HyperDic: desire

English > 6 senses of the word desire:
NOUNfeelingdesirethe feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state
attributedesirean inclination to want things
statedesiresomething that is desired
VERBemotiondesire, wantfeel or have a desire for
emotiondesire, hope, trustexpect and wish
emotiondesireexpress a desire for
desire > pronunciation
Rhymesacquire ... wire: 63 rhymes with ayer...
English > desire: 6 senses > noun 1, feeling
MeaningThe feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state.
Narrowerambition, aspiration, dreamA cherished desire
bloodlustA desire for bloodshed
caprice, impulse, whimA sudden desire
cravingAn intense desire for some particular thing
longing, yearning, hungrinessprolonged unfulfilled desire or need
sexual desire, eros, concupiscence, physical attractionA desire for sexual intimacy
temptationThe desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid
urge, itchA strong restless desire
wish, wishing, wantA specific feeling of desire
BroaderfeelingThe experiencing of affective and emotional states
Spanishdeseo, gana
Verbsdesirefeel or have a desire for
English > desire: 6 senses > noun 2, attribute
MeaningAn inclination to want things.
Example"a man of many desires"
Narrowergreedexcessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves
hunger, hungriness, thirst, thirstinessStrong desire for something (not food or drink)
Broadertendency, inclinationA characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character / character or effect
Verbsdesirefeel or have a desire for
desireexpress a desire for
desireexpect and wish
English > desire: 6 senses > noun 3, state
MeaningSomething that is desired.
Narrowermaterialism, philistinismA desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters
rage, passionSomething that is desired intensely
BroaderarousalA state of heightened physiological activity
Adjectivesdesiroushaving or expressing desire for something
Verbsdesirefeel or have a desire for
desireexpress a desire for
desireexpect and wish
English > desire: 6 senses > verb 1, emotion
MeaningFeel or have a desire for; want strongly.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE; Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
ModelThey desire to move
NarrowerambitionHave as one's ambition
crave, hunger, thirst, starve, lustHave a craving, appetite, or great desire for
envy, begrudgeBe envious of
fancy, go for, take toHave a fancy or particular liking or desire for
feel likeHave an inclination for something or some activity
hanker, long, yearndesire strongly or persistently
hopeBe optimistic
itch, spoilHave a strong desire or urge to do something
likeWant to have
lust after, lech afterHave a strong sexual desire for
missFeel or suffer from the lack of
seektry to get or reach / reach
wishhope for
wish, wish wellFeel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of
wish, care, likeprefer or wish to do something
Spanishdesear, querer
Catalandesitjar, voler
Nounsdesirean inclination to want things
desirethe feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state
desiresomething that is desired
English > desire: 6 senses > verb 2, emotion
MeaningExpect and wish.
PatternSomebody ----s that CLAUSE
ModelThey desire to move
Synonymshope, trust
Broaderwishhope for
Spanishaspirar, confiar, esperar
Catalanaspirar, esperar
Nounsdesirean inclination to want things
desiresomething that is desired
English > desire: 6 senses > verb 3, emotion
MeaningExpress a desire for.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderrequest, ask for, bespeak, call for, questExpress the need or desire for
Catalandesitjar, tenir ganes de
Nounsdesirean inclination to want things
desiresomething that is desired

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