HyperDic: retirarse

Español > 15 sentidos de la palabra retirarse:
VERBOmotionretirarse, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, salirmove out of or depart from
motionretirarse, alejarse, jubilar, retirar, retroceder, suprimirpull back or move away or backward
socialretirarse, aplazar, retirar, suspender una sesión, suspenderbreak from a meeting or gathering
bodyretirarse, acostarse, echarse, encamarse, estirarse, ir a dormir, irse al catre, tenderse, tumbarseprepare for sleep
changeretirarse, recluirsekeep away from others
communicationretirarse, recular, retirar, suprimirmake a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity
socialretirarse, jubilar, retirar, suprimirwithdraw from active participation
socialretirarse, abandonar, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, partirremove oneself from an association with or participation in
motionretirarsemove away, as for privacy
competitionretirarse, abandonar, perder, replegarse, retrocederretreat
emotionretirarselose interest
competitionretirarse, abandonar, arrojar la toalla, dejar, desistir, rendirse, tirar la toallagive up in the face of defeat of lacking hope
socialretirarse, retirarmake (someone) retire
motionretirarse, esfumarse, irse, largarse, marcharseleave immediately
socialretirarse, retirarse dignamenteretire gracefully
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
SentidoMove out of or depart from.
Sinónimosdejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, salir
Específicoacudir, ir, partirMove away from a place into another direction
arrojar, expeler, expulsarLeave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule
bajarse, saltar fueraget out of quickly
despegar, marcharseLeave a vehicle, aircraft, etc.
salirExit a computer
salir en filamarch out, in a file
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Contrarioentrar, ingresar, moverse adentroTo come or go into
Similardejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salirgo away from a place
Inglésexit, go out, get out, leave
Catalánabandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, partir, retirar-se, sortir
Nombresadiós, despedidaThe act of departing politely
desahogo, salidaAn opening that permits escape or release
partida, salidaThe act of going out
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 2, motion
Sentidopull back or move away or backward.
Sinónimosalejarse, jubilar, retirar, retroceder, suprimir
Específicoalejarse, apartarsemove back and away from
retrocederMove back / back
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Tambiénacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Contrarioadentrarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, internarseMove forward, also in the metaphorical sense
Similarrecular, retirarse, retirar, suprimirmake a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity
Ingléswithdraw, retreat, pull away, draw back, recede, pull back, retire, move back
Catalánallunyar-se, apartar-se, jubilar, retirar-se, retirar, retrocedir, suprimir
NombresrecesiónThe act of becoming more distant
retiradaThe act of withdrawing
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 3, social
Sentidobreak from a meeting or gathering.
Sinónimosaplazar, retirar, suspender una sesión, suspender
Implicaamontonarse, armar, citar, coincidir, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, reunirse, reunirCollect in one place
Específicoprorrogaradjourn by royal prerogative
Generalcerrar, clausurarCease to operate or cause to cease operating
Similarrecluirse, retirarseKeep away from others
Inglésadjourn, withdraw, retire
NombresaplazamientoThe act of postponing to another time or place
retiradaThe act of withdrawing
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 4, body
SentidoPrepare for sleep.
Sinónimosacostarse, echarse, encamarse, estirarse, ir a dormir, irse al catre, tenderse, tumbarse
Específicoacostarse, encamarsego to bed
Contrarioaparecer, despertarse, levantarseget ... / get up and out of bed
Inglésgo to bed, turn in, bed, crawl in, kip down, hit the hay, hit the sack, sack out, go to sleep, retire
Catalánallitar-se, clapar, estirar-se, gitar-se
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 5, change
SentidoKeep away from others.
Generalaislarplace or set apart
Similaraplazar, retirarse, retirar, suspender una sesión, suspenderbreak from a meeting or gathering
Inglésseclude, sequester, sequestrate, withdraw
Catalánaïllar, apartar, isolar-se, recloure, retirar
Nombresapartamiento, reclusión, retiroThe act of secluding yourself from others
retiradaThe act of withdrawing
segregaciónThe act of segregating or sequestering
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidomake a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity.
Sinónimosrecular, retirar, suprimir
Similaralejarse, jubilar, retirarse, retirar, retroceder, suprimirpull back or move away or backward
Inglésretreat, pull back, back out, back away, crawfish, crawfish out, pull in one's horns, withdraw
Catalánrecular, retirar-se, retirar, suprimir
NombresretiradaThe act of withdrawing
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 7, social
SentidoWithdraw from active participation.
Sinónimosjubilar, retirar, suprimir
Generalacabar, cesar, dejar, descatalogar, descontinuar, discontinuar, parar, terminarput an end to a state or an activity
SimilarretirarseLose interest
retirarse dignamente, retirarseRetire gracefully
Inglésretire, withdraw
Catalánjubilar, retirar, suprimir
Nombresjubilado, retiradosomeone who has retired from active working
retirada, retiroWithdrawal from your position or occupation
retiro, secesiónformal separation from an alliance or federation / federation
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 8, social
SentidoRemove oneself from an association with or participation in.
Sinónimosabandonar, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, partir
Específicodejar, dimitir, renunciar, resignarGive up or retire from a position
dejar colgadoLeave school or an educational program prematurely
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Similardejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salirgo away from a place
Inglésleave, depart, pull up stakes
Catalánabandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, marxar, retirar-se
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 9, motion
SentidoMove away, as for privacy.
Específicoacurrucarseretreat as if into a cocoon, as from an unfriendly environment
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Nombresrefugio, retiroA place of privacy
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 10, competition
Sinónimosabandonar, perder, replegarse, retroceder
Generalrecalcitrar, retroceder, retrogradar, sufrir una regresiónget worse or fall back to a previous condition
TambiéncaerPass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
Contrarioadelantarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, ganar, internarseObtain advantages, such as points, etc.
Inglésfall back, drop off, fall behind, recede
Nombresrecesión, retirada, retrocesoThe act of ceding / ceding back
recesiónThe act of becoming more distant
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 11, emotion
SentidoLose interest.
Específicoacobardarse, amedrentarse, rajarseRemove oneself from an obligation
Generalaburrirse, cansarse, cansar, fatigarse, fatigar, hastiarseLose interest or become bored with something or somebody
Similarjubilar, retirarse, retirar, suprimirWithdraw from active participation
Inglésretire, withdraw
Nombresdistanciamiento, separaciónavoiding emotional involvement
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 12, competition
SentidoGive up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat.
Sinónimosabandonar, arrojar la toalla, dejar, desistir, rendirse, tirar la toalla
Contrarioentrar, intervenir, participarBecome a participant
Inglésdrop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge
Catalánabandonar, deixar, desistir, llençar la tovallola, rendir-se, retirar-se
NombresrajadoA person who gives up too easily
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 13, social
Sentidomake (someone) retire.
Causa dejubilarse, jubilargo into retirement
Específicodar la invalidez, jubilarRetire and pension (someone) because of age or physical inability
Generaldar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, echar, exonerar, finiquitar, poderTerminate the employment of
Catalánretirar-se, retirar
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 14, motion
SentidoLeave immediately; used usually in the imperative form.
Sinónimosesfumarse, irse, largarse, marcharse
Generaldejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salirgo away from a place
Inglésscram, buzz off, fuck off, get, bugger off
Español > retirarse: 15 sentidos > verbo 15, social
SentidoRetire gracefully.
Sinónimoretirarse dignamente
Generaljubilarse, jubilargo into retirement
Similarjubilar, retirarse, retirar, suprimirWithdraw from active participation
Inglésbow out, withdraw
NombresretiradaThe act of withdrawing

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