HyperDic: explorar

Español > 13 sentidos de la palabra explorar:
VERBOcognitionexplorar, analizar, estudiar, examinar, inspeccionarconsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning / meaning
contactexplorar, buscar, procurar, registrartry to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of
cognitionexplorartravel to or penetrate into
cognitionexplorar, averiguar, buscar, indagar, inquirir, investigarinquire into
perceptionexplorar, analizar, examinar, inspeccionar, mirar, reconocer, verobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect
cognitionexplorar, examinar, leer, recuperarobtain data from magnetic tapes
communicationexplorar, analizar, examinar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
perceptionexplorar, reconocerexplore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
cognitionexplorarexamine (organs) for diagnostic purposes
cognitionexplorarexamine minutely
communicationexplorar, examinar, indagar, inspeccionar, sondarquestion or examine thoroughly and closely
cognitionexplorar, hacer espeleologíaexplore natural caves
perceptionexplorar, escudriñar, hurgarexamine hastily
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 1, cognition
SentidoConsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning / meaning.
Sinónimosanalizar, estudiar, examinar, inspeccionar
Específicoanalizar, examinar, explorar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
aquilatar, ensayaranalyze (chemical substances)
auditar, controlar, escrutar, escudriñar, examinar, inspeccionar, registrarExamine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
comparar, cotejarExamine and note the similarities or differences of
comprobar, repasar, revisarexamine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition
diagnosticarsubject to a medical analysis
diagnosticarDetermine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
mirar, verlook at carefully
reexaminar, revisarlook at again
trazarFollow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something
Inglésanalyze, analyse, study, examine, canvass
Catalánanalitzar, estudiar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionar
Nombresanalistasomeone who is skilled at analyzing data
analizadorAn instrument / instrument that performs analyses
análisis, pensamiento analíticoThe abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
estudioA detailed critical inspection
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 2, contact
Sentidotry to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of.
Sinónimosbuscar, procurar, registrar
Específicoadivinarsearch by divining, as if with a rod
arrastrar, dragar, rastrearsearch (as the bottom of a body of water) for something valuable or lost
buscar, dedicarse, perseguirgo in search / search / search of or hunt for
buscar, cazar, rastrearseek, search for
buscarlook for a specific person or thing
buscar a tientas, palpar, tantearFeel about uncertainly or blindly
echar un vistazo, navegarlook around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular
ir de comprasshop around
pescarseek indirectly
recorrerExamine minutely
revolversearch about busily
tanteargrope or feel in search of something
Tambiéncontemplar, mirar, observar, verperceive with attention
Ingléssearch, seek, look for
Catalánbuscar, cercar, escorcollar, registrar
ParticipiobuscadoThat is looked for
Nombresbusca, búsqueda, cacheoThe activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
buscador, investigador, questersomeone making a search / search / search / search / search or inquiry
búsquedaThe act of searching / searching for something
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 3, cognition
Sentidotravel to or penetrate into.
Específicodibujar el mapa, hacer un mapaexplore or survey for the purpose of making a map
explorar, hacer espeleologíaexplore natural caves
Generalanalizar, examinar, explorar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
AdjetivoexploratorioServing in or intended for exploration or discovery
NombresexploraciónA systematic consideration
exploración geográfica, exploraciónTo travel for the purpose of discovery
exploradora, exploradorsomeone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose)
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 4, cognition
Sentidoinquire into.
Sinónimosaveriguar, buscar, indagar, inquirir, investigar
Específicobuscar, conseguir, investigar, rebuscarsearch anxiously
googlearSearch the internet (for information) using the Google search engine
prospectarexplore for useful or valuable things or substances, such as minerals
reexplorarexplore / explore anew
Generalanalizar, examinar, explorar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
Inglésresearch, search, explore
Catalánbuscar, cercar, esbrinar, explorar, indagar, inquirir, perquirir
AdjetivoexploratorioServing in or intended for exploration or discovery
Nombresatención, encuesta, estudio, exploración, interés, investigaciónA search for knowledge
buscador, investigador, questersomeone making a search / search / search / search / search or inquiry
búsquedaAn investigation seeking answers
exploraciónA systematic consideration
investigaciónSystematic investigation to establish facts
investigadorA scientist who devotes himself to doing research
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 5, perception
Sentidoobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect.
