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Español 12 sentidos de la palabra distinción:
NOMBREstatedistinción, estado, estatus, lugar, posición, prestigio, rango, statusthe relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
communicationdistinción, condecoración, espaldarazo, galardón, honores, honor, laureles, laurel, premioa tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
cognitiondistinción, diferenciacióna discrimination between things as different and distinct / distinct
statedistinción, eminencia, preeminenciahigh status importance owing to marked superiority
attributedistinción, distintividad, especialidad, peculiaridada distinguishing trait
statedistinciónthe state of being several and distinct
communicationdistinción, cachet, prestigio, sello de aprobación, sello distintivo, selloan indication of approved or superior / superior status
attributedistinción, disparidadutter dissimilarity
actdistinción, cultura, refinamientosocialization through training and education to develop one's mind or manners
cognitiondistinción, contraposición, contraste, diferenciaa distinction drawn on the basis of contrast
attributedistinción, diferenciaa distinguishing difference
communicationdistinciónan honor awarded to someone in recognition of achievement or superiority
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 1, state
SentidoThe relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society.
Sinónimosestado, estatus, lugar, posición, prestigio, rango, status
CualidadesdominanteExercising influence or control
subordinadoLower in rank or importance
Específicoantigüedad, categoría, estatus, jerarquía, nivel, rango, standingrelative status
bastardía, ilegitimidadThe status of being born to parents who were not married
castasocial status or position conferred by a system based on class
categoría, posición social, rangoPosition in a social hierarchy
clase altaA position of superior / superior status
clase bajaA position of inferior status
condición jurídica, condición legal, estado legal, estatuto jurídicoA status defined by law
dignidadHigh office or rank or station
equivalencia, igualdad, parA state of being essentially equal or equivalent
jubilación, retirada, retiroThe state of being retired from one's business or occupation
liderato, liderazgoThe status of a leader
nacionalidadThe status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalization
noblezaThe state of being of noble birth
pedestalA position of great esteem (and supposed superiority)
posición, posición socialsocial or financial or professional status or reputation
GeneralestadoThe way something is with respect to its main attributes
Inglésstatus, position
Catalánestatus, posició, rang, status
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 2, communication
SentidoA tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction.
Sinónimoscondecoración, espaldarazo, galardón, honores, honor, laureles, laurel, premio
EspecíficoAcademy Award, Óscar, Premios OscarAn annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievements in motion picture production and performance
EmmyAn annual award by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for outstanding / outstanding achievements in television
Premio Goncourt, Prix GoncourtAn award given annually for contributions to French literature
Premio NobelAn annual award for outstanding / outstanding contributions to chemistry or physics or physiology and medicine or literature or economics or peace
Prix de RomeAn annual prize awarded by the French government in a competition of painters and artists and sculptors and musicians / musicians and architects
banderín, corona, gallardete, insigniaThe award given to the champion
cachet, distinción, prestigio, sello de aprobación, sello distintivo, selloAn indication of approved or superior / superior status
condecoración, medalla, medallónAn award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
diploma, grado académico, grado, títuloAn award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study
distinciónAn honor awarded to someone in recognition of achievement or superiority
mención honorífica, menciónAn official recognition of merit
premio, trofeoSomething given as a token of victory
reconocimiento interescolar, reconocimientoAn award earned by participation in a school sport
trofeoAn award for success in war or hunting
Generalsimbolo, símboloAn arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance
Inglésaward, accolade, honor, honour, laurels
Catalánguardó, honor, llorer
AdjetivohonorarioGiven as an honor without the normal duties
Verbosadjudicar, conceder, conferir, galardonar, otorgar, premiarGive, especially as an honor or reward
honrar, laurear, premiar, recompensarbestow honor or rewards upon
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 3, cognition
SentidoA discrimination between things as different and distinct / distinct.
Específicocontraposición, contraste, diferencia, distinciónA distinction drawn on the basis of contrast
contraste, demarcación, línea divisoria, líneaA conceptual separation or distinction
GeneraldiscriminaciónThe cognitive process whereby two or more stimuli are distinguished
Inglésdifferentiation, distinction
Catalándiferenciació, distinció
Verbosdeslindar, diferenciar, discernir, distinguirmark as different
destacar, diferenciar, distinguir, marcarBe a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait
diferenciarse, diferenciar, distinguirseBecome distinct and acquire a different character
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 4, state
Sentidohigh status importance owing to marked superiority.
Sinónimoseminencia, preeminencia
Generalclase altaA position of superior / superior status
Ingléseminence, distinction, preeminence, note
Catalándistinció, eminència, preeminència
Adjetivoalto, elevado, eminente, sumo, supremostanding above others in quality or position
destacado, preeminente, principalGreatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 5, attribute
SentidoA distinguishing trait.
Sinónimosdistintividad, especialidad, peculiaridad
Específicocostumbre personal, idiosincrasia, manía, peculiaridadA behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
Generalindividualidad, individualismo, personalidadThe quality of being individual
Ingléspeculiarity, specialness, specialty, speciality, distinctiveness
Catalándistinció, peculiaritat
Adjetivoclasificable, distintivoCapable of being classified
distintivo, típicoOf a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing
especial, particular, peculiar, propioUnique or specific to a person or thing or category / category
especial, limitadoHaving a specific function or scope
especialFor a special service or occasion
especial, excepcional, particularSurpassing what is common or usual or expected
especial, particularFirst and most important
especialAdapted to or reserved for a particular purpose
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 6, state
SentidoThe state of being several and distinct.
GeneralseparaciónThe state of lacking unity
Inglésdiscreteness, distinctness, separateness, severalty
Adjetivodiferenciada, diferenciado, discreto, distintoconstituting / constituting a separate entity or part
separadoseparated according to race, sex, class, or religion
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 7, communication
SentidoAn indication of approved or superior / superior status.
Sinónimoscachet, prestigio, sello de aprobación, sello distintivo, sello
Generalcondecoración, distinción, espaldarazo, galardón, honores, honor, laureles, laurel, premioA tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
Ingléscachet, seal, seal of approval
Catalánprestigi, segell
Verbossellardecide irrevocably
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 8, attribute
SentidoUtter dissimilarity.
Generaldesemejanza, disimilitudThe quality of being dissimilar / dissimilar
Inglésdisparateness, distinctiveness
AdjetivodisparIncluding markedly dissimilar / dissimilar elements
disparfundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 9, act
Sentidosocialization through training and education to develop one's mind or manners.
Sinónimoscultura, refinamiento
Generalaculturación, endoculturaciónThe adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture
Catalándistinció, refinament
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 10, cognition
SentidoA distinction drawn on the basis of contrast.
Sinónimoscontraposición, contraste, diferencia
Generaldiferenciación, distinciónA discrimination between things as different and distinct / distinct
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 11, attribute
SentidoA distinguishing difference.
GeneraldiferenciaThe quality of being unlike or dissimilar
Catalándiferència, distinció
Españoldistinción: 12 sentidos nombre 12, communication
SentidoAn honor awarded to someone in recognition of achievement or superiority.
Generalcondecoración, distinción, espaldarazo, galardón, honores, honor, laureles, laurel, premioA tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction

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