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Català 13 sentits de la paraula dir:
VERBcommunicationdir, dialogar, parlar, proferir, verbalitzarexpress in speech
communicationdir, afirmar, declarar, manifestar, sentenciarexpress in words / words
communicationdir, anomenar, denominar, posar nomassign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
socialdir, anomenar, designar, nomenar, nominar, posar, proposarcreate and charge with a task or function
communicationdir, afirmar, declarar, exposar, presentar, proposarput before
communicationdirlet something be known
socialdir, anomenar, designar, fer, nominar, posar, proposarcharge with a function
communicationdir, adreçar-se, anomenar, dirigir-se, parlargive a speech to
communicationdir, anomenarspeak to
communicationdir, anomenar, denominar, sobrenomenarascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
communicationdir, contarrecite or repeat a fixed text
cognitiondir, comunicar, informardiscern or comprehend
communicationdir, assegurarinform positively and with certainty and confidence
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 1, communication
SentitExpress in speech.
Sinònimsdialogar, parlar, proferir, verbalitzar
Implicat perarticular, declarar, parlar, pronunciar, sentenciarspeak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
declamar, recitarrecite in elocution
Específicaixecar la veu, clamarspeak louder
baladrejar, clamar, vociferarutter in a loud voice
balbucejarUtter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
balbucejar, quequejar, titubar, titubejarspeak haltingly
barbotejar, embarbussar-seUtter indistinctly
bordarspeak in an unfriendly tone
cantarproduce tones with the voice
cloquejar, escatainartalk / talk or utter in a cackling manner
declamar, llegir-se, llegirlook at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed
deixar anarUtter impulsively
desbarrar, garlar, parlotejar, xerrarspeak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
entonarUtter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically
entusiasmar-se, entusiasmarUtter with enthusiasm
gemegartalk / talk in a tearful manner
grunyir, parlar tallant, rondinejarUtter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone
modularVary the pitch of one's speech
murmurar, remugartalk indistinctly
murmurar, mussitar, xiuxiuejarspeak softly
murmurar, mussitarspeak softly or indistinctly
mussitar, xiuxiuejarExpress or utter with a hiss
parlar, xerrardiscuss or mention
parlar amb cantarella, parlar monòtonamenttalk in a monotonous voice
parlar en plors, plorinyar, somicarUtter while crying
parlotejar, xerrartalk / talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
petarmake noise as if chattering away
tenir xerreratalk incessantly and tiresomely
Generalcomunicar-se, comunicartransmit thoughts or feelings
Tambéaixecar la veu, clamarspeak louder
parlotejar, xerrartalk / talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
Anglèstalk, speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbalise
Espanyolconversar, decir, dialogar, hablar, proferir, pronunciar, verbalizar
Adjectiusdescriptiblecapable of being uttered in words / words or sentences
Nomsboca, cavitat oral, desembocadura, rima orisThe opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
bocaThe externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
comunicant, interlocutor, orador, parlador, parlant, verbalisersomeone who expresses in language
discurs, emissió, enunciació, enunciat, expressió, pronunciacióThe use of uttered sounds for auditory communication
impertinència, insolenènciaAn impudent / impudent or insolent rejoinder
parlaThe utterance of intelligible speech
parlada, xerradaAn exchange of ideas via conversation
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 2, communication
SentitExpress in words / words.
Sinònimsafirmar, declarar, manifestar, sentenciar
Específicanunciar, declarar, manifestarannounce publicly or officially
apuntar, citar, comentar, esmentar, mencionar, notar, observarmake mention of
contestar, reaccionar, replicar, respondreReact verbally
declarar, manifestar, revelarstate emphatically and authoritatively
enunciarExpress or state clearly
explanar, explicardefine
obsequiar, presentar-se, presentarbring forward and present to the mind
resumirBe a summary of
Generaldir verbalment, expressar, manifestar, proferir, verbalitzararticulate
Similardeclararstate as one's opinion or judgement
Anglèsstate, say, tell
Espanyolafirmar, contar, decir, declarar, manifestar, sentenciar
Nomsafirmació, declaracióA message that is stated or declared
afirmació, asserció, asseveracióThe act of affirming / affirming or asserting or stating something
narradorsomeone who tells a story
opinió, veuThe chance to speak
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 3, communication
SentitAssign a specified (usually proper) proper name to.
