Español > evidenciar: 8 sentidos > verbo 1, communicationSentido | Give expression / expression to. |
Sinónimos | expresar, manifestar, mostrar, presentar, revelar |
Específico | acentuar, enfatizar, puntuar, recalcar, remarcar, resaltar, subrayar | To stress, single out as important |
connotar, implicar | Express or state indirectly |
descargar | Give expression or utterance to |
evocar, sugerir | Call to mind |
exudar, exuda, rezumar | make apparent by one's mood or behavior |
formular | put into words or an expression |
implicar | Suggest as a logically necessary consequence |
prorrumpir | Give sudden release to an expression |
General | comunicar, expresar, transmitir, trasmitir | make known |
Inglés | express, show, evince |
Catalán | ensenyar, expressar, manifestar, mostrar, presentar, reflectir, revelar |
Adjetivo | expresable | capable of being expressed |
expresiva, expresivo | Characterized by expression |
Español > evidenciar: 8 sentidos > verbo 2, perceptionSentido | make visible or noticeable. |
Sinónimos | aparecer, enseñar, mostrar, poner de manifiesto, presentar, revelar |
Causa de | contemplar, mirar, observar, percibir, ver | perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight |
Específico | dar | Present to view |
definir, delinear | Show the form or outline of |
demostrar, evidenciar, exhibir, manifestar, mostrar, obsequiar, presentar, revelar | Give an exhibition of to an interested audience |
descubrir, desvelar, revelar | make visible |
desplegar, exhibir, exponer, mostrar, presentar | To show, make visible or apparent |
hacer justicia | bring out fully or to advantage |
proyectar | Project on a screen |
proyectar | Project onto a screen for viewing |
reflejar | Show an image of |
volar | Display in the air or cause to float |
También | alardear, fanfarronear, lucir, ostentar, pavonearse, presumir | Display proudly |
Contrario | encubrir, esconder, ocultar, tapar | prevent from being seen or discovered |
Inglés | show |
Catalán | ensenyar, mostrar, presentar, revelar |
Español > evidenciar: 8 sentidos > verbo 3, communicationSentido | Provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes. |
Sinónimos | certificar, confirmar, demostrar, manifestar, ratificar |
Específico | autenticar, autentificar | Establish the authenticity of something |
autentificar, certificar, escriturar, instrumentar | authenticate as a notary |
condenar | demonstrate the guilt of (someone) |
reflejar | Give evidence of the quality of |
General | declarar, demostrar, evidenciar, mostrar, presentar, prestar, probar, revelar, ser testigo, testificar, testimoniar | Provide evidence for |
Inglés | attest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidence |
Catalán | certificar, confirmar, demostrar, evidenciar, manifestar, provar, ratificar |
Adjetivo | demostrativo, ilustrativo | Serving to demonstrate |
Nombres | certificación, corroboración | confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence |
evidencia | An indication that makes something evident / evident |
expresión, manifestación, reflejo | expression without words |
manifestación | A manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing |
Español > evidenciar: 8 sentidos > verbo 5, perceptionSentido | Give an exhibition of to an interested audience. |
Sinónimos | demostrar, exhibir, manifestar, mostrar, obsequiar, presentar, revelar |
Específico | dejar claro, hacer entender | make understandable and clear |
General | aparecer, enseñar, evidenciar, mostrar, poner de manifiesto, presentar, revelar | make visible or noticeable |
Inglés | show, demo, exhibit, present, demonstrate |
Catalán | demostrar, ensenyar, evidenciar, exhibir, mostrar, obsequiar, presentar, provar, revelar |
Nombres | demo, demostración | A visual presentation showing how something works |
demonstración, demostración, entrega, presentación | A show or display |
espectáculo, exhibición, muestra | The act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining |
espectáculo, show, teatro | A social event involving a public performance or entertainment |
exhibición, exposición | Something shown to the public |
exhibidor, expositora, expositor | someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see |
presentación | The act of making something publicly available |
presentación | The act of presenting a proposal |
proyección, visionado | The display of a motion picture |
Español > evidenciar: 8 sentidos > verbo 6, communicationSentido | Provide evidence for. |
Sinónimos | declarar, demostrar, mostrar, presentar, prestar, probar, revelar, ser testigo, testificar, testimoniar |
Categoría | jurisprudencia, ley | The collection of rules imposed by authority |
Específico | abducir, aducir | Advance evidence for |
certificar, confirmar, demostrar, evidenciar, manifestar, ratificar | Provide evidence for |
suponer | constitute reasonable evidence for |
General | advertir, anunciar, avisar, comunicar, dar información, informar | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to |
Inglés | testify, bear witness, prove, evidence, show |
Catalán | declarar, demostrar, evidenciar, mostrar, presentar, prestar, provar, revelar, testificar |
Nombres | base, evidencia, fundamento | Your basis for belief or disbelief |
declarante, deponente | A person who testifies or gives a deposition |
evidencia, prueba | (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved |
evidencia | An indication that makes something evident / evident |
testimonial, testimonio | Something that serves as evidence |
testimonio | An assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact |