Español > mancha: 9 sentidos > nombre 1, attributeSentido | A small contrasting part of something. |
Sinónimo | mota |
Específico | fácula | A large bright spot on the sun's photosphere occurring most frequently in the vicinity of sunspots |
mancha solar | A cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere |
mota | A very small spot |
mácula | A patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated |
nube corneal | (pathology) a faint cloudy spot on the cornea |
parhelia, parhelio, sundog | A bright spot on the parhelic circle |
placa | (pathology) a small abnormal patch on or inside the body |
General | marca, señalización, señal | A pattern of marks |
Inglés | spot, speckle, dapple, patch, fleck, maculation |
Catalán | clapa, mota, placa, taca |
Adjetivo | desigual, disparejo | Irregular or uneven in quality, texture, etc. |
Verbos | emparchar | Provide with a patch |
manchar | make a spot or mark onto |
motear | mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition |
motear | mark with small spots |
Español > mancha: 9 sentidos > nombre 3, attributeSentido | A mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body). |
Sinónimos | defecto, imperfección, mácula, marca, tacha, tara |
Específico | antojo, lunar, mancha de nacimiento, nevus, rosa | A blemish on the skin that is formed before birth |
arañazo, cicatriz, marca, rascada, rasguño, raspadura, raya | An indication of damage |
baldón, churrete, mancha, manchón, manchurrón, tizne, tiznón, zurrapa | A blemish made by dirt |
barbo, comedón, espinilla, punto negro | A black-tipped plug clogging a pore of the skin |
berruga, verruga | (pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin |
corte, muesca | An impression in a surface (as made by a blow / blow) |
lunar | A small congenital pigmented spot on the skin |
quemadura | A place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body) |
General | apariencia, aspecto, cara, presencia | outward or visible aspect of a person or thing |
Inglés | blemish, defect, mar |
Catalán | defecte, imperfecció, màcula, tara |
Verbos | afear, deformar, desfigurar, manchar, perjudicar | mar or spoil the appearance of |
arruinar, desflorar, deteriorar, estropear, macular, manchar, viciar | make imperfect |
añadir una imperfección, desmejorar, estropear | add a flaw or blemish to |
manchar | mar or impair with a flaw |
Español > mancha: 9 sentidos > nombre 5, attributeSentido | A blemish made by dirt. |
Sinónimos | baldón, churrete, manchón, manchurrón, tizne, tiznón, zurrapa |
Específico | erupción, mancha | An irregularly shaped spot |
huella dactilar, huella digital, huella, imprenta, señal | A smudge made by a (dirty) finger |
mancha de tinta | A blot made with ink |
General | defecto, imperfección, mácula, mancha, marca, tacha, tara | A mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body) |
Inglés | smudge, spot, blot, daub, smear, smirch, slur |
Catalán | taca |
Adjetivo | manchado | smeared with something that soils or stains |
Verbos | embadurnar, manchar, untar | stain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance |
embadurnar, embarrar, empañar, ensuciar, manchar, oscurecer, tiznar | make a smudge on |
ensuciar, manchar, mancillar | smear so as to make dirty or stained |
manchar | make a spot or mark onto |
motear | Become spotted |