HyperDic: ir

Español > 17 sentidos de la palabra ir:
VERBOmotionir, acudir, desplazarse, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
motionir, andar, caminar, pasearuse one's feet to advance
changeir, acudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, salir, sucumbir, vencerpass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life
motionir, montarbe carried or travel on or in a vehicle
stativeir, acudir, asistir, comparecerbe present at (meetings, church services, university) , etc.
motionir, dejar, irse, marchar, partir, salirgo away from a place
stativeir, acudir, ampliar, dirigir, extenderse, liderar, pasar, prolongarstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
motionir, acudir, partirmove away from a place into another direction
socialir, acudir, avanzar, procederfollow a procedure or take a course
stativeir, caber, entrarconform to some shape or size
motionir, dejar atrás, pasarmove past
changeir, procederfollow a certain course
stativeirchange or be different within limits
stativeir, casar, combinar, fusionarseblend or harmonize
stativeir, andar, arreglárselas, desenvolverse, salir, viajarproceed or get along
stativeir, favorecer, venir bienenhance the appearance of
stativeir, dar, llevarlead, extend, or afford access
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
Sentidochange location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically.
Sinónimosacudir, desplazarse, moverse, mover, viajar
Causado porir de excursión, viajarmake a trip for pleasure
Implicado poralcanzar, arribar, contactar, ganar, llegar, lograr, obtener, pegarReach a destination / destination, either real or abstract
conducirse, dirigirsedirect (oneself) somewhere
perderfail to reach or get to
Específicoabalanzarse, arrojarse, precipitarseMove with or as if with a rushing / rushing sound
acelerar, apresurarse, apresurar, darse prisaMove very fast
acelerarTravel at an excessive or illegal velocity
acercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
acompañargo or travel along with
adentrarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, internarseMove forward, also in the metaphorical sense
alejarse, jubilar, retirarse, retirar, retroceder, suprimirpull back or move away or backward
andar, caminar, ir, pasearUse one's feet to advance
andarshift or move by taking a step
andar en ferry, andar en transbordador, ir en ferritravel by ferry
andar en tranvíatravel by tram
andar en tropel, congregarse, ir en procesión, ir en tropelMove as a crowd or in a group
anteceder, precederMove ahead / ahead (of others) in time or space
apresurarse, correr, darse prisa, lanzarse, precipitarse, precipitarMove fast
arrastrarMove slowly and as if with great effort
arrastrarse, deslizarse, gatear, rampar, reptarMove slowly
arrastrarseMove, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly
arremolinar, serpentear, zigzaguearTo move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course
ascender, elevarse, subirMove upward
avanzar, continuar, proceder, proseguir, seguirMove ahead
bajar, caer, descenderMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
botar, rebotar, sacudir, saltarMove up and down repeatedly
buscargo to or towards
caerse, caerdescend in free fall under the influence of gravity
cambiar, hacer transbordochange from one vehicle or transportation line to another
caminar, deambular, errar, girar, rondar, vagabundear, vagarMove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
caminar, tomar el aireTake a walk
circular, difundirse, propagarseBecome widely known and passed on
circular, girarMove in circles
circularMove around freely
circunvalar, dar una vueltamake a circuit / circuit
conducir, impulsar, manejartravel or be transported in a vehicle
dar la vueltawind around
dar vueltas, rodarMove along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle
dejar atrás, ir, pasarMove past
descarriarse, desencaminarse, desviarse, errarwander from a direct course or at random
descarrilarRun off or leave the rails
deslizarse, deslizar, planearMove smoothly and effortlessly
deslizarse, deslizar, resbalarse, resbalarTo pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly
desplazarseDisplace oneself
desviar, torcerMove or proceed at an angle
devolver, regresar, reincorporar, retornar, volverGo or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before
dibujarMove or go steadily or gradually
doblar, girarPass to the other side of
empujarMove strenuously and with effort
entrar volando, pasar volandoMove quickly and nimbly
esquiarMove along on skis
flanqueargo around the flank of (an opposing army)
flotar, nadarBe afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom
flotarBe in motion due to some air or water current
flotarMove lightly, as if suspended
jugarMove or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly
lograrTravel or traverse (a distance)
montarSit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions
moverse en círculoTravel around something
moverse estruendosamenteMove noisily
nadarTravel through water
nadarMove as if gliding through water
