HyperDic: recorrer

Español > 6 sentidos de la palabra recorrer:
VERBOmotionrecorrertravel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge
motionrecorrer, hacer un tour, ir de giramake a tour of a certain place
contactrecorrer, encaminar, guiar, pasarpass over, across, or through
motionrecorrer, andar, caminar, ir a pietravel on foot, especially on a walking expedition
contactrecorrerexamine minutely
motionrecorrercover a certain distance
Español > recorrer: 6 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
Sentidotravel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge.
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Ingléstravel, move around
Nombresdesplazamiento, viajeThe act of going from one place to another
turista, viajante, viajera, viajeroA person who changes location
Español > recorrer: 6 sentidos > verbo 2, motion
Sentidomake a tour of a certain place.
Sinónimoshacer un tour, ir de gira
Específicover, visitarGo to see a place, as for entertainment
Generalviajarundertake a journey or trip
Catalánanar de viatge, fer una gira, fer un tour
Nombrescircuito, gira, periplo, tourA journey or route all the way around a particular place or area
turista, veraneantesomeone who travels for pleasure
Español > recorrer: 6 sentidos > verbo 3, contact
Sentidopass over, across, or through.
Sinónimosencaminar, guiar, pasar
Específicoacariciar, friccionar, frotarse, frotar, restregarse, restregarMove over something with pressure
enhebrarpass a thread through
ensartar, pasarpass through or into
Tambiéndifundir, diseminar, dispensar, dispersar, distribuir, divulgar, esparcir, propagar, repartirCause to become widely known
enjugar, formatear, limpiar, quitar, secarrub with a circular motion
Similarencordar, enfilar, engarzar, enhebrar, ensartarthread on or as if on a string
llevarCause something to pass or lead somewhere
Inglésguide, run, draw, pass
Catalánencaminar, guiar, passar
Español > recorrer: 6 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
SentidoTravel on foot, especially on a walking expedition.
Sinónimosandar, caminar, ir a pie
Categoríaatletismo, deporte, deportesAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
Generaldar largas caminatas, ir de excursiónwalk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise
Catalánanar a peu, caminar
Nombrescaminante, excursionistaA foot traveler
caminata, excursión, paseo, senderismoA long / long walk usually for exercise or pleasure
Español > recorrer: 6 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
SentidoExamine minutely.
Generalbuscar, explorar, procurar, registrartry to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of
Español > recorrer: 6 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
SentidoCover a certain distance.
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Catalánapropar-se, aproximar-se, arribar, venir

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