HyperDic: salir

Español > 27 sentidos de la palabra salir:
NOMBREactsalirthe playing of a card to start a trick in bridge
VERBOchangesalir, acudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, ir, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, sucumbir, vencerpass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life
changesalir, aparecer, dictar, emerger, surgircome out of
motionsalir, dejar, irse, ir, marchar, partirgo away from a place
motionsalir, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarsemove out of or depart from
motionsalir, marcharse, partirwander from a direct or straight course
socialsalir, salir con, tener una citago on a date with
socialsalirdate regularly
contactsalir, chorrear, derramar a borbotones, derramar, echar en chorro, gotear, lanzar a chorro, salir en chorroissue in a jet
changesalir, aparecer, emerger, surgirbecome known or apparent
changesalir, brotar, entrar en erupción, hacer erupciónbreak out
motionsalir, aparecer, ascender, elevarse, nacer, subircome up, of celestial bodies
stativesalir, andar, arreglárselas, desenvolverse, ir, viajarproceed or get along
changesalir, aparecer, surgirappear or become visible
communicationsalir, ser revelado, surgirbe made known
creationsalir, entrar, salir a escenacome on stage
stativesalir, resultarprove to be in the result or end
possessionsalirexit a computer
motionsalirleave the house to go somewhere
socialsalirhappen or take place
changesalir, resultarhappen in a particular manner
motionsalirtake the field
changesalircome out
stativesalir, surgirbe mentioned
competitionsalirlose the lead
changesalir, irrumpirset out on a course of action
changesalir, aflorar, aparecer, estrenarsebe issued or published
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > nombre 1, act
SentidoThe playing of a card to start a trick in bridge.
Part dejuego de cartasA game / game played with playing cards
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 1, change
SentidoPass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life.
Sinónimosacudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, ir, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, sucumbir, vencer
Causado porabatir, acabar, asesinar, matarCause to die
Implicado pordejarBe survived by after one's death
EspecíficoabortarCease development, die, and be aborted
ahogarsedie from being submerged / submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating / asphyxiating
ahogarse, asfixiarse, asfixiar, atragantarse, reprimir, sofocarseBe asphyxiated
caerdie, as in battle / battle or in a hunt / hunt
morir de inanicióndie of food deprivation
palmarlaBe killed / killed or die
sucumbirBe fatally overwhelmed
Generalconvertirse, girar, rotar, transformarseUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
TambiénextinguirseBecome extinct
ContrarionacerCome into existence through birth
Similaraveriarse, estropearse, fallar, morir, pararse, perecer, romperstop operating or functioning
morirSuffer or face the pain of death
Inglésdie, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff it
Catalánacudir, asfixiar, caducar, dinyar-la, estrangular, expirar, finar, morir-se, morir, perir
NombresLa Muerte, Muerte, muerteThe personification of death / death / death
deceso, defunción, desaparición, expiración, fallecimiento, muerte, óbito, tránsitoThe event of dying or departure from life
deceso, defunción, expiración, fallecimiento, fenecimiento, liberación, óbito, partida, pérdida, trance, tránsitoeuphemistic expressions for death
difunta, difunto, extinta, extinto, fallecida, fallecido, muerta, muertosomeone who is no longer alive
muerteThe permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism
muerteThe absence of life or state of being dead
muerteThe time at which life ends
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 2, change
SentidoCome out of.
Sinónimosaparecer, dictar, emerger, surgir
Específicocaerse, salirseCome off
desagotarPass out or emerge
filtrarEnter or escape as through a hole or crack or fissure
irradiarissue or emerge in rays or waves
salirCome out
Inglésissue, emerge, come out, come forth, go forth, egress
Catalánaparèixer, brollar, dictar, emergir, sorgir, sortir
Nombresaparición, emergenciaThe act of emerging
desahogo, salidaAn opening that permits escape or release
emergenciaThe act of coming (or going) out
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
Sentidogo away from a place.
Sinónimosdejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir
Causado pordespacharsend off unceremoniously
Implicado pordejar atrásdepart / depart and not take along
emigrarLeave one's country of residence for a new one
llevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
Específicoabandonar, desalojar, evacuarleave behind empty
abrirse, esfumarse, largarseLeave suddenly
correr, escapar, evadir, huirflee
demorarse, quedarse atrás, tardarLeave slowly and hesitantly
desertarLeave behind
escabullirseLeave furtively and stealthily
escapar, irse, marchar, partirgo away or leave
esfumarse, irse, largarse, marcharse, retirarseLeave immediately
estrenar, iniciar, irse, originar, partir, separarLeave
irse, marcharsego away from
marcharseLeave abruptly, often in protest or anger
salirLeave the house to go somewhere
salirtake the field
salir disparadodepart in a hurry
Contrarioalcanzar, arribar, llegar, venirreach a destination
Similarabandonar, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, partir, retirarseRemove oneself from an association with or participation in
dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salirMove out of or depart from
Inglésleave, go forth, go away
Catalánanar, deixar, eixir, marxar, partir, sortir
Nombresadiós, despedidaThe act of departing politely
departer, goersomeone who leaves
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
SentidoMove out of or depart from.
Sinónimosdejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse
Específicoacudir, ir, partirMove away from a place into another direction
arrojar, expeler, expulsarLeave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule
bajarse, saltar fueraget out of quickly
despegar, marcharseLeave a vehicle, aircraft, etc.
salirExit a computer
salir en filamarch out, in a file
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Contrarioentrar, ingresar, moverse adentroTo come or go into
Similardejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salirgo away from a place
Inglésexit, go out, get out, leave
Catalánabandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, partir, retirar-se, sortir
Nombresadiós, despedidaThe act of departing politely
desahogo, salidaAn opening that permits escape or release
partida, salidaThe act of going out
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 5, motion
Sentidowander from a direct or straight course.
