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Español 11 sentidos de la palabra causar:
VERBOcreationcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
creationcausar, crear, ocasionar, producir, provocarcause to happen, occur or exist
communicationcausar, estimular, hacer, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocarcause to do
emotioncausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitarcall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
emotioncausar, acosar sexualmente, acosar, aperrear, asediar, atosigar, fastidiar, hostigar, molestar repetidamente, molestar, perseguir, plagar, provocarannoy continually or chronically
perceptioncausar, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar, revolverstir feelings in
creationcausar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
creationcausar, efectuar, ocasionar, producirproduce
contactcausar, producir, provocarcause to come into a particular state or condition
possessioncausar, dar, dispensar, entregar, propinarcause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense
creationcausar, armar jaleo, evocar, inspirar, ocasionar, provocarevoke or provoke to appear or occur
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 1, creation
Sentidomake or cause to be or to become.
Sinónimosconfeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizar
Específicoabreviar, atajarcreate a short circuit in
actualizar, advertir, realizar, sustanciarmake real or concrete
agujerearmake by piercing
armar, concentrar, congregar, construir, ensamblar, juntar, montarCreate by putting components or members together
arrojar, darCause to happen or be responsible for
articular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, formar, hacer, producirmake by combining materials and parts
articular, constituir, coordinar, formar, organizarcreate (as an entity)
causar, crear, ocasionar, producir, provocarCause to happen, occur or exist
causar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
comenzar, empezar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originarBring into being
comenzar de cero, elaborar, fabricar, partir de ceromake from scratch
componer, escribir, integrar, redactarWrite music
concebir, engendrar, generar, producirmake children
construir, establecer, instituir, nombrar, ponerinstitute, enact, or establish
construir, crearsebuild or establish something abstract
copiar, recrearmake a replica of
coreografiarCompose a sequence of dance steps, often to music
cortar, hacer, recortarform or shape by cutting or incising
crear, dar a luz, parir, producirbring forth or yield
crear, formar, hacer, producircreate by artistic means
dar, producirbring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"
dar, establecerbring about
derivar, educir, provenirDevelop or evolve from a latent or potential state
desbrozarmake by pounding or trampling
destilarextract by the process of distillation
dirigir, encaminarGuide the actors in (plays and films)
encenderproduce by ignition or a blow
engendrar, generar, producirBring into existence
enrollarse, enroscarse, la guitamake by twisting together or intertwining
entregar, poner, presentarcarry out (performances)
establecer, implantar, instituirAdvance or set forth in court
estilizarmake consistent with a certain fashion or style
filmar, rodarrecord in film
hender, hendirmake by cutting into
incorporarform a corporation
legrar, rascar, rasparmake by scraping
multiplicarse, multiplicar, procrear, proliferar, reproducirse, reproducirhave offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant
prepararTo prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery
provocar, traerCause to happen / happen or to occur as a consequence
pulsarcreate by pressing
recrearcreate anew
recrearcreate anew
regenerarform or produce anew
seguirmake tracks upon
Tambiénfabricar, inventarmake up something artificial or untrue
rehacermake new
Inglésmake, create
Cataláncausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzar
Nombresanimales, animal, bestia, criatura, fauna, resA living organism characterized by voluntary movement
confección, elaboración, fabricación, preparaciónThe act that results in something coming to be
creatura, criatura, persona, ser humanoA human being
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 2, creation
SentidoCause to happen, occur or exist.
Sinónimoscrear, ocasionar, producir, provocar
EspecíficodejarHave as a result or residue
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Inglésproduce, bring about, give rise
Cataláncausar, crear, ocasionar, produir, provocar
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 3, communication
SentidoCause to do; cause to act in a specified manner.
Sinónimosestimular, hacer, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocar
Específicoalentar, animar, incentivarspur on
compeler, compelir, forzar, imponer, obligarForce somebody to do something
convencer, persuadirCause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action
convencer, persuadirinduce or persuade
incitar, inspirar, instar, instigarServe as the inciting cause of
llevarCause to undertake a certain action / action
sobornarinduce to commit perjury or give false testimony
solicitarincite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination
Inglésinduce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make
Cataláncausar, estimular, fer, incentivar, induir, ocasionar, provocar
Adjetivocausativoproducing an effect
inductivoinducing or influencing
Nombresagente causal, causaAny entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
aliciente, estímulo, incentivoA positive motivational influence
causa, fundamento, motivo, razónA justification for something existing or happening
causaevents that provide the generative force that is the origin of something
causalidadThe act of causing something to happen / happen
desencadenamiento, inducción, iniciaciónAn act that sets in motion some course of events
estimulaciónThe act of arousing an organism to action
estimulante, estímulo, input, sugestiónAny stimulating information or event
inducciónAct of bringing about a desired result
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 4, emotion
SentidoCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses).
Sinónimosdespertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitar
Específicoabochornar, avergonzarse, avergonzarCause to be ashamed
abrumar, agobiar, apabullar, desbordarOvercome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
aficionar, interesarse, interesarexcite the curiosity of
agitar, conmover, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivarStir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
buscarse, buscar, invitarincrease the likelihood of
cabrear, enfadar, enojarmake angry
calentar, encender, inflamarArouse or excite feelings and passions
confundir, desconcertar, molestar, perturbar, turbarCause to lose one's composure
dañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar, ofenderhurt the feelings of
emocionar, entusiasmar, excitarArouse or elicit a feeling
infatuarArouse unreasoning love / love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way
meter el dedo en la llaga, tirar una cuerdaEvoke a reaction, response, or emotion
reavivar, reencender, volver a encenderArouse again
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Inglésarouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, raise, provoke
Cataláncausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitar
Adjetivoevocador, evocadora, evocativo, nostálgica, nostálgico, reminiscenteServing to bring to mind
provocador, provocativoServing or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate
Nombresincitación, provocaciónSomething that incites or provokes
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 5, emotion
Sentidoannoy continually or chronically.
Sinónimosacosar sexualmente, acosar, aperrear, asediar, atosigar, fastidiar, hostigar, molestar repetidamente, molestar, perseguir, plagar, provocar
Específicoaguijonear, fastidiar, pinchar, provocargoad or provoke,as by constant criticism
atormentar, frustrar, martirizar, torturartreat cruelly
gastar novatadasharass by imposing / imposing humiliating or painful tasks, as in military institutions
Generalagobiar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vejarCause annoyance in
Inglésharass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke
Catalánatabuixar, causar, empaitar, fatigar, molestar
Adjetivoprovocador, provocativoServing or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate
Nombresacosador, aguiluchoA persistent attacker
acoso, hostigamientoThe act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks / attacks and criticism
agravamiento, irritación, provocaciónunfriendly behavior that causes anger / anger or resentment
alboroto, escándalo, lata, lío, molestia, problemaAn angry disturbance
incitador, instigador, sopladorsomeone who deliberately foments trouble
plagaAn annoyance
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 6, perception
SentidoStir feelings in.
Sinónimosemocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar, revolver
Específicoacelerar, afilar, aguzar, despertarmake keen or more acute
asquear, dar asco, rechazar, repeler, repugnarFill with distaste
cascar, masturbarse, masturbar, pajearGet sexual gratification through self-stimulation
chuparla, chuparProvide sexual gratification through oral stimulation
emocionar, estremecerCause to be thrilled by some perceptual input
llevarProvoke or excite
masturbarstimulate sexually
GeneralsensibilizarCause to sense
Inglésstimulate, excite, stir
Catalánemocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar
Adjetivoestimulantecapable of arousing or accelerating physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent
estimulanteThat stimulates
excitante(of drugs e.g.) able to excite or stimulate
Nombresagitación, conmoción, revueloemotional agitation and excitement
estimulante, estímulo, input, sugestiónAny stimulating information or event
excitaciónThe state of being emotionally aroused and worked up
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 7, creation
Sentidogive rise to; cause to happen / happen / happen or occur, not always intentionally.
Sinónimoshacer, ocasionar, producir, provocar
Específicoarmar jaleo, causar, evocar, inspirar, ocasionar, provocarEvoke or provoke to appear or occur
causar, efectuar, ocasionar, producirproduce
dar inicio, incoar, iniciar, innovar, originarTake the lead or initiative in
determinar, forjar, formarse, influenciar, influir, moldear, regularizarseshape or influence
engendrar, generar, procrearCall forth
hacer, inducircompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
impeler, impulsarurge or force (a person) to an action
incitar, instigar, motivar, propulsarGive an incentive for action / action
ocasionarGive occasion to
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Ingléscause, do, make
Catalánfer, ocasionar, provocar
Adjetivocausativoproducing an effect
Nombresagente causal, causaAny entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
causa, fundamento, motivo, razónA justification for something existing or happening
causaevents that provide the generative force that is the origin of something
causalidadThe act of causing something to happen / happen
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 8, creation
Sinónimosefectuar, ocasionar, producir
Causa deacaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugarCome to pass
Específicocompletar, cumplir, ejecutar, llevar a término, realizarput in effect
estimular, provocarCause to occur rapidly
precipitarbring about abruptly
servircontribute or conduce to
Generalcausar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
Ingléseffect, effectuate, set up
Cataláncausar, efectuar, ocasionar, produir, provocar
Adjetivoefectivo, eficazproducing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect
eficaz, eficienteable to accomplish a purpose
Nombresconsecuencia, efecto, resultadoA phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
efectoAn impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived)
ejecución, implementaciónThe act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something)
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 9, contact
SentidoCause to come into a particular state or condition.
Sinónimosproducir, provocar
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Tambiéndictar, editar, publicar, sacarPrepare and issue for public distribution or sale
Cataláncausar, produir, provocar
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 10, possession
SentidoCause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense.
Sinónimosdar, dispensar, entregar, propinar
Específicoadjudicar, conceder, conferir, otorgar, premiarGive as judged due or on the basis of merit
contagiar, contaminar, encomendar, infectarCommunicate a disease to
Similarceder, dar, proporcionarBe the cause or source of
Cataláncausar, dispensar, donar, entregar, propinar
Españolcausar: 11 sentidos verbo 11, creation
SentidoEvoke or provoke to appear or occur.
Sinónimosarmar jaleo, evocar, inspirar, ocasionar, provocar
Generalcausar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
TambiénrequerirOrder, request, or command to come
Similaragitar, conjurar, despertar, evocar, exponer, invitar, invocar, llamar, recaudar, remover, revolver, traerSummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
Inglésprovoke, evoke, call forth, kick up
Cataláncausar, provocar
Nombresincitación, provocaciónSomething that incites or provokes

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