HyperDic: descubrir

Español > 18 sentidos de la palabra descubrir:
VERBOperceptiondescubrir, advertir, apreciar, detectar, distinguir, divisar, encontrar, observar, percibir, vislumbrardiscover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
communicationdescubrir, declarar, desvelar, divulgar, exponer, manifestar, revelarmake known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
cognitiondescubrir, denominar, describir, distinguir, identificar, nombraridentify as in botany or biology, for example
perceptiondescubrir, desvelar, revelarmake visible
communicationdescubrir, decidir, determinar, encontrarestablish after a calculation, investigation, experiment / experiment, survey, or study
contactdescubrir, destapar, exponerremove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body
creationdescubrir, encontrarmake a discovery, make a new finding
cognitiondescubrir, aprender, averiguar, enterarse, enterar, oír, verget to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
cognitiondescubrir, averigüar, encontrarmake a discovery
perceptiondescubrirsee for the first time
possessiondescubrir, dar con, encontrarse, encontrar, hallar, lograr, tocar afind unexpectedly
possessiondescubrir, desenterrar, localizardiscover the location of
changedescubrir, denudar, desnudar, despejar, despojar, desvestir, pelarlay bare
communicationdescubrir, demostrar, desenmascarar, revelarreveal the true nature of
perceptiondescubriropen to the view
cognitiondescubrir, averiguar, esclarecer, establecerlearn or discover with certainty
contactdescubrirremove the cover from
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 1, perception
SentidoDiscover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of.
Sinónimosadvertir, apreciar, detectar, distinguir, divisar, encontrar, observar, percibir, vislumbrar
detectar, percibirdetect some circumstance or entity automatically
Generalavistar, divisar, vercatch sight of
Similardescubrir, encontrarmake a discovery, make a new finding
Inglésdetect, observe, find, discover, notice
Catalánadvertir, apreciar, descobrir, detectar, observar, trobar
Adjetivoevidente, observablecapable of being seen or noticed
observadorQuick to notice
Nombresatención, observación, observanciaThe act of noticing or paying attention
captación, detección, espionaje, localizaciónThe act of detecting something
descubridorsomeone who is the first to observe something
descubrimiento, hallazgoThe act of discovering something
descubrimiento, hallazgoA productive insight
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
detector, sensor, sondaAny device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
detectorelectronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity
determinación, hallazgoThe act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation
espectador, observadorA person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
idea, pensamiento, razonamiento, reflexiónA remark expressing careful consideration
observaciónThe act of making and recording a measurement
observaciónfacts learned by observing
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 2, communication
SentidoMake known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret.
Sinónimosdeclarar, desvelar, divulgar, exponer, manifestar, revelar
Causa dedivulgarseBe released or become known
Específicocantar, cotillear, delatar, mascullardivulge confidential information or secrets
confiarreveal in private
divulgar, filtrarse, filtrartell anonymously
escandalizarexplore and expose misconduct and scandals concerning public figures
espetarproduce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly / unexpectedly
traicionarreveal unintentionally
GeneraldecirLet something be known
SimilardivulgarseBe released or become known
Inglésunwrap, disclose, let on, bring out, reveal, discover, expose, divulge, break, give away, let out, uncover
Catalándeclarar, desvelar, divulgar, manifestar, revelar
Nombresdescubrimiento, destape, divulgación, revelaciónThe speech act of making something evident / evident
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
descubrimiento, desvelamiento, revelaciónThe disclosure of something secret
desenmascaramientoThe exposure of an impostor or a fraud / fraud
revelaciónAn enlightening or astonishing disclosure
revelación involuntariaAn unintentional disclosure
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 3, cognition
Sentidoidentify as in botany or biology, for example.
Sinónimosdenominar, describir, distinguir, identificar, nombrar
Implicaclasificar, ordenar, separarArrange or order by classes or categories / categories
Inglésidentify, discover, key, key out, distinguish, describe, name
Catalándenominar, descobrir, descriure, identificar
AdjetivoidentificableCapable of being identified
Nombresdenominación, nombre, nombre propioA language unit by which a person or thing is known
designación, identificaciónThe act of designating or identifying something
identidadThe individual characteristics / characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known
nombramientoThe verbal / verbal / verbal act of naming
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 4, perception
Sentidomake visible.
Sinónimosdesvelar, revelar
Específicodar a conocer, mostrar, revelardisclose to view as by removing a cover
descubriropen to the view
excavarRecover through digging
sacar a relucirbring out and show for inspection and admiration
Generalaparecer, enseñar, evidenciar, mostrar, poner de manifiesto, presentar, revelarmake visible or noticeable
Inglésbring out, unveil, reveal
Catalándescobrir, revelar
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 5, communication
SentidoEstablish after a calculation, investigation, experiment / experiment, survey, or study.
Sinónimosdecidir, determinar, encontrar
Específicocontar, enumerarDetermine the number or amount of
emplazar, enclavar, localizar, situar, ubicarDetermine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey
Similaraprender, averiguar, decidir, determinar, establecer, mirar, verFind out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
descubrir, encontrarmake a discovery, make a new finding
Inglésdetermine, find, find out, ascertain
Catalándecidir, descobrir, determinar, trobar
Adjetivoaveriguable, comprobable, descubriblecapable of being ascertained or found out
Nombresdecisión, determinación, resoluciónThe act of making up your mind about something
descubrimiento, hallazgoA productive insight
determinación, hallazgoThe act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 6, contact
SentidoRemove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body.
Sinónimosdestapar, exponer
EspecíficodesenmascararTake the mask off
desenvolverRemove the outer cover or wrapping of
desnudarlay bare
desnudar, desvestirTake the covers off
desvelarRemove the veil from
quitar las colgadurasstrip something of drapery
Contrariocubrir, recubrirProvide with a covering or cause to be covered
Inglésuncover, expose
Catalándescobrir, despullar
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 7, creation
Sentidomake a discovery, make a new finding.
Generalconcebir, idearHave the idea for
Similaradvertir, apreciar, descubrir, detectar, distinguir, divisar, encontrar, observar, percibir, vislumbrarDiscover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
averigüar, descubrir, encontrarmake a discovery
decidir, descubrir, determinar, encontrarEstablish after a calculation, investigation, experiment / experiment, survey, or study
Inglésdiscover, find
Catalándescobrir, trobar
Nombresartífice, autor, descubridor, inventorsomeone who is the first to think of or make something
descubrimiento, hallazgoThe act of discovering something
descubrimiento, hallazgoA productive insight
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 8, cognition
SentidoGet to know or become aware of, usually accidentally.
Sinónimosaprender, averiguar, enterarse, enterar, oír, ver
Específicoaprender, enterarseget wise to
atrapar, pescardetect a blunder or misstep
averiguar, descubrir, esclarecer, establecerLearn or discover with certainty
averigüar, descubrir, encontrarmake a discovery
Tambiénarrancar, coger, desplumar, escoger, pelar, repuntarlook for and gather
averigüar, descubrir, encontrarmake a discovery
Similaratestiguar, presenciar, verperceive or be contemporaneous with
Ingléslearn, hear, get word, get wind, pick up, find out, get a line, discover, see
Catalánaprendre, assabentar-se, assabentar, descobrir, veure
Nombresdescubrimiento, hallazgoThe act of discovering something
descubrimiento, hallazgoA productive insight
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 9, cognition
Sentidomake a discovery.
Sinónimosaverigüar, encontrar
Generalaprender, averiguar, descubrir, enterarse, enterar, oír, verGet to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
Tambiénaprender, averiguar, descubrir, enterarse, enterar, oír, verGet to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
Similardescubrir, encontrarmake a discovery, make a new finding
Inglésdiscover, find
Nombresdescubrimiento, hallazgoThe act of discovering something
descubrimiento, hallazgoA productive insight
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 10, perception
Sentidosee for the first time; make a discovery.
Implicaapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verTo become aware of through the senses
EspecíficoredescubrirDiscover again
Nombresdescubrimiento, hallazgoThe act of discovering something
descubrimiento, hallazgoA productive insight
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 11, possession
SentidoFind unexpectedly.
Sinónimosdar con, encontrarse, encontrar, hallar, lograr, tocar a
Generalencontrar, recobrar, recuperarcome upon after searching
Inglésfall upon, strike, come upon, light upon, chance upon, come across, chance on, happen upon, attain, discover
Nombresdescubrimiento, hallazgoThe act of discovering something
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 12, possession
SentidoDiscover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining.
Sinónimosdesenterrar, localizar
EspecíficoconcretarLocate exactly
desenterrarBring to light
Generalencontrar, recobrar, recuperarcome upon after searching
Similardesenterrar, encontrar, excavarFind by digging in the ground
Ingléslocate, turn up
Catalándescobrir, desenterrar, localitzar
Nombreslocalización, localizar, posición, ubicaciónA determination of the place where something is
lugar, ubicaciónA point or extent in space
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 13, change
Sentidolay bare.
Sinónimosdenudar, desnudar, despejar, despojar, desvestir, pelar
Específicodeforestarstrip the leaves or branches from
Generalclaramente, clarificar, unánimenteRemove
Inglésdenude, bare, denudate, strip
Catalándesembarassar, desposseir, despullar, desvestir
NombresdenudaciónThe removal of covering / covering
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 14, communication
Sentidoreveal the true nature of.
Sinónimosdemostrar, desenmascarar, revelar
Generaldesacreditarexpose while ridiculing
Inglésunmask, uncloak
NombresdesenmascaramientoThe exposure of an impostor or a fraud / fraud
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 15, perception
Sentidoopen to the view.
Generaldescubrir, desvelar, revelarmake visible
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 16, cognition
SentidoLearn or discover with certainty.
Sinónimosaveriguar, esclarecer, establecer
Generalaprender, averiguar, descubrir, enterarse, enterar, oír, verGet to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
Adjetivoaveriguable, comprobable, descubriblecapable of being ascertained or found out
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 17, cognition
Sentidotrap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act.
Generaladvertir, apreciar, descubrir, detectar, distinguir, divisar, encontrar, observar, percibir, vislumbrarDiscover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
Inglésfind out, catch out
Español > descubrir: 18 sentidos > verbo 18, contact
SentidoRemove the cover from.
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Nombresdescubrimientoputting on display for the first time

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