Sentit | Express in words / words. | |
Sinònims | afirmar, declarar, manifestar, sentenciar | |
Específic | anunciar, declarar, manifestar | announce publicly or officially |
apuntar, citar, comentar, esmentar, mencionar, notar, observar | make mention of | |
contestar, reaccionar, replicar, respondre | React verbally | |
declarar, manifestar, revelar | state emphatically and authoritatively | |
enunciar | Express or state clearly | |
explanar, explicar | define | |
obsequiar, presentar-se, presentar | bring forward and present to the mind | |
resumir | Be a summary of | |
General | dir verbalment, expressar, manifestar, proferir, verbalitzar | articulate |
Similar | declarar | state as one's opinion or judgement |
Anglès | state, say, tell | |
Espanyol | afirmar, contar, decir, declarar, manifestar, sentenciar | |
Noms | afirmació, declaració | A message that is stated or declared |
afirmació, asserció, asseveració | The act of affirming / affirming or asserting or stating something | |
narrador | someone who tells a story | |
opinió, veu | The chance to speak |
Sentit | Assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to. | |
Sinònims | anomenar, denominar, posar nom | |
Específic | anomenar, fer-se dir, intitular | designate by an identifying term |
anomenar, sobrenomenar | Give a nickname / nickname to | |
autoritzar, titular | Give a title / title to | |
batejar | Administer baptism to | |
qualificar | name formally / formally or designate with a term | |
General | etiquetar | Assign a label to |
Similar | anomenar, denominar, dir, sobrenomenar | ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality |
denominar | greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name | |
Anglès | name, call, know as, be known as | |
Espanyol | bautizar, denominar, llamar, nombrar | |
Noms | namer | A person who gives a name or names |
nom, nom propi | A language unit by which a person or thing is known |
Sentit | create and charge with a task or function. | |
Sinònims | anomenar, designar, nomenar, nominar, posar, proposar | |
General | constituir, fundar, implantar, instaurar, instituir, integrar, plantar | Set up or lay the groundwork for |
Anglès | appoint, name, nominate, constitute | |
Espanyol | designar, nombrar, nominar | |
Adjectius | nomenat | appointed by nomination |
Noms | assignació, designació, nomenament | The act of putting a person into a non-elective position |
citat, nomenament | A person who is appointed to a job or position | |
persona nomenada | An official who is appointed |
Sentit | put before. | |
Sinònims | afirmar, declarar, exposar, presentar, proposar | |
General | advertir, proposar, suggerir | make a proposal, declare a plan for something |
Anglès | submit, state, put forward, posit | |
Espanyol | afirmar, decir, declarar, exponer, presentar, proponer | |
Noms | afirmació, asserció, asseveració | The act of affirming / affirming or asserting or stating something |
argument | A fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true |
Sentit | Let something be known. | |
Específic | anunciar | foreshadow or presage |
apuntar, demostrar, indicar | Be a signal for or a symptom of | |
comunicar, transmetre | Transmit (knowledge or skills) | |
declarar, desvelar, divulgar, manifestar, revelar | Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret | |
divagar | Lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject / subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking | |
iterar, reafirmar, recalcar, reiterar, repetir | To say, state, or perform again | |
General | avisar, comunicar, informar | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to |
Anglès | tell | |
Espanyol | decir | |
Noms | narrativa | A message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events |
Sentit | Charge with a function; charge to be. | |
Sinònims | anomenar, designar, fer, nominar, posar, proposar | |
General | acusar, anomenar, designar, nomenar | Assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to |
Anglès | name, nominate, make | |
Espanyol | designar, nominar | |
Adjectius | nomenat | appointed by nomination |
Noms | assignació, designació, nomenament | The act of putting a person into a non-elective position |
Sentit | Give a speech to. | |
Sinònims | adreçar-se, anomenar, dirigir-se, parlar | |
Implica | conversar, dialogar, parlar, xerrar | Use language |
Anglès | address, speak | |
Espanyol | dirigirse, hablar | |
Noms | destinatari | One to whom something is addressed |
discurs | The act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience |
Sentit | speak to. | |
Sinònim | anomenar | |
Específic | denominar | greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name |
General | comunicar-se, comunicar | transmit thoughts or feelings |
També | girar, rotar | change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense |
Anglès | address, turn to | |
Espanyol | dirigirse | |
Noms | destinatari | One to whom something is addressed |
Sentit | ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality. | |
Sinònims | anomenar, denominar, sobrenomenar | |
Específic | taxar, titllar | mark or expose as infamous |
General | etiquetar | Assign a label to |
Similar | anomenar, denominar, dir, posar nom | Assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to |
Anglès | call | |
Espanyol | bautizar, denominar, designar, llamar, nombrar |
Sentit | recite or repeat a fixed text. | |
Sinònim | contar | |
General | narrar, recitar | repeat aloud from memory |
Anglès | say | |
Espanyol | contar, decir | |
Noms | dita, expressió, locució, proverbi, refrany | A word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations |
Sentit | discern or comprehend. | |
Sinònims | comunicar, informar | |
General | conjecturar, suposar | guess correctly |
Anglès | tell | |
Espanyol | comunicar, decir, informar |
Sentit | inform positively and with certainty and confidence. | |
Sinònim | assegurar | |
General | afirmar, asseverar, corroborar, jurar, verificar | To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true |
Anglès | assure, tell | |
Espanyol | asegurar, contar, decir |
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