Sinónimosmarcharse, partir
GeneraldesviarTurn aside
Ingléssidetrack, depart, digress, straggle
Catalánanar-se'n, marxar, sortir
Nombresdigresión, excursión, salidawandering from the main path of a journey
rezagado, strayersomeone who strays or falls behind
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 6, social
Sentidogo on a date with.
Sinónimossalir con, tener una cita
Específicosalir en parejasgo out on a date with a partner and another couple
GeneralsalirLeave the house to go somewhere
Similarsalirdate regularly
Catalánestar promès, sortir
Nombresacompañante, cita, escoltaA participant in a date
cita, compromiso, esponsales, horaA meeting arranged in advance
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 7, social
Sentidodate regularly; have a steady relationship with.
Generalafiliar, relacionarkeep company with
Similarsalir con, salir, tener una citago on a date with
Inglésgo steady, go out, date, see
Catalánestar promès, sortir
Nombresacompañante, cita, escoltaA participant in a date
cita, compromiso, esponsales, horaA meeting arranged in advance
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 8, contact
Sentidoissue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth.
Sinónimoschorrear, derramar a borbotones, derramar, echar en chorro, gotear, lanzar a chorro, salir en chorro
Generalalimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manarMove along, of liquids / liquids
Inglésjet, gush
Catalánadollar, degotar, gotejar, rajar
Nombresbrollador, fuente, manantial, surtidorAn artificially produced flow of water
chorro, rachaThe occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid / liquid)
pozo surtidoAn oil well with a strong natural flow so that pumping / pumping is not necessary
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 9, change
SentidoBecome known or apparent.
Sinónimosaparecer, emerger, surgir
Generalaflorar, aparecer, asomar, comparecer, parecerCome into sight or view
Catalánaparèixer, brollar, emergir, sorgir, sortir
Nombresaparición, emergenciaThe act of emerging
crecimiento, emergenciaThe gradual beginning or coming forth
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 10, change
Sentidobreak out.
Sinónimosbrotar, entrar en erupción, hacer erupción
EspecíficoabrirseBurst or split open
Generalaflorar, aparecer, asomar, comparecer, parecerCome into sight or view
Ingléserupt, come out, break through, push through
NombreserupciónThe emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 11, motion
Sentidocome up, of celestial bodies.
Sinónimosaparecer, ascender, elevarse, nacer, subir
CategoríaastronomíaThe branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole
Generalascender, elevarse, subirMove upward
Tambiénacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Contrarioponerse, ponerdisappear beyond the horizon
Inglésrise, come up, uprise, ascend
Catalánascendir, néixer
Adjetivoascendente, ascendientetending or directed upward
Nombresascensión, ascenso, subidaA movement upward
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 12, stative
Sentidoproceed or get along.
Sinónimosandar, arreglárselas, desenvolverse, ir, viajar
Generalir, procederFollow a certain course
Inglésdo, fare, make out, come, get along
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 13, change
SentidoAppear or become visible; make a showing.
Sinónimosaparecer, surgir
Generalaflorar, aparecer, asomar, comparecer, parecerCome into sight or view
Ingléscome on, come out, turn up, surface, show up
Catalánsorgir, sortir
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 14, communication
SentidoBe made known; be disclosed or revealed.
Sinónimosser revelado, surgir
Inglésout, come out
Catalánsorgir, sortir
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 15, creation
SentidoCome on stage.
Sinónimosentrar, salir a escena
Categoríaarte dramático, dramaturgia, teatroThe art of writing and producing plays
Implicainterpretar, jugar, representar, tocarPlay a role or part
Catalánentrar, sortir a escena
NombresentradaThe act of entering
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 16, stative
Sentidoprove to be in the result or end.
Generalacaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugarCome to pass
Inglésturn out
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 17, possession
SentidoExit a computer.
Generaldejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salirMove out of or depart from
ContrarioentrarEnter a computer
Ingléslog out, log off
Catalánfinalitzar una sessió, sortir
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 18, motion
SentidoLeave the house to go somewhere.
Específicosalir con, salir, tener una citago on a date with
Generaldejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salirgo away from a place
Inglésgo out
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 19, social
Sentidohappen or take place.
Generalacaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugarCome to pass
Uso decoloquialismo, expresión coloquial, vulgarismoA colloquial expression
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 20, change
Sentidohappen in a particular manner.
Generalacaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugarCome to pass
Inglésgo off, come off, go over
Catalánresultar, sortir
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 21, motion
Sentidotake the field.
Generaldejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salirgo away from a place
Inglésgo out
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 22, change
SentidoCome out; issue.
Generalaparecer, dictar, emerger, salir, surgirCome out of
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 23, stative
SentidoBe mentioned.
Generalpresentarse, producirseResult or issue / issue
Ingléscome up
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 24, competition
SentidoLose the lead.
Categoríajuego de cartasA game / game played with playing cards
Generaljugar, tocarparticipate in games / games or sport
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 25, change
SentidoSet out on a course of action.
Generalcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, originar, partir, principiarTake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action
Inglésstrike out
Español > salir: 27 sentidos > verbo 26, change
SentidoBe issued or published.
Sinónimosaflorar, aparecer, estrenarse
Generalacaecer, acontecer, materializarse, materializar, ocurrir, pasar, realizarse, sucedercome into being
Inglésappear, come out
Catalánaflorar, aparèixer, estrenar-se, sortir

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