Español > delatar: 4 sentidos > verbo 2, communicationSentido | give away information about somebody. |
Sinónimos | acusar, denunciar, traicionar |
General | advertir, anunciar, avisar, comunicar, dar información, informar | Impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to |
Inglés | denounce, tell on, betray, give away, rat, grass, shit, shop, snitch, stag |
Catalán | denunciar, trair |
Nombres | apóstata, desertor, renegado, tránsfuga | A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. |
bojote, caca, cagarria, cerote, mierda, mojón, ñorda, turd, zurullo | obscene / obscene terms for feces |
canario, delator, infiltrado, informante, malsín, soplón | someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police |
caza de ratas, informe | To furnish incriminating evidence to an officer of the law (usually in return for favors) |
confidente, delator, informador | One who reveals confidential information in return for money |
Español > delatar: 4 sentidos > verbo 3, communicationSentido | divulge confidential information or secrets. |
Sinónimos | cantar, cotillear, mascullar |
General | declarar, descubrir, desvelar, divulgar, exponer, manifestar, revelar | Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret |
Contrario | callar | Refrain from divulging sensitive information |
Similar | hablar | reveal information |
Inglés | spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, talk, tattle, blab, peach, babble, sing, babble out, blab out |
Catalán | cantar, divulgar, murmurar, parlar, parlotejar, revelar, xerrar |
Adjetivo | bocón, charlatán, chismoso, parlanchín | unwisely talking / talking / talking too much |
Nombres | bocazas, chismoso, chivato, correveidile, cotilla, cuentista, fisgón, fuelle, murmurador, taleteller | someone who gossips indiscreetly |
chivatazo | disclosing information or giving evidence about another |
confidente, delator, informador | One who reveals confidential information in return for money |
conventillo, cotilleo, murmuración, palabrería | idle gossip or rumor |