Sentit | A message received and understood. |
Sinònim | informació |
Específic | actualització | News that updates your information |
arcà, secret | Information known only to a special group |
banc de dades, base de dades | An organized body of related information |
confirmació, ratificació | Information that confirms or verifies |
currículum, pla d'estudis, programa d'estudis, programa | An integrated course of academic studies |
dades, material | Information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form |
evidència, prova | (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved |
evidència, fet | A statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened / happened |
format | The organization of information according to preset specifications (usually for computer processing) |
notícia, notícies | Information reported in a newspaper or news magazine |
notícies, nova, noves | Information about recent and important events |
propaganda | Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause |
secret | Something that should remain hidden / hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on) |
tabulació | Information set out in tabular form |
General | contingut, missatge, tema | What a communication that is about something is about |
Anglès | information, info |
Espanyol | info, información |
Verbs | avisar, comunicar, informar | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to |