Sentido | Eliminate (a substance). | |
Sinónimo | expeler | |
Específico | abortar | terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion |
arrojar, expeler, expulsar, eyectar, lanzar, vomitar | Eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical | |
desangrarse, sangrar | Lose blood from one's body | |
eliminar, excretar | Eliminate from the body | |
enconarse, infectar, supurar, ulcerarse | ripen and generate pus | |
exhalar, vomitar | Expel (gases or odors) | |
expectorar | Discharge (phlegm or sputum) from the lungs and out of the mouth | |
eyacular | Eject semen | |
ovular | produce and discharge eggs | |
Inglés | exhaust, discharge, expel, eject, release | |
Catalán | expel·lir, expulsar | |
Nombres | descarga, liberación | A process that liberates or discharges something |
eliminación, expulsión | Any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body | |
expulsión, eyección, proyección | The act of expelling or projecting or ejecting |
Sentido | Expel from a community or group. | |
Sinónimos | desterrar, exiliar, expeler, marginar | |
General | expeler, expulsar | Force to leave or move out |
Inglés | banish, ban, ostracize, ostracise, shun, cast out, blackball | |
Catalán | bandejar, desterrar, exiliar, marginar | |
Nombres | destierro, ostracismo | The state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent) |
ostracismo | The act of excluding someone from society by general consent |
Sentido | Remove from a position or office. | |
Sinónimos | echar, expeler | |
Específico | deponer, destituir | Force to leave (an office) |
excomulgar | oust or exclude from a group or membership by decree | |
General | alejar, apartar, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimir | Remove from a position or an office |
También | dar patadas | Kick |
patear | strike with the foot | |
Inglés | oust, throw out, drum out, boot out, kick out, expel | |
Catalán | expulsar | |
Nombres | derrocamiento, desalojamiento, desposeimiento | The act of ejecting someone or forcing them out |
exclusión, expulsión | The act of forcing out someone or something |
Sentido | Expel from a country. | |
Sinónimos | deportar, desterrar, exilar, exiliar | |
General | expeler, expulsar | Force to leave or move out |
Contrario | repatriar | Admit back into the country |
Inglés | expatriate, deport, exile | |
Catalán | deportar, desterrar, exilar, exiliar | |
Nombres | deportación, exiliado, exilio, expatriación | The act of expelling a person from their native land |
deportado | A person who is expelled from home or country by authority |
Sentido | form or shape by forcing through an opening. | |
Sinónimo | sacar | |
General | confeccionar, crear, formar, hacer, producir | create or manufacture a man-made product |
También | estrujar, exprimir | Press firmly |
Inglés | extrude, squeeze out | |
Catalán | expulsar, treure | |
Adjetivo | extrusivo | Of rock material |
Nombres | expulsión, extrusión | squeezing out by applying pressure |
Sentido | Force to leave or move out. | |
Sinónimo | expeler | |
Específico | deportar, desterrar, exilar, exiliar, expulsar | Expel from a country |
deportar, exiliar, extradir, extraditar | hand over to the authorities of another country | |
desterrar, exiliar, expeler, expulsar, marginar | Expel from a community or group | |
desterrar, exiliar, expulsar | ban from a place of residence, as for punishment | |
desterrar, exiliar | Expel, as if by official decree | |
echar, expeler | put out or expel from a place | |
suspender | bar temporarily | |
General | desplazar, mover, trasladar | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
Inglés | expel, throw out, kick out | |
Catalán | expulsar | |
Nombres | exclusión, expulsión | The act of forcing out someone or something |
Sentido | ban from a place of residence, as for punishment. | |
Sinónimos | desterrar, exiliar | |
General | expeler, expulsar | Force to leave or move out |
Inglés | banish, ban | |
Catalán | bandejar, desterrar, exiliar |
Sentido | Eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical. | |
Sinónimos | arrojar, expeler, eyectar, lanzar, vomitar | |
General | expeler, expulsar | Eliminate (a substance) |
Inglés | spew, spew out, eruct | |
Nombres | erupción | (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed) |
Sentido | Leave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule. | |
Sinónimos | arrojar, expeler | |
General | dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salir | Move out of or depart from |
Inglés | eject | |
Catalán | expel·lir, expulsar, llançar, tirar | |
Nombres | expulsión, eyección, proyección | The act of expelling or projecting or ejecting |
Sentido | Expel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process. | |
Sinónimo | desahuciar | |
General | echar, expeler | put out or expel from a place |
Inglés | evict, force out | |
Catalán | expulsar | |
Nombres | desahucio, desalojo | The expulsion of someone (such as a tenant / tenant) from the possession of land by process of law |
Sentido | Press from a plastic. | |
Sinónimos | imprimir, prensar | |
General | moldear | form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold |
Inglés | press, press out | |
Nombres | prensa | Any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids / liquids or compress solids |
Sentido | Cause to flee. | |
General | derrotar, recuperarse, superar, vencer | win a victory over |
Inglés | rout, rout out, expel | |
Catalán | expulsar |
Sentido | Retire. | |
Sinónimo | expulsado | |
Categoría | baseball, beisbol, béisbol | A ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players |
General | jugar, tocar | participate in games / games or sport |
Inglés | put out |
Sentido | Get rid of. | |
Sinónimo | tirar | |
General | arrojar, botar, descartar, desechar, deshacerse, echar, expulsar, naufragar, olvidar, tirar | throw or cast away |
Inglés | waste | |
Nombres | basura, chatarra, desecho, residuo | Any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted |
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