HyperDic: llamar

Español > 16 sentidos de la palabra llamar:
VERBOcommunicationllamar, bautizar, denominar, nombrarassign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
communicationllamar, chillar, clamar, gritar, pregonar, vocear, vociferarutter a sudden loud cry
communicationllamar, denominar, llamar por teléfono, telefonear, teléfonoget or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
communicationllamar, citarask to come
communicationllamar, especificar, nombrar, precisarmention and identify by name
creationllamar, agitar, conjurar, despertar, evocar, exponer, invitar, invocar, recaudar, remover, revolver, traersummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
communicationllamar, bautizar, denominar, designar, nombrarascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
communicationllamar, dirigirse aspeak to someone
contactllamar, golpetearrap with the knuckles
communicationllamarutter a characteristic note or cry
communicationllamar, telefonearmake a phone call
communicationllamarcall with a buzzer
communicationllamarsummon to a particular activity or employment
contactllamar, invitarsummon to enter
motionllamargive the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance
communicationllamarcall for
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 1, communication
SentidoAssign a specified (usually proper) proper name to.
Sinónimosbautizar, denominar, nombrar
EspecíficoapodarGive a nickname / nickname to
autorizar, facultar, titularGive a title / title to
bautizar, cristianarAdminister baptism to
designarname formally / formally or designate with a term
intitular, nombrardesignate by an identifying term
rebautizarAssign a new name to
GeneraletiquetarAssign a label to
Similarbautizar, denominar, designar, llamar, nombrarascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
denominargreet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name
Inglésname, call, know as, be known as
Catalánanomenar, denominar, dir, posar nom
Nombresdenominación, nombre, nombre propioA language unit by which a person or thing is known
namerA person who gives a name or names
nombramientoThe verbal / verbal / verbal act of naming
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 2, communication
SentidoUtter a sudden loud cry.
Sinónimoschillar, clamar, gritar, pregonar, vocear, vociferar
Específicochillar, chirriar, graznar, gritarUtter a harsh abrupt scream
chillar, gritarUtter a shrill cry
gemir, lamentarse, rugir, ulularemit long loud cries
gritar de alegríashout, as if with joy or enthusiasm
gritar holacry hollo
jalearshout 'hurrah!'
Generalemitir sonidos, emitirExpress audibly
Tambiénexclamar, gritarUtter aloud
Similarexclamar, gritarUtter aloud
Inglésshout, shout out, cry, call, yell, scream, holler, hollo, squall
Catalánbaladrejar, clamar, cridar, pregonar, vociferar
Nombresalarido, bramido, chillido, clamor, gritoA loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate)
alarido, aullido, aullidos, chillido, grito agudo, gritosharp piercing cry
alaridouttering a loud inarticulate cry as of pain or excitement / excitement
algarada, clamor, grito, protesta, tole, vociferaciónA loud utterance
aullido, berrido, bramido, holla, rugidoA very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 3, communication
SentidoGet or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone.
Sinónimosdenominar, llamar por teléfono, telefonear, teléfono
Categoríatelefonía, teléfonotransmitting speech at a distance
Implicamarcaroperate a dial to select a telephone number
Específicollamar, telefonearmake a phone call
GeneraltelecomunicarCommunicate over long distances, as via the telephone or e-mail
Ingléscall, telephone, call up, phone, ring
Cataláncridar, denominar, telefonar, tocar, trucar
Nombrescampanilleo, tañido, tintineoThe sound of a bell ringing
llamada de teléfono, llamada, llamada telefónica, telefonazo, teléfonoA telephone connection
telefonía, teléfonotransmitting speech at a distance
teléfonoelectronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 4, communication
Sentidoask to come.
Específicoconvocar, reunirseCall together
llamarCall with a buzzer
llamar con señassummon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture
GeneralrequerirOrder, request, or command to come
Cataláncridar, fer venir
Nombresconvocación, evocación, invocacióncalling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 5, communication
Sentidomention and identify by name.
Sinónimosespecificar, nombrar, precisar
Generalconcertar, determinar, especificar, fijar, precisardecide upon or fix definitely
Catalánespecificar, precisar
Nombresdenominación, nombre, nombre propioA language unit by which a person or thing is known
nombramientoThe verbal / verbal / verbal act of naming
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 6, creation
SentidoSummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.
Sinónimosagitar, conjurar, despertar, evocar, exponer, invitar, invocar, recaudar, remover, revolver, traer
EspecíficobendecirGive a benediction to
maldecir, maldiciónwish harm upon
Tambiénprovocar, traerCause to happen / happen or to occur as a consequence
requerirOrder, request, or command to come
Similararmar jaleo, causar, evocar, inspirar, ocasionar, provocarEvoke or provoke to appear or occur
Inglésraise, conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth
Nombresconjuro, encantamientocalling up a spirit or devil
conjuroA ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect
convocación, evocación, invocacióncalling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations
ilusionista, mago, prestidigitadora, prestidigitadorsomeone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
Sentidoascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality.
Sinónimosbautizar, denominar, designar, nombrar
Específicotacharmark or expose as infamous
GeneraletiquetarAssign a label to
Similarbautizar, denominar, llamar, nombrarAssign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
pasar listaread aloud to check for omissions or absentees
Catalánanomenar, denominar, dir, sobrenomenar
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 8, communication
Sentidospeak to someone.
Sinónimodirigirse a
Específicoaproximarsemake advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion
saludarExpress greetings upon meeting someone
Generalacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Inglésaddress, accost, come up to
Catalánadreçar-se a, dirigir-se a
Nombresconsignatario, destinatarioOne to whom something is addressed
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 9, contact
Sentidorap with the knuckles.
Generalcascar, pegarstrike sharply
Cataláncopejar, picar
Nombresgolpeo, golpeteo, llamadaThe sound of knocking / knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing)
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 10, communication
SentidoUtter a characteristic note or cry.
Generalemitir sonidos, emitirExpress audibly
Nombrescanto, reclamoThe characteristic sound produced by a bird
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 11, communication
Sentidomake a phone call.
Categoríatelefonía, teléfonotransmitting speech at a distance
Generaldenominar, llamar por teléfono, llamar, telefonear, teléfonoGet or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
Ingléscall in
Nombresllamada en directoA telephone call to a radio station or a television station in which the caller participates in the on-going program
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 12, communication
SentidoCall with a buzzer.
Generalcitar, llamarask to come
NombresbocinaA signaling device that makes a buzzing sound
timbreA push button at an outer door / door / door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed
zumbidosound of rapid vibration
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 13, communication
Sentidosummon to a particular activity or employment.
GeneralrequerirOrder, request, or command to come
Similarinvitar, llamarsummon to enter
Ingléscall in
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 14, contact
Sentidosummon to enter.
Generalinvitarask to enter
Similarllamarsummon to a particular activity or employment
Ingléscall in
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 15, motion
SentidoGive the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance.
Implicabailar en cuadrilladance in formation
Ingléscall, call off
Español > llamar: 16 sentidos > verbo 16, communication
Sentidocall for.
GeneralrequerirOrder, request, or command to come

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