Español > juzgar: 11 sentidos > verbo 1, cognitionSentido | form a critical opinion of. |
Sinónimos | evaluar, opinar, pensar |
Implicado por | absolver, descargar, exculpar, exonerar | pronounce not guilty of criminal charges |
censurar, condenar | declare or judge unfit for use or habitation |
condenar, declarar culpable | Find or declare guilty |
criticar, culpar, juzgar | find fault with |
Específico | aceptar | Consider or hold as true |
achacar, adjudicar, adscribir, asignar, atribuir, destinar, imputar | Attribute or credit to |
adjudicar, declarar, estimar, juzgar, revelar | declare to be |
aforar, apreciar, estimar, evaluar, medir, tasar, valorar, valorizar, valuar | Evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of |
anticipar, esperar, prever | regard something as probable or likely |
aprobar, homologar | judge to be right or commendable |
augurar, calcular, contar, estimar, presagiar, prever, pronosticar | judge to be probable |
clasificarse, clasificar, graduar, ordenar, tasar, valorar | Assign a rank or rating to |
considerar, creer, opinar, pensar | judge or regard |
criticar, examinar, repasar, revisar | Appraise critically |
demostrar, ensayar, examinar, probar, testear, tratar | put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to |
desaprobar, rechazar | Consider bad / bad or wrong |
desaprobar | deem wrong or inappropriate |
elegir, escoger | See fit or proper to act in a certain way |
pasar | Accept or judge as acceptable |
prejuzgar | judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence |
rechazar | refuse to accept or acknowledge |
reevaluar, tasar | Appraise anew |
suspender | judge unacceptable |
General | creer, discurrir, meditar, pensar, reflexionar | Use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments |
Inglés | evaluate, pass judgment, judge |
Catalán | avaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensar |
Nombres | enjuiciamiento | The cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions |
evaluación, juicio, valoración | The act of judging / judging / judging or assessing a person or situation or event |
Español > juzgar: 11 sentidos > verbo 3, communicationSentido | find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws / flaws. |
Sinónimos | criticar, culpar |
Implica | evaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensar | form a critical opinion of |
Específico | agredir, atacar | attack in speech or writing |
amonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, rechazar, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferar | take to task |
amonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, rechazar, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferar | censure severely or angrily |
amonestar, censurar, incriminar, reprender | rebuke formally |
arremeter contra, crucificar, masacrar, tratar salvajemente | criticize harshly or violently |
buscar defectos, culpar, meterse con | harass with constant criticism |
chinchorrear | Be overly critical |
delatar, denunciar | Speak out against |
denigrar, despreciar, menospreciar | Express a negative opinion of |
deplorar | Express strong disapproval of |
reprender | Express strong disapproval of |
reprobar | criticize or reprimand harshly |
General | apuntar, comentar, hacer notar, indicar, mencionar, notar, observar, remarcar, señalar | make or write a comment on |
Contrario | alabar, elogiar, enaltecer, ensalzar, loar | Express approval of |
Inglés | knock, criticize, criticise, pick apart |
Catalán | criticar |
Nombres | crítica | A serious examination and judgment of something |
crítica | disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings |
crítica literaria, crítica | A written evaluation of a work of literature |
crítico | A person who is professionally engaged in the analysis and interpretation of works of art |
crítico | Anyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of something |
crítico, criticón | someone who frequently finds fault or makes harsh and unfair judgments |
Español > juzgar: 11 sentidos > verbo 5, communicationSentido | pronounce judgment on. |
Sinónimos | declarar, designar, pronunciar |
Específico | absolver, descargar, exculpar, exonerar | pronounce not guilty of criminal charges |
capacitar, cualificar, habilitar | pronounce fit or able |
condenar, declarar culpable | Find or declare guilty |
descalificar, descualificar | declare unfit |
dictaminar, fallar | decide on and make a declaration about |
entonar | speak carefully, as with rising and falling pitch or in a particular tone |
General | adjudicar, declarar, estimar, juzgar, revelar | declare to be |
Inglés | pronounce, label, judge |
Catalán | designar, pronunciar |
Nombres | aforismo, aserto, autorización, declaración, dictamen, díctum, pronunciamiento, sentencia | An authoritative declaration |
etiqueta | A brief description given for purposes of identification |
etiqueta adhesiva, etiqueta, pegata, pegatina, rótulo | An identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object |
evaluación, juicio, valoración | The act of judging / judging / judging or assessing a person or situation or event |
Español > juzgar: 11 sentidos > verbo 8, perceptionSentido | Give careful consideration to. |
Sinónimos | considerar, contemplar, estimar, estudiar |
Causado por | recordar | Cause oneself to consider something |
Específico | comparar, equiparar | Consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous |
General | cavilar, considerar, especular, meditar, ponderar, reflexionar, rumiar | Reflect deeply on a subject / subject |
Similar | considerar, contemplar, deliberar, discutir, estimar | think about carefully |
Inglés | study, consider |
Catalán | considerar, estimar, jutjar |
Nombres | circunstancia, condición, consideración | Information that should be kept in mind when making a decision |
cogitación, estudio, pensar | attentive consideration and meditation / meditation |
consideración, reflexión | The process of giving careful thought to something |
consideración | A discussion of a topic (as in a meeting) |
estudio | A detailed critical inspection |