Sinònimsanomenar, denominar, posar nom
Específicanomenar, fer-se dir, intitulardesignate by an identifying term
anomenar, sobrenomenarGive a nickname / nickname to
autoritzar, titularGive a title / title to
batejarAdminister baptism to
qualificarname formally / formally or designate with a term
GeneraletiquetarAssign a label to
Similaranomenar, denominar, dir, sobrenomenarascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
denominargreet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name
Anglèsname, call, know as, be known as
Espanyolbautizar, denominar, llamar, nombrar
NomsnamerA person who gives a name or names
nom, nom propiA language unit by which a person or thing is known
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 4, social
Sentitcreate and charge with a task or function.
Sinònimsanomenar, designar, nomenar, nominar, posar, proposar
Generalconstituir, fundar, implantar, instaurar, instituir, integrar, plantarSet up or lay the groundwork for
Anglèsappoint, name, nominate, constitute
Espanyoldesignar, nombrar, nominar
Adjectiusnomenatappointed by nomination
Nomsassignació, designació, nomenamentThe act of putting a person into a non-elective position
citat, nomenamentA person who is appointed to a job or position
persona nomenadaAn official who is appointed
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 5, communication
Sentitput before.
Sinònimsafirmar, declarar, exposar, presentar, proposar
Generaladvertir, proposar, suggerirmake a proposal, declare a plan for something
Anglèssubmit, state, put forward, posit
Espanyolafirmar, decir, declarar, exponer, presentar, proponer
Nomsafirmació, asserció, asseveracióThe act of affirming / affirming or asserting or stating something
argumentA fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 6, communication
SentitLet something be known.
Específicanunciarforeshadow or presage
apuntar, demostrar, indicarBe a signal for or a symptom of
comunicar, transmetreTransmit (knowledge or skills)
declarar, desvelar, divulgar, manifestar, revelarMake known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
divagarLose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject / subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking
iterar, reafirmar, recalcar, reiterar, repetirTo say, state, or perform again
Generalavisar, comunicar, informarImpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
NomsnarrativaA message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 7, social
SentitCharge with a function; charge to be.
Sinònimsanomenar, designar, fer, nominar, posar, proposar
Generalacusar, anomenar, designar, nomenarAssign a duty, responsibility or obligation to
Anglèsname, nominate, make
Espanyoldesignar, nominar
Adjectiusnomenatappointed by nomination
Nomsassignació, designació, nomenamentThe act of putting a person into a non-elective position
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 8, communication
SentitGive a speech to.
Sinònimsadreçar-se, anomenar, dirigir-se, parlar
Implicaconversar, dialogar, parlar, xerrarUse language
Anglèsaddress, speak
Espanyoldirigirse, hablar
NomsdestinatariOne to whom something is addressed
discursThe act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 9, communication
Sentitspeak to.
Específicdenominargreet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name
Generalcomunicar-se, comunicartransmit thoughts or feelings
Tambégirar, rotarchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
Anglèsaddress, turn to
NomsdestinatariOne to whom something is addressed
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 10, communication
Sentitascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality.
Sinònimsanomenar, denominar, sobrenomenar
Específictaxar, titllarmark or expose as infamous
GeneraletiquetarAssign a label to
Similaranomenar, denominar, dir, posar nomAssign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
Espanyolbautizar, denominar, designar, llamar, nombrar
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 11, communication
Sentitrecite or repeat a fixed text.
Generalnarrar, recitarrepeat aloud from memory
Espanyolcontar, decir
Nomsdita, expressió, locució, proverbi, refranyA word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 12, cognition
Sentitdiscern or comprehend.
Sinònimscomunicar, informar
Generalconjecturar, suposarguess correctly
Espanyolcomunicar, decir, informar
Catalàdir: 13 sentits verb 13, communication
Sentitinform positively and with certainty and confidence.
Generalafirmar, asseverar, corroborar, jurar, verificarTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
Anglèsassure, tell
Espanyolasegurar, contar, decir

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