Español > atragantarse: 1 sentido > verbo 1, changeSentido | Be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen. |
Sinónimos | ahogarse, asfixiarse, asfixiar, reprimir, sofocarse |
Específico | estrangular | die from strangulation |
General | acudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, ir, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, salir, sucumbir, vencer | Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life |
Similar | asfixiar, sofocar | deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing |
Inglés | suffocate, stifle, asphyxiate |
Catalán | asfixiar-se, asfixiar, ennuegar-se, ofegar-se, reprimir, sufocar-se |
Adjetivo | agobiante, asfixiante, sofocador, sofocante | Causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat |
Nombres | ahogo, asfixia, sofocación | killing by depriving of oxygen |
asfixia | A condition in which insufficient or no oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged on a ventilatory basis |