HyperDic: retiro

Español > 10 sentidos de la palabra retiro:
NOMBRElocationretiro, refugioa place of privacy
possessionretiro, jubilación, juro, pensióna regular payment to a person that is intended to allow them to subsist without working
attributeretiro, apartamiento, intimidad, privacidad, seclusiónthe quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others
stateretiro, jubilación, retiradathe state of being retired from one's business or occupation
actretiro, secesiónformal separation from an alliance or federation / federation
communicationretiro, llamada de seguimiento, llamado de retiroa request by the manufacturer / manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair)
actretiro, retiradawithdrawal from your position or occupation
actretiro, retraimientowithdrawal for prayer and study and meditation / meditation
actretiro, apartamiento, reclusiónthe act of secluding yourself from others
bodyretiro, carrera, partido, partidura, rayaa line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 1, location
SentidoA place of privacy; a place affording peace and quiet.
CasosCamp DavidA retreat to the northwest of Washington that is used by the president of the United States
EspecíficonidoA cosy or secluded / secluded retreat
rincónA sheltered and secluded / secluded place
Generalárea, regiónA particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)
VerbosretirarseMove away, as for privacy
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 2, possession
SentidoA regular payment to a person that is intended to allow them to subsist without working.
Sinónimosjubilación, juro, pensión
Específicopensión de jubilaciónA monthly payment made to someone who is retired from work
Catalánjubilació, pensió, retir, subsidi
Verbosjubilar, pensionargrant a pension to
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 3, attribute
SentidoThe quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others.
Sinónimosapartamiento, intimidad, privacidad, seclusión
Generalaislamiento, reclusividadA disposition to prefer seclusion or isolation
Inglésprivacy, privateness, seclusion
Catalánintimitat, privacitat, recés, retir
AdjetivoprivadoConfined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 4, state
SentidoThe state of being retired from one's business or occupation.
Sinónimosjubilación, retirada
Generaldistinción, estado, estatus, lugar, posición, prestigio, rango, statusThe relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
Catalánjubilació, retir
Verbosjubilarse, jubilargo into retirement
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 5, act
Sentidoformal separation from an alliance or federation / federation.
Específicodesacuerdo, escisión, rupturaThe act of breaking away or withdrawing from
Generaldesconexión, división, separaciónThe act of dividing or disconnecting
Ingléssecession, withdrawal
VerbosindependizarseWithdraw from an organization or communion
jubilar, retirarse, retirar, suprimirWithdraw from active participation
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 6, communication
SentidoA request by the manufacturer / manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair).
Sinónimosllamada de seguimiento, llamado de retiro
Generalinstancia, pedido, petición, solicitudThe verbal / verbal / verbal act of requesting / requesting / requesting
Inglésrecall, callback
Verbosretirar, suprimirCause to be returned
retirarmake unavailable
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 7, act
SentidoWithdrawal from your position or occupation.
Generalconclusión, finalización, terminaciónThe act of ending something
Verbosjubilar, retirarse, retirar, suprimirWithdraw from active participation
jubilarse, jubilargo into retirement
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 8, act
SentidoWithdrawal for prayer and study and meditation / meditation.
GeneralretiradaThe act of withdrawing
Inglésretirement, retreat
Catalánretir, retraïment
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 9, act
SentidoThe act of secluding yourself from others.
Sinónimosapartamiento, reclusión
GeneralseparaciónThe social act of separating or parting company
Catalánapartament, reclusió, retir
Verbosrecluirse, retirarseKeep away from others
Español > retiro: 10 sentidos > nombre 10, body
SentidoA line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions.
Sinónimoscarrera, partido, partidura, raya
Part decabello, peloA covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head)
Generallínea, trazoA spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
Ingléspart, parting
Catalánclenxa, part

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