navegarTravel at a moderate speed
pasargo across or through
pasar con rapidez, volarTo proceed quickly and easily
pasar zumbandoMove with a whishing sound
perseguir, seguirFollow in or as if in pursuit
perseguir, seguirTo travel behind, go after, come after
pisarput down or press the foot, place the foot
propagarseTravel through the air
recorrertravel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge
recorrerCover a certain distance
retirarseMove away, as for privacy
revolverTo move hurriedly
secundarTravel backward
seguirtravel along a certain course
silbarMove with, or as with, a whistling sound
silbar, sisearMove with a whooshing sound
surcarMove in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil
tambalearseMove slowly and unsteadily
transportar en transbordadortravel back and forth between two points
viajarTravel upon or across
viajarUndergo transportation as in a vehicle
volarTravel through the air
zigzagueartravel along a zigzag path
zumbarMove with a low humming noise
Tambiénadentrarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, internarseMove forward, also in the metaphorical sense
alejarse, jubilar, retirarse, retirar, retroceder, suprimirpull back or move away or backward
ascender, escalar, montar, subir, trepargo upward with gradual or continuous progress
ascender, elevarse, subirMove upward
bajar, caer, descenderMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
circular, difundirse, propagarseBecome widely known and passed on
continuar, proseguir, seguirContinue talking / talking / talking
dejar atrás, ir, pasarMove past
deslizarse, esfumarse, pasar, seguir, transcurrir, trascurrirpass by
escapar, esfumarse, fugarserun away
establecerse, hundirse, ir abajo, naufragar, sumergirse, sumirsego under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"
pasar de modago out of fashion
ponerse, ponerdisappear beyond the horizon
ContrarioquedarseBe stationary
Similardesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Ingléstravel, go, move, locomote
Catalánacudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjar
Adjetivolocomotivo, locomotorOf or relating to locomotion
Nombresdesplazamiento, movimiento, trasladoThe act of changing location from one place to another
desplazamiento, viajeA movement through space that changes the location of something
fuerza motriz, locomoción, motricidadThe power or ability to move
hombre de accionsomeone who moves
locomoción, viajeself-propelled movement
movimientoA natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
turista, viajante, viajera, viajeroA person who changes location
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 2, motion
SentidoUse one's feet to advance; advance by steps.
Sinónimosandar, caminar, pasear
Implicaandarshift or move by taking a step
Específicoanadear, avanzar a pasitos, bambolearse, chapotear, contonearse, tambalearsewalk unsteadily
andar a pie, ir a piewalk
andar desgarbadamentewalk slovenly
andar pesadamente, hollarwalk clumsily
andar sin prisa, deambular, pasearse, pasearwalk leisurely
aplastar, pisarwalk on and flatten
arrastrar los pieswalk by dragging one's feet
caminar, ir de puntillaswalk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud
caminar con afectaciónwalk daintily
caminar de puntillas, escabullirseTo go stealthily or furtively
caminar de puntillaswalk on one's toes
caminar desgarbadamentewalk clumsily and with a bounce
cojear, renguear, renquearwalk impeded by some physical limitation or injury
contonearse, pavonearseTo walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
dar largas caminatas, ir de excursiónwalk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise
deambularwalk with no particular goal
deambular, pasearse, pasearwalk leisurely and with no apparent aim
desfilar, ir en procesión, marcharmarch in a procession
escabullirsewalk stealthily
forcejearwalk with great difficulty
marchar, trancarwalk fast, with regular or measured steps
merodear, rondarMove about in or as if in a predatory manner
merodear, rondarMove stealthily
pasear, salir a caminarTake a leisurely walk
patearse, recorrerse, vagarwalk or tramp about
pernearwalk emphatically
pisoteartread or stomp heavily or roughly
pisotearwalk heavily
tambalearse, titubear, vacilarwalk as if unable to control one's movements
titubear, trastabillar, tropezarwalk unsteadily
vadearwalk (through relatively shallow water)
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Tambiéndeambularwalk with no particular goal
Contrarioir, montarBe carried or travel on or in a vehicle
Similarandar, caminartraverse or cover by walking
andar, caminarwalk at a pace
caminar, tomar el aireTake a walk
caminar, sacar a caminarmake walk
caminar, pasearAccompany or escort
Nombresandadura, andar, caminar, paseoThe act of traveling by foot
andares, andarmanner of walking
caminante, peatón, viandanteA person who travels by foot
camino, pasarela, paseoA path set aside for walking
paseoThe act of walking somewhere
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 3, change
SentidoPass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life.
Sinónimosacudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, salir, sucumbir, vencer
Causado porabatir, acabar, asesinar, matarCause to die
Implicado pordejarBe survived by after one's death
EspecíficoabortarCease development, die, and be aborted
ahogarsedie from being submerged / submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating / asphyxiating
ahogarse, asfixiarse, asfixiar, atragantarse, reprimir, sofocarseBe asphyxiated
caerdie, as in battle / battle or in a hunt / hunt
morir de inanicióndie of food deprivation
palmarlaBe killed / killed or die
sucumbirBe fatally overwhelmed
Generalconvertirse, girar, rotar, transformarseUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
TambiénextinguirseBecome extinct
ContrarionacerCome into existence through birth
Similaraveriarse, estropearse, fallar, morir, pararse, perecer, romperstop operating or functioning
morirSuffer or face the pain of death
Inglésdie, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff it
Catalánacudir, asfixiar, caducar, dinyar-la, estrangular, expirar, finar, morir-se, morir, perir
NombresLa Muerte, Muerte, muerteThe personification of death / death / death
deceso, defunción, desaparición, expiración, fallecimiento, muerte, óbito, tránsitoThe event of dying or departure from life
deceso, defunción, expiración, fallecimiento, fenecimiento, liberación, óbito, partida, pérdida, trance, tránsitoeuphemistic expressions for death
difunta, difunto, extinta, extinto, fallecida, fallecido, muerta, muertosomeone who is no longer alive
muerteThe permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism
muerteThe absence of life or state of being dead
muerteThe time at which life ends
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
SentidoBe carried or travel on or in a vehicle.
Implicado porconducir, impulsar, manejartravel or be transported in a vehicle
Específicoandar en bici, andar en motocicleta, andar en moto, ir en motocicletaride a motorcycle
andar en bicicleta, andar sobre ruedas, pedalear, rodarride a bicycle
andar en busride in a bus
andar en cámararide or float on an inflated tube
andar en ferrocarril, andar en tren, ir en trentravel by rail or train
andar en motonieve, ir en motonieveride a snowmobile
andar en taxiride in a taxicab
andar en trineoride (on) a sled
carretearride in a chariot / chariot
hacer autostoptravel by getting free rides from motorists
ir a cuestasride on someone's shoulders or back
ir en barcoride in a boat on water
GeneralviajarUndergo transportation as in a vehicle
Contrarioandar, caminar, ir, pasearUse one's feet to advance
Similarconducirse, impulsar, llevarseHave certain properties when driven
Catalánanar, muntar
NombrespasajeroA traveler riding in a vehicle (a boat or bus or car or plane or train etc) who is not operating it
paseo en cocheA journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 5, stative
SentidoBe present at (meetings, church services, university) , etc..
Sinónimosacudir, asistir, comparecer
CategoríaiglesiaA service conducted in a house of worship
Específicoadorar, ir a misa, rendir culto, venerarattend religious services
asistir de oyenteattend as a visitor
Generalestar, haberOccupy a certain position or area
Contrarioperdersefail to attend an event or activity
Inglésattend, go to
Nombresajudant, asistente, ayudante, camarero, encargado, sirvientesomeone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
asistencia, presenciaThe act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.)
asistenteA person who is present and participates in a meeting
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
Sentidogo away from a place.
