HyperDic: manía

Español > 7 sentidos de la palabra manía:
NOMBREstatemanía, delirio, frenesí, histeria, histerismo, locurastate of violent mental agitation
motivemaníaan irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
statemanía, trastorno maníacoa mood disorder
attributemanía, costumbre personal, idiosincrasia, peculiaridada behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
feelingmanía, agravio, rencora resentment strong enough to justify retaliation
feelingmanía, animosidad, inquina, repulsió, tirriaa feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
attributemaníaa fine crack in a glaze or other surface
Español > manía: 7 sentidos > nombre 1, state
Sentidostate of violent mental agitation.
Sinónimosdelirio, frenesí, histeria, histerismo, locura
EspecíficoninfolepsiaA frenzy of emotion
Generalmanía, trastorno maníacoA mood disorder
Ingléscraze, delirium, frenzy, fury, hysteria
Catalánbogeria, deliri, frenesia, frenesí, histèria, histerisme
Adjetivochiflado, desequilibrado, desquiciado, locoaffected with madness or insanity
delirante, excitado, frenético, incontroladomarked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
deliranteExperiencing delirium
histéricomarked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion
Verbosencolerizar, enfurecer, exasperar, indignar, sulfurarmake furious
enloquecer, volver locoCause to go crazy
Español > manía: 7 sentidos > nombre 2, motive
SentidoAn irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action.
Específicoalcoholismo, dipsomanía, potomaníaAn intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess
cleptomaníaAn irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of any economic motive
logomaniapathologically excessive (and often incoherent) talking
monomaníaA mania restricted to one thing or idea
necrofilia, necromania, necromaníaAn irresistible sexual attraction to dead bodies
piromaníaAn uncontrollable desire to set fire to things
trichotillomania, tricotilomaníaAn irresistible urge to pull out your own hair
Generalmotivación irracionalA motivation that is inconsistent with reason or logic
Inglésmania, passion, cacoethes
Adjetivofrenético, maníacoaffected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason
Español > manía: 7 sentidos > nombre 3, state
SentidoA mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently.
Sinónimotrastorno maníaco
Específicodelirio, frenesí, histeria, histerismo, locura, maníastate of violent mental agitation
Generaldesequilibrio emocionalAny mental disorder not caused by detectable organic abnormalities of the brain and in which a major disturbance of emotions is predominant
Inglésmania, manic disorder
Adjetivofrenético, maníacoaffected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason
Español > manía: 7 sentidos > nombre 4, attribute
SentidoA behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual.
Sinónimoscostumbre personal, idiosincrasia, peculiaridad
Generaldistinción, distintividad, especialidad, peculiaridadA distinguishing trait
Inglésidiosyncrasy, foible, mannerism
Cataláncostum personal, idiosincràsia, mania, peculiaritat
Adjetivoidiosincrásicopeculiar to the individual
Español > manía: 7 sentidos > nombre 5, feeling
SentidoA resentment strong enough to justify retaliation.
Sinónimosagravio, rencor
Generalamargura, encono, rencor, resentimientoA feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
Inglésgrudge, score, grievance
Catalánagravi, esquira, mania, rancúnia
Verbosconcomerse, reconcomersebear a grudge
Español > manía: 7 sentidos > nombre 6, feeling
SentidoA feeling of ill will arousing active hostility.
Sinónimosanimosidad, inquina, repulsió, tirria
Generalanimadversión, antipatía, aversión, enemistad, hostilidadThe feeling of a hostile person
Inglésanimosity, animus, bad blood
Catalánanimositat, mania, repulsió, tírria
Español > manía: 7 sentidos > nombre 7, attribute
SentidoA fine crack in a glaze or other surface.
VerbosresquebrajarseDevelop a fine network of cracks

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