Sinónimosanalizar, examinar, inspeccionar, mirar, reconocer, ver
Implicacontemplar, mirar, observar, verperceive with attention
EspecíficoauscultarExamine by auscultation
buscar, registrarsubject to a search
buscar, escudriñar, examinar, mirar, registrar, sondear buscandoSearch or seek
comprobar, constatar, controlar, examinar, investigar, verificarmake an examination or investigation
escandir, escanear, escrutarExamine minutely or intensely
escrutar, escudriñarTo look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
escudriñar, explorar, hurgarExamine hastily
inspeccionar, registrarlook over carefully
radiografiarExamine by taking x-rays
sondar, sondearLook over carefully or inspect
Inglésexamine, see
Catalánexaminar, explorar, inspeccionar, interrogar, reconèixer
Nombresanálisis, control, escrutinio, examen, examinación, inspección, investigaciónThe act of examining something closely (as for mistakes / mistakes)
examinadora, examinador, inspectora, inspectorAn investigator who observes / observes carefully
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 6, cognition
SentidoObtain data from magnetic tapes.
Sinónimosexaminar, leer, recuperar
Específicomalinterpretarread or interpret wrongly
Generalconstruir, entender, interpretar, vermake sense of
Inglésread, scan
Catalánexaminar, explorar, llegir
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
Sentidoinvestigate scientifically.
Sinónimosanalizar, examinar, indagar, investigar
Específicoaveriguar, buscar, explorar, indagar, inquirir, investigarinquire into
estudiar, investigarAttempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner
examinar, explorar, indagar, inspeccionar, sondarQuestion or examine thoroughly and closely
experimentarTo conduct a test or investigation
explorartravel to or penetrate into
Generalanalizar, estudiar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionarConsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning / meaning
Inglésinvestigate, look into
Catalánindagar, investigar
Nombresindagación, investigaciónThe work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically
investigadorA scientist who devotes himself to doing research
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 8, perception
Sentidoexplore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody.
Generalobservarwatch / watch attentively
Inglésscout, reconnoiter, reconnoitre
Catalánexplorar, reconèixer
Nombrescazatalentos, ojeadorsomeone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports)
descubierta, exploración, reconocimientoThe act of reconnoitring (especially to gain information about an enemy / enemy or potential enemy / enemy)
escultismo, exploración, reconocimiento del terrenoexploring in order to gain information
explorador, guíasomeone who can find paths through unexplored territory
scouterAn adult member of the Boy Scouts movement
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 9, cognition
SentidoExamine (organs) for diagnostic purposes.
CategoríamedicinaThe learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries
Generaldiagnosticarsubject to a medical analysis
SimilarexplorarExamine minutely
Catalánexaminar, explorar
AdjetivoexploratorioServing in or intended for exploration or discovery
NombresexploraciónA careful systematic search
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 10, cognition
SentidoExamine minutely.
GeneraldiagnosticarDetermine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
SimilarexplorarExamine (organs) for diagnostic purposes
AdjetivoexploratorioServing in or intended for exploration or discovery
NombresexploraciónA careful systematic search
exploraciónA systematic consideration
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 11, communication
SentidoQuestion or examine thoroughly and closely.
Sinónimosexaminar, indagar, inspeccionar, sondar
Específicoindagar, interrogar, investigar, preguntarConduct an inquiry or investigation of
juzgarExamine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process
Generalanalizar, examinar, explorar, indagar, investigarinvestigate scientifically
Inglésprobe, examine
Catalánexaminar, explorar, indagar, inspeccionar
Nombresexamen, pruebaThe act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know / know or have learned
examen, prueba, testA set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge
indagación, investigación, sondeoAn inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities
interrogatorioformal systematic questioning
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 12, cognition
Sentidoexplore natural caves.
Sinónimohacer espeleología
Generalexplorartravel to or penetrate into
Ingléscave, spelunk
Nombrescaverna, cueva, grutaA geological formation consisting of an underground enclosure with access from the surface of the ground or from the sea
espeleólogoA person who explores caves
Español > explorar: 13 sentidos > verbo 13, perception
SentidoExamine hastily.
Sinónimosescudriñar, hurgar
Generalanalizar, examinar, explorar, inspeccionar, mirar, reconocer, verobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect
Inglésscan, skim, rake, glance over, run down
Catalánescodrinyar, escorcollar, examinar, explorar, furgar

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