Sinónimosdejar, irse, marchar, partir, salir
Causado pordespacharsend off unceremoniously
Implicado pordejar atrásdepart / depart and not take along
emigrarLeave one's country of residence for a new one
llevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
Específicoabandonar, desalojar, evacuarleave behind empty
abrirse, esfumarse, largarseLeave suddenly
correr, escapar, evadir, huirflee
demorarse, quedarse atrás, tardarLeave slowly and hesitantly
desertarLeave behind
escabullirseLeave furtively and stealthily
escapar, irse, marchar, partirgo away or leave
esfumarse, irse, largarse, marcharse, retirarseLeave immediately
estrenar, iniciar, irse, originar, partir, separarLeave
irse, marcharsego away from
marcharseLeave abruptly, often in protest or anger
salirLeave the house to go somewhere
salirtake the field
salir disparadodepart in a hurry
Contrarioalcanzar, arribar, llegar, venirreach a destination
Similarabandonar, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, partir, retirarseRemove oneself from an association with or participation in
dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salirMove out of or depart from
Inglésleave, go forth, go away
Catalánanar, deixar, eixir, marxar, partir, sortir
Nombresadiós, despedidaThe act of departing politely
departer, goersomeone who leaves
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 7, stative
Sentidostretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points / points or beyond a certain point / point.
Sinónimosacudir, ampliar, dirigir, extenderse, liderar, pasar, prolongar
Específicoirradiar, radiarExtend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center
llegarExtend or reach
llegar hondo, llegar lejosExtend in importance or range
Generalestar, haberOccupy a certain position or area
TambiénalinearseBe in line with
contactar, lindar, tocarTo extend as far as
Similarirchange or be different within limits
Inglésrun, go, pass, lead, extend
Catalánacudir, ampliar, anar, dirigir, estendre's, liderar, passar, prolongar
Nombresalcance, extensiónThe distance or area or volume over which something extends
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 8, motion
SentidoMove away from a place into another direction.
Sinónimosacudir, partir
Generaldejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salirMove out of or depart from
Contrarioacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Inglésgo, go away, depart
Catalánacudir, anar
Nombresdeceso, defunción, expiración, fallecimiento, fenecimiento, liberación, óbito, partida, pérdida, trance, tránsitoeuphemistic expressions for death
departer, goersomeone who leaves
ida, marcha, partida, salidaThe act of departing
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 9, social
SentidoFollow a procedure or take a course.
Sinónimosacudir, avanzar, proceder
Específicoarriesgarse, arriesgar, aventurarse, aventurar, embarcarse, embarcarproceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
Generalactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrarPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Inglésgo, proceed, move
Catalánacudir, adreçar-se, anar-se'n, dirigir-se, fer cap, marxar, venir
Nombresacción judicial, diligencia, procedimiento judicial, procedimiento, resolución judicial, trámite, tràmite(law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked
procedimiento, procesoA particular course of action intended to achieve a result
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 10, stative
Sentidoconform to some shape or size.
Sinónimoscaber, entrar
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Cataláncaber, cabre, entrar
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 11, motion
SentidoMove past.
Sinónimosdejar atrás, pasar
Específicobordear, rodearPass around or about
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Tambiénacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Ingléstravel by, pass by, surpass, go past, go by, pass
Nombrestranseúnte, viandanteA person who passes by casually or by chance
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 12, change
SentidoFollow a certain course.
Específicoandar, arreglárselas, desenvolverse, ir, salir, viajarproceed or get along
Generalacaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugarCome to pass
Inglésproceed, go
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 13, stative
Sentidochange or be different within limits.
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Similaracudir, ampliar, dirigir, extenderse, ir, liderar, pasar, prolongarstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
llevarCause something to pass or lead somewhere
Inglésrange, run
Nombresalcance, ámbito, esfera, marcoAn area in which something acts or operates or has power or control
alcanceThe limits within which something can be effective / effective
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 14, stative
Sentidoblend or harmonize.
Sinónimoscasar, combinar, fusionarse
Generalarmonizar, concordar, encajarGo together
Inglésblend, go, blend in
Catalánanar, casar, combinar
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 15, stative
Sentidoproceed or get along.
Sinónimosandar, arreglárselas, desenvolverse, salir, viajar
Generalir, procederFollow a certain course
Inglésdo, fare, make out, come, get along
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 16, stative
Sentidoenhance the appearance of.
Sinónimosfavorecer, venir bien
Generaladornar, decorar, embellecer, hermosearmake more beautiful
Inglésbecome, suit
Español > ir: 17 sentidos > verbo 17, stative
SentidoLead, extend, or afford access.
Sinónimosdar, llevar
Generalestar, haberOccupy a certain position or area
Inglésgo, lead
Catalánanar, donar, portar

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