Català > estudi: 10 sentits > nom 1, cognitionSentit | A branch of knowledge. |
Sinònims | àmbit, àrea, àrea temàtica, camp d'estudi, camp, disciplina, matèria, tema |
Específic | al·lometria, alometría | The study of the relative growth of a part of an organism in relation to the growth of the whole |
arquitectura | The discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings |
arquitectura paisatgística | The branch of architecture dealing with the arrangement of land and buildings for human use and enjoyment |
arts, humanitats, lletres | studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills) |
ciència, ciències, disciplina científica | A particular branch of scientific knowledge |
ciència aplicada, enginyeria, tecnologia | The discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems |
divinitat, teologia | The rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth |
futurologia, prospectiva | The study or prediction of future developments on the basis of existing conditions |
grafologia | The study of handwriting (especially as an indicator of the writer's character or disposition) |
numerologia | The study of the supposed occult influence of numbers on human affairs |
teogonia | The study of the origins and genealogy of the gods |
General | àrea de coneixement | The content of a particular field of knowledge |
Anglès | discipline, subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study, bailiwick |
Espanyol | ámbito, área de estudio, area de jurisdicción, área, área temática, campo de estudio, campo, disciplina, estudio, ramo, tema, terreno |
Adjectius | interdisciplinari | Drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study |
Verbs | aprendre, estudiar, examinar | Be a student of a certain subject |
cursar, estudiar | Be a student |
Català > estudi: 10 sentits > nom 2, actSentit | The act of examining something closely (as for mistakes / mistakes). |
Sinònims | anàlisi, escrutini, examen, inspecció |
Específic | acarament, confrontació | The act of examining resemblances |
auditoria | A methodical examination or review of a condition or situation |
autòpsia, necròpsia, postmortem | An examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease |
cop d'ull, mirada, ullada | A swift cursory examination or inspection |
endoscòpia | visual examination of the interior of a hollow body organ by use of an endoscope |
exploració, visualització | The act of scanning |
gonioscopia, gonioscòpia | An examination of the front part of the eye to check the angle where the iris meets the cornea |
inspecció, ressenya, revisió, revista | A formal or official examination |
keratoscopy, queratoscòpia | examination of the cornea with a keratoscope to detect irregularities in its anterior surface |
oftalmoscòpia, oftalmoscopi | examination of the interior of an eye using an ophthalmoscope |
palpació | A method of examination in which the examiner feels the size or shape or firmness or location of something (of body parts when the examiner is a health professional) |
reconeixement mèdic, revisió mèdica | A thorough physical examination |
revisió, seguiment | A subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment |
rinoscòpia | examination of the nasal passages (either through the anterior nares or with a rhinoscope through the nasopharynx) |
General | investigació, recerca | The work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically |
Anglès | examination, scrutiny |
Espanyol | análisis, control, escrutinio, examen, examinación, inspección, investigación |
Verbs | auditar, escrutar, inspeccionar, registrar | Examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification |
efectuar l'escrutini, escodrinyar, escorcollar, escrutar, recacejar | To look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail |
examinar, explorar, inspeccionar, interrogar, reconèixer | observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect |