HyperDic: implantar

Español > 9 sentidos de la palabra implantar:
VERBOsocialimplantar, establecer, fundar, instaurar, instituir, lanzarset up or found
cognitionimplantar, comprobar, demostrar, establecer, evidenciar, instaurar, instituir, mostrar, presentar, probar, revelarestablish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment / experiment
contactimplantar, embutir, empotrar, plantarfix or set securely or deeply
creationimplantar, constituir, encontrar, establecer, fundar, instaurar, instituir, integrar, plantarset up or lay the groundwork for
cognitionimplantar, basar, establecer, fundamentar, fundar, instaurar, instituir, sustentaruse as a basis for
creationimplantar, establecer, instituiradvance or set forth in court
cognitionimplantar, inculcar, plantarput firmly in the mind
contactimplantarbecome attached to and embedded in the uterus
communicationimplantarimpose or inflict forcefully
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 1, social
SentidoSet up or found.
Sinónimosestablecer, fundar, instaurar, instituir, lanzar
Generalabrir, encender, poner en funcionamientostart to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning
Contrarioabolir, abrogar, derogar, eliminar, suprimirDo away with
Inglésestablish, set up, found, launch
Catalánestablir, fundar, implantar, instaurar, instituir
Nombresconstitución, establecimiento, formación, fundaciónThe act of forming or establishing something
creación, fundación, iniciación, inicio, instauración, institución, introducciónThe act of starting something for the first time
fundaciónAn institution supported by an endowment
fundadora, fundador, padreA person who founds or establishes some institution
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 2, cognition
SentidoEstablish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment / experiment.
Sinónimoscomprobar, demostrar, establecer, evidenciar, instaurar, instituir, mostrar, presentar, probar, revelar
Específicocontradecirprove negative
dejar por inútilprove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's incompetence
demostrar, probarprove formally
probarseshow one's ability or courage
Generalcomprobar, confirmar, constatar, corroborar, ratificar, reafirmar, revalidar, sustanciarEstablish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
Contrariorefutarprove to be false
Inglésprove, demonstrate, establish, show, shew
Catalándemostrar, establir, evidenciar, implantar, instaurar, instituir, mostrar, presentar, provar, revelar
Adjetivodemostrativo, ilustrativoServing to demonstrate
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 3, contact
SentidoFix or set securely or deeply.
Sinónimosembutir, empotrar, plantar
Específicoanidarfit together or fit inside
enmacetarplant in a pot
enterrar, hundir, sepultar, soterrarembed deeply
Generalinsertar, introducirput or introduce into something
Inglésimplant, engraft, embed, imbed, plant
Catalánimplantar, plantar
NombresimplantaciónThe act of planting or setting in the ground
implantación, implante, injertoA prosthesis placed permanently in tissue
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 4, creation
SentidoSet up or lay the groundwork for.
Sinónimosconstituir, encontrar, establecer, fundar, instaurar, instituir, integrar, plantar
Específicoconcertar, fijarSet or place definitely
designar, nombrar, nominarcreate and charge with a task or function
Generaldar inicio, incoar, iniciar, innovar, originarTake the lead or initiative in
Inglésestablish, found, plant, constitute, institute
Catalánconstituir, fundar, implantar, instaurar, instituir, integrar, plantar
Nombresconstitución, establecimiento, formación, fundaciónThe act of forming or establishing something
creación, fundación, iniciación, inicio, instauración, institución, introducciónThe act of starting something for the first time
fundadora, fundador, padreA person who founds or establishes some institution
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 5, cognition
SentidoUse as a basis for; found on.
Sinónimosbasar, establecer, fundamentar, fundar, instaurar, instituir, sustentar
Específicoconstruirfound or ground
Inglésestablish, base, ground, found
Catalánbasar, establir, fonamentar, fundar, implantar, instaurar, instituir, sustentar
Nombresbase, fundamentoThe fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated / calculated or explained
causa, razónA rational motive for a belief or action
fundación, fundamentoThe basis on which something is grounded
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 6, creation
SentidoAdvance or set forth in court.
Sinónimosestablecer, instituir
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Inglésinstitute, bring
Catalánimplantar, instaurar, instituir
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 7, cognition
Sentidoput firmly in the mind.
Sinónimosinculcar, plantar
Generalcomunicar, informar, transmitirtransmit information
Inglésplant, implant
Catalánimplantar, inculcar, plantar
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 8, contact
SentidoBecome attached to and embedded in the uterus.
Generaladherirse, enganchar, pegar, sujetarseBecome attached
Español > implantar: 9 sentidos > verbo 9, communication
Sentidoimpose or inflict forcefully.
Generalcargar, imponer, infligir, inflingirimpose something unpleasant

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