrar, indicar | To state or express briefly |
assabentar, informar | Cause someone to become aware of something |
assenyalar, denunciar, descriure, informar, relatar, reportar | To give an account or representation of in words |
contar, explicar, narrar | narrate or give a detailed account of |
declarar, demostrar, evidenciar, mostrar, presentar, prestar, provar, revelar, testificar | Provide evidence for |
denunciar, trair | give away information about somebody |
despistar | Give false / false or misleading information to |
dir | Let something be known |
ensenyar, informar, instruir | Impart skills or knowledge to |
explanar, explicar | make plain and comprehensible |
familiaritzar-se, familiaritzar | make familiar or conversant with |
informar | Be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism |
informar | act as an informer |
informar, notificar, relatar | make known to the authorities |
objectar, protestar | Present and urge reasons in opposition |
presentar | Cause to come to know personally |
General | comunicar-se, comunicar | transmit thoughts or feelings |
Anglès | inform |
Espanyol | advertir, anunciar, avisar, comunicar, dar información, informar |
Adjectius | divulgatiu, informatiu | Providing or conveying information |
instructiu | Serving to instruct or enlighten or inform |
Noms | dada, dades, informació | A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn |
font, informador, informant | A person who supplies information |
info, informació | A message received and understood |
informació | knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction |
informant, testimoni | someone who sees an event and reports what happened |